
  1. 本文主要叙述了H公司由一家区域性连锁公司急速扩张成为全国性连锁公司所应采取的竞争战略。

    Only in this way can the company better serve its customers . The thesis mainly analyzes the strategy that H Company adopted and should adopt when it grows from a regional company to a national one .

  2. 整合原因之二:公司有发展壮大、形成全国性连锁超市的空间。

    Reason No.2 : There 's scope for firms to scale up and form nationwide franchises .

  3. 目前,化学品和汽车零部件领域的监管障碍慢慢降下,而零售业几乎没有全国性连锁企业。

    While regulatory barriers are slowly coming down in sectors such as chemicals and automotive parts , retailing boasts few national chains .

  4. 美国的购物中心由许多像西尔斯和杰西潘尼这样的专卖店和全国性连锁店组成。

    A shopping mall in the States is composed of many individual specialty shops and nationwide chain stores , such as Sears and JC Penny .

  5. 国美电器集团成立于1987年元月1日,是中国最大的以家电及消费电子产品零售为主的全国性连锁企业。

    Gome group was established on January 1,1987 , was the largest chain enterprise mainly on the retail of household appliance and consumer electronic production in China .

  6. 注册资本不少于300万元,从事全国性连锁经营的,注册资本不少于1000万元;

    Having no less than 3 million Yuan of registered capital , or no less than 10 million Yuan of registered capital in case of chained operation nationwide ;

  7. 去年9月,中国石化宣布,通过将其全国性连锁加油站的部分股份出售给外部投资者来筹措1070.94亿元人民币的资金。

    In September , the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation , known as Sinopec , announced plans to raise $ 17.4 billion by selling a stake in its nationwide chain of gas stations to outside investors .

  8. 其它全国性的连锁店也纷纷表示出对这款每瓶用1.5磅西瓜榨成的西瓜汁的兴趣。

    Other national chains are expressing interest in the beverage , which squeezes one-and-a-half pounds of watermelon into each bottle .

  9. 其中,区域性家电连锁企业由于自身的优势,较全国性家电连锁企业更具有活力和市场竞争力。

    Among them , the regional appliance chain enterprises due to their own advantage , compared with a national appliance chain enterprises more dynamic and competitive .

  10. 尽管中国有很多企业在个别地区实力强大,但却没有全国性的国内连锁企业。

    Although China has a number of companies which are strong in individual regions , there are no national domestic chains .