
hǎi shì sù sònɡ ɡuǎn xiá
  • jurisdiction of maritime action
  1. 同时,对于我国入世之后的海事诉讼管辖原则、制度的改革和调整提出了相关建议。

    At the same time , the article puts forward some relevant suggestion on the reform and adjustment of the principle and the policy of the jurisdiction of maritime action after China 's entry into WTO .

  2. 论涉外海事诉讼管辖的若干问题

    On Matters about Maritime Jurisdiction

  3. 因此,研究涉外海事诉讼管辖制度有着重大的现实意义。

    Obviously , it has practical meaning to study the jurisdiction system in maritime litigation with foreign elements .

  4. 所以,加强对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度的研究十分必要。

    So it is very essential to strengthen the study on system of maritime jurisdiction concerning foreign-related affairs jurisdiction .

  5. 近年来,海事诉讼管辖方面的协调成效显著。

    In recent years , a great achievement has been made in the aspect of the coordination of the conflict of jurisdiction of international maritime action .

  6. 第二章海事诉讼管辖权。海事诉讼管辖权是指哪一国或哪一级法院对某一海事诉讼案件的分工和权限。

    Chapter 2 is about international litigation jurisdiction , which means the distribution and right for which country or which court to cope with a certain maritime case .

  7. 船舶扣押和涉外海事诉讼管辖是两个为海商法学界广泛研究的问题,每个领域都取得了丰硕的研究成果。

    In the academic circle of maritime law , Arrest of ships and Foreign-related maritime jurisdiction are both extensive researched issues , and each of these areas has achieved fruitful research results .

  8. 为了从理论和实践上对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度进行研究,本文运用比较的方法,从理论入手结合具体案例,对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度作一个尽量全面、系统的剖析。

    In order to study the system of maritime jurisdiction from the theory and practice , this thesis uses the method compared , proceeding with theory and combining the concrete case to analyse it overall and systematically .

  9. 首先,对海上人身伤亡案件的海事诉讼管辖问题,以及基于我国相关的专门司法解释所产生的涉外海上人身伤亡案件法律适用问题进行了分析。

    First , this chapter analyzes the maritime jurisdiction of maritime personal injury cases , and also the problems in the application of laws , arising from the judicial explanation exclusively applied to foreign related maritime personal injury and death cases .

  10. 对于理论研究中所普遍关注的国际海事诉讼管辖及其冲突,通过分析其产生冲突的原因,对解决冲突的途径发表了自己的若干看法。

    Then the article puts forwards some suggestions on how to resolve the problem of the jurisdictional conflicts of international maritime action by analyzing the reasons of the existing jurisdictional conflicts , which has been paid much attention to the theory reaches .

  11. 它不仅包含对国内具体海事诉讼管辖的分类与分配,在国际海事诉讼领域,管辖权冲突的协调与解决,对国际海商法的统一起着铺路石的作用。

    It includes not only the category and allocation of the jurisdiction of a specific civil maritime action , but also the coordination and resolution of the conflicts of jurisdiction in international maritime action . It underlies the unification of the international maritime laws .

  12. 涉外海事诉讼的管辖原则

    On Principles of Jurisdiction over Foreign Maritime Cases

  13. 海事诉讼中协议管辖和协议仲裁的效力

    The Effect of Arbitration and Forum Election Agreement in Maritime Action

  14. 下列海事诉讼的地域管辖,依照以下规定。

    The maritime territorial jurisdiction below shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions .

  15. 在国际海事诉讼中,有关管辖地的确定是一个争议已久的问题。

    In the international maritime procedure , the determination of jurisdiction is a controversial question for a long time .

  16. 海事诉讼具有独特的管辖理论与实践,比如扣押管辖、对物诉讼等。

    There is a special theory and practice of jurisdiction in maritime action , such as distress jurisdiction , action in rem , etc.

  17. 目前国际社会尚未形成统一的国际海事管辖权制度,各主权国家依据本国法律确定自己的涉外海事诉讼管辖权,且都尽力扩大自己的管辖权范围。

    The international community has not formed the unified maritime jurisdiction system yet at present . Every sovereign state confirm one 's own jurisdiction according to the national law and does the best to expand one 's own jurisdiction range .