
  • 网络Internal quality audit
  1. 负责内部质量审核活动的组织和协调工作。

    Responsible for the organization and coordination of internal quality audit work .

  2. 进行内部质量审核按审核计划;

    Conduct internal quality audit according to audit plan ;

  3. ISO9000系列讲座(十)内部质量审核准备(一)

    In Preparation For Internal Quality Audit ( 1 )

  4. 煤炭企业如何进行内部质量审核

    How to Carry Out Inside Examines and Verifies Coal Enterprise

  5. 对强制性产品认证中的内部质量审核的理解

    Understanding of Internal Quality Audit in Mandatory Product Certification

  6. 内部质量审核的归零管理

    Closed - Loop Control Procedure for Internal Quality Audit

  7. 内部质量审核的方法与技巧

    The Methods and Techniques of Internal Quality Examination

  8. 浅谈企业内部质量审核

    Discussion on the Internal Quality Audit of Enterprise

  9. 浅谈企业内部质量审核的有效性

    On the Efficiency of Internal Quality Examination

  10. 人力资源部负责保管内部质量审核的记录。

    Human resources department is responsible for keeping the records of the internal quality audit .

  11. 计划须提交内部质量审核,取得所需的修订和修改。

    Plans are subjected to internal quality checks , which capture required revisions and modifications .

  12. 在执行《电子元器件质量保证大纲》中的内部质量审核的实施

    The implementation of the internal quality audit in executing the quality assurance program for electronic parts

  13. 承包商内部质量审核应包括并特别指出承包商环境管理和工作环境管理。

    The contractor 's internal quality audit shall include and specifically address the contractor 's environmental management and working environment management .

  14. 承包商应将内部质量审核通知监理方并指出审核时间、地点和主题。

    The Contractor shall notify the engineer about internal quality audits with an indication of date , place and subjects for the audit .

  15. 本公司执行全面而系统化的内部质量审核,确定质量体系的有效性并验证品质活动是否符合计划安排。

    MDCL carries out comprehensive and systematic internal quality audits to determine the effectiveness of the quality system and to verify whether quality activities comply with the planned arrangements .

  16. 引入CMM的软件企业内部质量体系审核

    Introducing CMM into ISO9000 's Internal Quality Audits

  17. 实施ISO9001中内部质量体系审核的实践与体会

    Practice and experience in implementing ISO 9001 internal quality system auditing

  18. 浅谈勘察设计单位在ISO9000系列标准认证后应如何提高内部质量体系审核的质量之体会。

    The author briefs the experience of enhancing the quality of internal quality system review after the ISO 9000 verification for reconnaissance and design institutes .

  19. 我公司内部质量体系审核的实践与有效性

    Effectiveness and Practice of Interior Quality System Examination in Our Company

  20. 实验室内部质量体系审核工作的探讨

    Study on examing of the internal quality system in laboratory

  21. 阐述了提高内部质量体系审核有效性的措施;

    The Methods to improve interior quality system examination effectiveness were explained .

  22. 浅谈提高内部质量体系审核的质量

    Briefs on Enhance the Quality of Internal Quality System Review

  23. 内部质量体系审核的要点及方法

    Main Point and Method of Examination and Verification of Internal Quality Management System

  24. 浅谈组织如何有效开展内部质量体系审核

    Preliminary Discussion on Organizations How to Implement the Internal Quality System Audits Effectively

  25. 内部质量体系审核与软件过程改进

    Software Process Improvement System Based on Internal Quality Audits

  26. 如何提高内部质量体系审核工作有效性的探讨

    Exploration to Effectiveness of Examination of Internal Quality System

  27. 企业信息化与内部质量体系审核

    Enterprise Informationization and Internal Quality System Audit

  28. 结合我公司认证后内部质量体系审核的实践,对比分析了内部审核与外部审核的效果;

    After the certificate was confirmed , based on the practice of interior quality system examination in our company , the effect of interior examination was analyzed to compare with outer examination .

  29. 简要介绍组织应科学制定内审计划、认真实施内审计划,并从注重审核方法、注重纠正措施的落实、加大整改力度等方面,来提高内部质量体系审核的有效性。

    Some methods for organizations to raise the effectiveness of internal quality system audits were introduced and discussed briefly . It is necessary to carry out internal audit plan scientifically and strictly , emphasize audit method , perfect corrective and speed up reform of internal audit .

  30. 论述了质量体系审核的分类、目的、特点及步骤,简要介绍了内部质量体系审核的概念、目的、范围、特点及其与外部质量审核的区别。

    First introduces the kinds , target , features and steps of quality system audit , then the paper gives a brief description to the concepts , target , scopes , features of internal quality system audit as well as the difference with external quality system audit .