
tǒnɡ jì zhì liànɡ kònɡ zhì
  • statistical quality control
  1. 讨论将统计质量控制技术应用于CIMS环境时所存在的问题;

    This paper has discussed the would be problems existed when Statistical Quality Control technology is applied to CIMS environment ;

  2. 首先介绍了现代企业管理中质量管理的一种重要手段&统计质量控制(SQC)。

    Statistical Quality Control ( SQC ), one of the important methods in quality management in modern management of enterprises , is introduced .

  3. 在介绍了网络统计质量控制(WebSQC)软件的背景与功能后,给出了系统实现的具体结构框架以及利用java对象序列化方法在客户、服务器之间传递数据文件的实现技术。

    After a brief description of the Web base SQC , more details on the software architecture and Java object serial methods used in data transmission are presented .

  4. 按照国家烟草总局的要求,目前,河南中烟集团的质量管理战略是积极推进生产过程的统计质量控制(SPC)。

    In accordance with the requirements of the State Tobacco Administration , currently , The Group of smoke henan quality management strategy is actively promoting the quality of statistics production control ( SPC ) .

  5. JMP在一个软件包里提供了一套统计学工具以及试验设计和统计质量控制工具。

    JMP provides a set of statistical tools as well as Design of Experiments and Statistical QualityControl in one package .

  6. 统计质量控制(SQC)技术需要进行大量的数据采集、统计分析并根据分析结果对过程进行控制。

    For the application of Statistical Process Control , it is needed to sample tremendous data , to analyze the data and to monitor the process by analyzing results .

  7. 本文提出利用统计质量控制理论中的控制图技术来实现对风险价值VaR的模型风险的预警、监控,设计了RL2控制图,计算了其控制限并论证了其控制效果。

    This thesis put forward the idea of using control chart method , which belongs to the Statistical Quality Control theory to monitor the model risk of VaR model , designs a RL2 control chart , calculates its control limits and discusses its control effect .

  8. GB/T3358.2-1993统计学术语第二部分统计质量控制术语

    Terms for statistics & Part 2 : Terms for statistical quality contro

  9. 基于随机参数的贝叶斯统计质量控制模型

    Bayesian Statistical Quality Control Models Based on the Random Parameters

  10. 基于时间序列模型的统计质量控制研究

    Study on statistical quality control based on time series models

  11. 统计质量控制方法在化工生产中的应用

    Application of Statistical Quality Control Method in Chemical Manufacture

  12. 临床检验定量测定统计质量控制原理和定义

    Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements in Clinical Laboratory : Principles and Definitions

  13. 数理统计质量控制之父&沃尔特·休哈特

    W.A Shewhart , Father of Mathematical Statistic Quality Control

  14. 面向成组统计质量控制的工序族理论研究

    The Process Family Method for Group Statistical Quality Control

  15. 统计质量控制图系统及其应用

    Statistical quality control chart system and its application

  16. 面向柔性制造系统的统计质量控制

    Statistical Quality Control Oriented to Flexible Manufacturing System

  17. 统计质量控制在软件开发过程中的应用

    Statistical Quality Control used in Software Development Process

  18. 面向柔性自动化的成组统计质量控制技术

    Flexible Automation Oriented Group Statistical Quality Control

  19. 流态生产的统计质量控制&流程性材料控制图的应用

    Statistical quality control of liquid state materials product & Appliantion of processed material control chart

  20. 面向多品种、小批量加工过程的统计质量控制应用策略与方法的探讨

    Study on the Strategy for Use of SQC in Multi Specification & Small Batch Production

  21. 统计质量控制在汽车总装中的应用

    Application of SQC in Automobile Assembling

  22. 但是由于我国质量管理跨越统计质量控制阶段,基础比较薄弱,直接借鉴国外质量模型又不具备其实施的基础。

    But our foundation is poor because our country spanned the period of statistical quality control .

  23. 多品种、小批量生产以及大规模定制模式不能直接应用传统的统计质量控制方法。

    The traditional SPC can 't be used directly in multi-specification andsmall-batch production or mass customization production .

  24. 结果表明,此方法对灰铸铁成分统计质量控制具有实际意义。

    The result showed that this method has an important effect for statistical quality control of chemical composition of cast iron .

  25. 提出了一种多变量统计质量控制方法来减小由于过程扰动引起的产品质量变化。

    A multivariable statistical quality control method was presented to decrease the variance in product quality by the influence of process disturbance .

  26. 质量管理也在先后经历了质量检验、统计质量控制和全面质量管理三个阶段的基础上,发展到今天的标准质量管理阶段。

    Successively developed from Quality Inspection , Statistic Quality Control and Total Quality Management , quality management has run to the Standard Quality Management .

  27. 研究了面向成组统计质量控制的工序族基础理论,提出了绝对工序能力的概念,并给出了绝对工序能力的估计方法。

    The process family method for group statistical quality control was studied in this paper . The absolute process ability was proposed and the estimating principle was studied .

  28. 现代质量控制主要采取2种方式:质量全程控制和统计质量控制,并给出统计质量控制的3种基本方法。

    There are two main kinds of styles of modern quality controlling : overall quality controlling and statistic quality controlling , three basic methods of statistic quality controlling are given .

  29. 在统计质量控制研究和应用中,有许多误差,尤其是形状质量服从差数模分布。

    In the research of statistical quality control and its application , there are many kinds of error , which abided by the difference moudlc distribution , particularly in the eases of shape quality .

  30. 基于成组统计质量控制的目的,以工序质量变异模式相似性和统计特性相似性为基础,提出了工序分族的原则和方法,并给出了工序分族的评价方法。

    Based on the comparability of quality variance mode and statistical identity , the principle , method and evaluating method for grouping process was studied , in order to ensure the group statistical quality control in efficient .