
  1. 此外,此内资公司注册,才能在越南进行药品经营活动。

    Additionally , this local company should be registered to conduct pharmaceutical trading activities in Vietnam .

  2. 内资公司与外资合作能补充内资公司的融资渠道,提高项目管理水平和资金运营能力。

    By collaborating with foreign investors , domestic companies could have more channels of raising capital , improving their management and the capability of capital operation .

  3. 即对于内资公司之间的收购应当强化信息披露的规定,以防止和打击内幕交易行为,并且应从监管的体制机制上加以保证。

    For the transaction among domestic companies , the regulations of information disclosure needs to be intensified in order to prevent and combat insider trading , thus ensuring the supervision in a systematic way .

  4. 为了与外国资本最终形成很好的合作,内资公司必须要改善公司的治理方式,调整为战略导向、连续经营的模式,形成良好的治理结构、安全的财务安排,追求长期价值。

    To achieve sound cooperation with foreign investors , domestic companies must improve the management model by forming a strategy oriented and sustainable firm to build up effective management structure , secure financial arrangement , and long term value seeking .

  5. 对于外资公司对于内资公司的收购,除了要完善信息披露的监管之外,还要加强国家经济安全监管,还应着重完善监管体制机制,提高监管的权威性与科学性。

    For the purchase of foreign capital against domestic companies , except for the intensification of information disclosure , the safeguarding of our national economic security should be strengthened with the focus of perfecting the system and regime of supervision in order to improve the authority and rationality of supervision .

  6. 内资财险公司客户保持策略研究

    Research on Domestic Property-Insurance Company 's Customer-keeping Strategy

  7. 在监管立法方面,分别对内资租赁公司的市场准入办法、监管体制的完善和行业协会作用的发挥这三方面提出了建议;

    Secondly , in regard to financial leasing supervision legislation , I make suggestions about financial leasing market access , systemic perfection of supervision and the functions of the corresponding trade union .

  8. 我国财险行业是飞速发展的朝阳行业,面对竞争日趋激烈的市场环境,内资财险公司应以客户为中心,提高优质客户保持率,这是保险业发展的必由之路。

    The property-insurance in our country is an expeditious developing industry , in facing to the fury competition market , the domestic property-insurance company should pay more attention to the key-customer flocks , and enhance the customer-keeping ratio .

  9. 针对我国租赁公司的现状,以监管对象的角度将其分为三类:金融租赁公司、中外合资租赁公司以及内资试点融资公司,并分别进行了介绍。

    From the perspective of supervised entities , according to the status of leasing companies , leasing companies are divided into three categories : financial leasing company , Chinese-foreign joint ventures leasing company and domestically funded pilot leasing companies .

  10. 近年来,我国上市公司并购市场发展迅速,不管是内资企业对上市公司的并购重组,还是外资并购我国上市公司都呈现出迅猛发展的势头。

    In recent years , the Merger & Acquisition market of listed companies in our country developed rapidly .