
quán zī zǐ ɡōnɡ sī
  • Wholly owned subsidiary;sole subsidiary;subsidiary of sole investment
  1. 法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时参加竞赛;

    Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative , parent company , sole subsidiary and its holding company are not allowed to participate in the Competition at the same time ;

  2. 这是一家大型跨国企业的全资子公司。

    The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large multinational .

  3. 机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。

    The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust .

  4. 恒生投资管理公司是恒生集团(hangsenggroup)的全资子公司,而恒生集团则是汇丰(hsbc)持有多数股权的一家香港金融机构。

    Hsim is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hang Seng group , a Hong Kong financial institution in which HSBC holds a majority stake .

  5. 安踏将其内地全资子公司的单据包括工资账单和原材料发票提交给中国国家外汇管理局(safe)。

    Anta takes bills from its wholly owned Chinese subsidiaries invoices for wages and raw materials , among other things and presents them to the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) .

  6. 华谊兄弟全资子公司点睛动画有限公司聘请了美国梦工厂前总制片人乔·阿奎拉担任CEO。

    Its wholly owned unit , Huayi Brothers Win Animation , has appointed DreamWorks Animation 's former executive Joe Aguilar as its chief executive officer .

  7. ABC烟草公司是处于商业环节的一家地市级烟草公司,是所在省份最大的地市级烟草公司,是省级烟草公司的全资子公司。

    ABC Tobacco Company is a city tobacco company , which at the commercial segment . And it is also the biggest city tobacco company in the province .

  8. 特别是建立政策性银行全资子公司SPV的设想和基于实物期权的信用增级方式的设计。

    It especially visualizes setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary of policy bank and designs credit enhancement based on real options .

  9. 东软信息技术服务有限公司是东软的全资子公司,专注于发展东软BPO服务。

    Neusoft IT service limited company , as a subsidy of Neusoft Group , is mainly focusing on BPO area .

  10. 或者为什么SAUR实际上不是布伊格股份有限公司的全资子公司呢?

    Or , indeed , why was SAUR not a wholly owned subsidiary of Bouygues SA ?

  11. 英特尔公司(Intel)旗下全资子公司迈克菲(McAfee)最近公布的一份报告显示,移动设备上检测到的恶意软件97%都是被设计成攻击安卓系统的。

    According to a recent report from McAfee , an Intel ( INTC ) company , 97 % of malware detected on mobile devices were designed to attack Android .

  12. 特斯拉中国是特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)全资子公司,也是特斯拉在中国的唯一代表,向经销商批发销售零部件和整车,业务范围不包括制造或者直接向消费者销售。

    Tesla China is a fully owned subsidiary of Tesla Motors and Tesla 's sole representative in China , registered to sell parts and cars wholesale to dealers but not to manufacture or sell them to customers directly .

  13. 按照协议,AMC将成为总部位于北京的万达集团的全资子公司。万达是一家民营企业集团,资产达350亿美元,包括商场、主题公园和艺术收藏品等。

    Under the agreement , AMC will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing-headquartered Wanda , a privately held group whose $ 35bn in assets spans shopping malls and theme parks to art collections .

  14. 淡马锡(Temasek)将成立一家全资子公司,在完全成立后,预计将拥有30亿至40亿美元的可投资资金。淡马锡是新加坡两大主权财富基金之一。

    Temasek , one of Singapore 's two sovereign wealth funds , is to set up a wholly owned subsidiary with an expected $ 3bn to $ 4bn available to invest when fully-established .

  15. 目前,Terremark将继续作为一个全资子公司独立运作,并且还将保留其商标名与管理团队。

    As for the present , Terremark will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary and will retain its brand name and management team .

  16. 十几年的发展历史过程中,AFD几经风云,经过两次股权转让,而今成为国际行业内知名的日本旭硝子集团在华的玻璃产业的全资子公司。

    In the past ten years of development , AFD experienced twice equity transfer and finally becomes a wholly subsidiary of AGC , the most famous group in the glass industry .

  17. 加藤弹簧上海有限公司是ADVANEX集团旗下的全资子公司。

    Kato Spring Shanghai is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kato Spring Singapore – a member of the ADVANEX GROUP .

  18. 本文的研究对象是一家德国物流公司在东北地区设立的全资子公司一BD东北公司。文章由该公司的中国区域发展战略,引生出第三方物流企业BD东北公司的近期任务目标。

    The subject of this thesis is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a German logistics company-BD North East China Co. , Ltd. Because of BD China regional development strategy , then the third-party logistics company BD North East China has its upcoming targets .

  19. CVTC公司是总部位于法国的CVT集团在中国的全资子公司,为集团在中国的变频器业务,尤其是风力发电设备业务提供生产、销售及相关服务支持。

    CVTC is a WOFE owned by CVT Group which is a global company based in France . CVTC provides manufacturing , sales and services support of convertor business , especially for the wind power business in China .

  20. 摩托罗拉移动的总裁RickOsterloh将继续担任原职,而这家总共拥有3500名员工的公司将成为联想集团的全资子公司,但摩托罗拉的总部仍位于芝加哥。联想在莫里斯维尔、新喀里多尼亚、北京和新加坡都设有运营中心。

    Rick Osterloh , President of Motorola Mobility , will remain in his role . And the company , with its total of 3500 employers , will become a fully-owned subsidiary of Lenovo , but will continue to be headquartered in Chicago.Lenovo has headquarters in Morrisville , NC , Beijing , and Singapore .

  21. 美国NBBJ建筑咨询(上海)有限公司,是NBBJ建筑设计事务所在中国设立的全资子公司。

    NBBJ Architectural Consulting ( Shanghai ) Co. , Ltd. , a wholly foreign owned enterprise ( WFOE ) of NBBJ , is now interviewing for the following positions in Shanghai and Beijing as noted .

  22. 海星超市,是西安股份制企业海星集团的全资子公司。

    Sea-star Supermarket is one subsidiary company of Sea-star group .

  23. 去年虎航在澳大利亚创办了一家全资子公司。

    It set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Australia last year .

  24. 为某大型集团公司属下的一个全资子公司。

    For a large group of companies under a wholly owned subsidiary .

  25. 我们是一家美国外商独资企业在北京的全资子公司。

    This is a subsidiary company of an American WOFE in Beijing .

  26. 所谓的信托管理人将是和记黄埔的一家全资子公司。

    The so-called trustee manager will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison .

  27. 巴德公司是德国蒂森克虏伯股份公司在美国的一家全资子公司。

    The Budd Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp AG of Germany .

  28. 去年我们已成为该行的全资子公司。

    And as of last year we are now a wholly-owned subsidiary of that bank .

  29. 该公司是中国烟草总公司的全资子公司,正厅级中央驻鲁国有大型企业。

    The company is a National Tobacco Corporation wholly owned by China National Tobacco Corporation .

  30. 英国糖业集团是英国联合食品集团的全资子公司,是世界最大糖生产者之一。

    Subsidiary of ABF , it is one of the largest sugar producers in the world .