
  1. 格子铺作为一种新型的零售业态,近几年在国内得到蓬勃发展。

    The " Box store " as a new style of retailing , have been developed flourishing in the country in recent years .

  2. 对格子铺的合理选址、个性装修及推进其内部管理科学化等方面的对策探讨,将有助于推动其持续、健康发展。

    Investigate the solutions of " Box store " on reasonable location , personalized decoration and promote the internal scientific management will help it develops sustained and healthily .

  3. 悉尼歌剧院最令人惊异之处是它的屋顶,它由一百多万片白格子涂釉陶瓷铺成,这让人难以置信。

    But the most amazing thing about the Sydney Opera House is its incredible roofs made of more than one million glazed white granite tiles .