
  • 网络GREE;Gree Electric Appliances;Gree Electric
  1. 格力电器董事长董明珠在《福布斯》“中国杰出商界女性百强榜”中位居榜首。华为科技董事长孙亚芳位居次席。

    Gree Electric Appliances chairwoman Dong Mingzhu topped Forbes list of China 's top 100 businesswomen , followed by Sun Yafang , chairwoman of Huawei Technologies .

  2. 珠海格力电器人力资源部部长许鹏表示,在正式场合谈论私事有欠稳妥,比如老板正在分配工作时。

    Xu Peng , a human resources director at Gree Electric Appliances Inc in Zhuhai , says that it is improper to talk about private matters on formal occasions , for instance when your boss is assigning work .

  3. 艾默生电气公司(EmersonElectric)是格力电器的供应商。

    Emerson Electric is a supplier to Gree .

  4. •所在公司:格力电器

    • company : Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

  5. 格力电器是全球最大的家用空调制造商。

    Gree Electric is the world 's largest manufacturer of residential air conditioners .

  6. 格力电器营销渠道冲突治理的研究

    The Administration about Conflict of GREE Corporation

  7. 格力电器总裁

    President of Gree Electric Appliances Inc

  8. 格力电器去年实现营收1400亿元,创造了中国家电行业纪录。

    Gree 's revenues rose to RMB140b last year , a record for the home appliance industry in China .

  9. 最后文章总结了格力电器使用无息负债的一些经验,并加以推广,给出了对于中国企业的一些启示。

    In the end a brief summary and a few implications for both Geli and general China firms were presented .

  10. 在《行棋无悔》中,董姐(她的粉丝这样称呼她)回顾了她从一名销售人员做起,一直做到格力电器老总的经历。格力电器是中国最大的空调生产商。

    In " Regretless Pursuit ", Sister Dong , as her fans call her , recounts her rise from saleswoman to boss of Gree Electric , the country 's biggest manufacturer of air-conditioners .

  11. 格力电器董事长董明珠连续两年蝉联《财富》杂志“中国最具影响力商界女性”排行榜榜首。

    Dong Mingzhu , president of Gree Electric Appliances Inc , took the top spot in the list of most influential businesswomen in China for the second consecutive year , according to a ranking by Fortune magazine .

  12. 在上周的华中科技大学招聘会上,格力电器的招聘人员惊奇地发现加班费和休假天数取代工资,成为求职者首要关注的问题。

    At a job fair at Huazhong University of Science and Technology last week , staff from Gree Electric Appliances Inc. were surprised to hear that overtime payments and the number of days off , instead of salary , had become the top concerns of applicants .