
  • 网络HAIER;Haier group
  1. 实证分析表明,海尔集团的基础设施能力处于C类,IT基础设施柔性有进一步提高的趋势。

    Empirical study indicates IT infrastructure capability of Haier Group belongs to C group and its flexible capability is improving .

  2. 从海尔集团(HaierGroup)CEO张瑞敏到思科(Cisco)CIO瑞贝卡•雅各比,这些队员在过去一年都表现出了最佳状态。

    From Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin to Cisco CIO Rebecca Jacoby , these are people who have been on the top of their game this past year .

  3. 尽管有一些如海尔集团那样成功应用ERP的事例,但ERP系统的实施充满了挑战与风险,大多数企业的ERP系统建设是投入巨额资金却收效甚微。

    Although there are some successful cases of using ERP , such as Haier Coporation , most corporations are struggling in implementing ERP system , because this process involves both risk and challenge .

  4. 海尔集团已超过惠而浦(Whirlpool),成为全球最大家电制造商。该集团去年全球营业额超300亿美元。

    With more than $ 30bn of revenues , it has ousted Whirlpool to become the biggest global producer of home appliances .

  5. 对应于四种技术追赶路径演化机制选择了中国比亚迪汽车、海尔集团差异化战略、日本PHS技术在我国的发展、四川长虹集团在背投技术领域的追赶案例进行了对比分析。

    Then the dissertation chooses BYD Auto , differentiation strategy of Haier Group , the development of Japanese PHS technology in China , and projection technology of CHANGHONG to analysis .

  6. 最后运用SPSS和LISREL等数理统计工具对海尔集团进行了实证研究,并给出了相应的建议。

    By the use of SPSS , LISREL and other statistical tools , the thesis makes the empirical study on Haier Group , and puts forward some corresponding recommendations .

  7. OEC管理是海尔集团推行的一种现代企业管理模式,OEC管理关键在于管理严格、说到做到、公开透明、指标量化。

    OEC system is a modern management mode that introduced by Haier Group . The key points of OEC management are its stringency , openness and quantifying target .

  8. 青岛海尔集团观光标志塔结构分析

    Structural Analysis of the Symbol Tower of Haier Group in Qingdao

  9. 企业社会责任;服务营销;海尔集团。

    Corporate Social Responsibility , Service Marketing , Haier Group .

  10. 海尔集团的家电产品在青岛地区的形象识别研究

    A Study on the Image of the Haier Electrical Products in Qingdao Region

  11. 海尔集团的并购动因与整合策略研究

    Research on the Merger & Acquisition Motivation and Recombine Strategy of Haier Group

  12. 海尔集团供应链管理案例研究

    Case Study On Supply Chain Management Of Haier Group

  13. 关于海尔集团人力资源整合实践及其效应的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Practice and Effects of the Haier Group 's Human Resources Integration

  14. 海尔集团财务分析及业绩评价

    Financial Analysis and Achievement Evaluation for Haier Group

  15. 电子商务使海尔集团赢得竞争优势

    E-commerce Make Haier Group Won Competitve Advantage

  16. 通过客户忠诚度分析系统,就海尔集团所提供的相关数据对其客户忠诚度变化趋势进行了预测分析。

    The customer loyalty of Haier Company is analyzed by the customer loyalty analysis system .

  17. 再次,从企业文化的角度对海尔集团内部控制环境各要素的经验进行总结。

    Thirdly , sum up the experience in internal control environment of the Haier Group .

  18. 海尔集团整合营销战略

    Haier Group 's Integrated Marketing Strategy

  19. 全面创新之道&海尔集团技术创新管理案例分析

    The way to total innovation management & The case study of technology innovation management of Haier group

  20. 此外,海尔集团采用标准成本等控制方法来提高全流程的成本竞争力。

    Haier adopted standard controlling method within group to achieve the cost competition of the entire process .

  21. 广告文化的超越&论海尔集团广告营销策略与企业文化策略的整合

    Overstepping Advertisement Culture & Analys is of Integrated advertisement marketing strategy and corporation culture strategy in Haier Group

  22. 最后我认为,海尔集团必须拿出创新的营销技巧,以改善其品牌形象。

    Finally , the Haier Group must come up with innovative marketing techniques to improve its brand image .

  23. 青岛海尔集团对知识资本成功运营的实例充分说明了这一点。

    The Qingdao Haier group explained this point fully by the successful operation example to the knowledge capital .

  24. 最后,本章运用海尔集团的国际投资经历来解释我国企业进行对外直接投资的发展模式,以期对我国企业的对外直接投资有所帮助。

    Finally , story of Haier Group investment is used to explain the model of investment of enterprises in China .

  25. 以海尔集团的合作伙伴关系管理为例进行案例研究,并印证本文前面章节所研究的内容。

    Haier Group in partnership managing as an example , case studies for confirming the previous study chapters of this paper .

  26. 本文从整合营销传播的角度探讨了海尔集团广告营销策略与企业文化策略整合的新境界。

    This paper discusses a new state of integrated advertisement marketing and corporation culture strategy of Haier Group according to Integrated Marketing communications .

  27. 面对电子商务时代的挑战,海尔集团抓住机遇,重塑业务流程,在创新经济竞争中赢得了竞争优势。

    Facing the challenge of E-commerce era , the Haier Group gains competitive advantage in the competition of innovation_economic through restructuring its logistics .

  28. 中国家电制造商海尔集团已经就收购美国通用电气有限公司的家电业务达成了一项价值约为54亿美元的协议。

    Chinese home appliance maker Haier Group has reached a deal to buy General Electric Co. 's appliance business for 5.4 billion dollars .

  29. 首先,从单一经营战略向多元化业务模式转变的影响因素角度分析了海尔集团多元化的动因。

    First of all , analyze the reason of diversification impulsion of Haier Group changed from the specific management strategy to diversification business .

  30. 公司为顺应市场和海尔集团的要求,拟投资钣金加工项目。

    Company need to comply with the market and the Haier Group 's request , the company will establish a sheet metal processing projects .