
  1. 资产评估机构内部质量控制制度研究

    Study on Inside Quality Control System of Asset Appraisal Agency

  2. 保持审计的独立性;完善会计师事务所质量控制制度;

    To perfect a quality-controlling system for CPA offices ;

  3. 建立严明的内部管理制度:质量控制制度和财务管理制度。

    Third , establishing a strict internal management system and the financial management .

  4. 为今后同类工程提供一套完善、操作性强的质量控制制度文件。

    So it can provide a set of quality control document , which is complete and have good operability , to similar project in future .

  5. 针对这些问题,本文着重从注册会计师与事务所质量控制制度、被审计单位以及审计报告使用者的博弈关系来考察。

    This paper focuses on the quality controlling system of certified accountants and firms , and on the game playing between the audit objects and relevant subjects which use audit reports .

  6. “三证换一证”制度是一种高职学生毕业质量控制制度,是“双证书”制度的延伸。

    The system of three certificates for one diploma is for the control of graduation quality of the students in higher vocational colleges , and is the extension of the double certificate system .

  7. 再次,对事务所内部治理的主要内容进行剖析,事务所内部治理主要包括有人力资源管理制度、事务所内部质量控制制度以及财务收入分配制度这几个方面。

    Third , the main content of the interior governance of CPA firms is analyzed , which contains human resource management system , interior quality controlling system , and the financial income distribution system .

  8. 按照法律援助办案流程,以法律援助办案过程为中心,可以将法律援助办案质量控制制度分为事前控制、事中控制和事后控制,本文从这三个方面构建了法律援助办案质量控制制度。

    According to the process of legal aid cases , legal aid case quality control system can be divided into three parts . They are pre-control , control in process and control after the event .

  9. 进一步完善审计结果公告制度、合理选择审计公告项目、建立审计公告质量控制制度和审计公告结果信息反馈制度等是防范和控制国家审计公告风险的新举措。

    Perfecting the system of audit findings announcement and scientifically selecting the announcement items is a must . Further it is essential to perfect the system of quality control and establish the mechanics of information feedback in order to properly avoid risks of such announcement .

  10. 充分性和适当性是对审计证据说服性特征的度量。自觉遵守职业道德规范、严格遵循审计准则的规定和切实贯彻质量控制制度是注册会计师获取说服性审计证据的三大措施。

    Finally , this article concludes that sufficiency and competence are the criteria to evaluate persuasiveness of audit evidence , and complying with code of professional ethics , audit standards and system of quality control are the main three measures of obtaining persuasive audit evidence .

  11. 对实验教学及准备环节的各个方面试行了质量控制体系制度化、标准化、系统化的目标管理。

    On various aspects of experimental teaching and preparation we tried target management of quality controlling systematizing and standardizing .

  12. 如质量控制管理制度中已包含该项内容,可以不另外提供。

    If it has been covered in the qualify control system , it is not required to provide it .

  13. 方法总结归纳采购工作流程中各环节的安全质量控制规章制度及方法。

    METHODS To sum up regulations , rules and ways on the safety and quality control at all links in the process of purchasing .

  14. 拥有国际先进的生产、检测设备及生产技术、质量控制和管理制度;

    We set up international advanced production and testing equipment and production technology , quality control and management system .

  15. 质量控制常规化、制度化,确保医疗质量安全和设备使用效能最大化

    Routinized and Institutionalized Quality control to Ensure Medical Quality and Maximum Efficiency

  16. 为保证以上方案和计划的实施落实而制定相关安全、质量控制体系和各项制度实施。

    To guarantee the implementation of the above plan and plan to implement and formulate relevant safety , quality control system and the system implementation .

  17. 公司建立有一套科学、严谨、完整的质量控制和内部管理制度,努力强化公司品牌效应。

    The company has established a set of scientific , rigorous , complete quality control and internal management system , making efforts to strengthen the company brand effect .