
  • 网络trial;Public Trial
  1. 庭审在海淀区法院进行,在两天的公开审理中,深圳总公司的前CEO王欣和其余三名高管都否认犯罪。

    Wang Xin , former CEO of the Shenzhen-based company , and three others denied the charge during the two-day open trial at Haidian District People 's Court .

  2. 那起谋杀案在法庭上公开审理了。

    The murder trial came on in the court .

  3. 今天上午的上诉不公开审理。

    This morning 's appeal was held in camera

  4. 公开审理这一案件只是司法程序的一部分。

    Hearing the case in open court is only one part of the judicial process .

  5. 他们申请不公开审理他们的案子。

    They filed an application to have their case heard in camera .

  6. 此案牵涉到官方机密,所以不公开审理。

    The case involved official secrets , so it was held in camera .

  7. 他请求重新不公开审理此案。

    He petitioned for a retrial in camera .

  8. 当事人不公开审理选择权的探讨

    Discussion of the Litigant 's the Option of Not Hearing Public

  9. 你以为公开审理就能匡扶正义了?

    You think by makingthe trials public that you 'll find justice ?

  10. 法官不公开审理该案。

    The judge heard the case in chamber .

  11. 这件上诉案没有公开审理。

    The appeal was heard in private .

  12. 但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理。

    Cases involving state secrets or private affairs of individuals shall not be heard in public .

  13. 对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣判;

    Judgments in all cases , whether subject to public hearing or not , are announced openly .

  14. 对16周岁以上不满18周岁的未成年人犯罪案件,一般也不公开审理。

    And in general , criminal cases of persons aged 16 and 17 are not tried publicly .

  15. 陪审团在做出裁定的过程中,所依据的各种材料应该是在公开审理的过程中得到的。

    The materials which a jury uses in fashioning its verdict should come to it in open court .

  16. 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。同一级法院及上一级法院作出的二审判决或裁定属终局裁决。

    The people 's court shall publish the judgments of all its cases heard either in public or in private .

  17. 离婚案件,涉及商业秘密的案件,当事人申请不公开审理的,可以不公开审理。

    A divorce case or a case involving trade secrets may not be heard in public if a party so requests .

  18. 所有案件(包括依法不公开审理的案件)都必须公开宣告判决。

    The verdicts in all cases , including cases of non-public trial in accordance with law , should be pronounced publicly .

  19. 第四十二条十四周岁以上不满十六周岁的未成年人犯罪的案件,一律不公开审理。

    Article 42 All cases involving crimes committed by minors over fourteen years old but under sixteen shall not be tried publicly .

  20. 只要具备核心四要素,即为仲裁:依据的灵活性、非法官的第三方裁决、简便的非正式程序以及不公开审理。

    It contains four essential component : flexible gist , arbitrated by non-judge third party , informal concise procedure , not disposed openly . 4 .

  21. 9月19日,长沙中级人民法院对英国葛兰素史克中国分公司涉嫌行贿一案进行了非公开审理。

    The Changsha Intermediate People 's Court held a closed-door trial on September 19 on the case involving GlaxoSmithKline China which was accused of offering bribes .

  22. 而就同一事实,我们起诉的真正的私闯民宅案子法院以共同罪犯中有一未成年人为由,不分案不公开审理。

    For same matter really , we indict genuine personal rush people residence case court in mutual criminal a person under age is from , not divide case underground trial .

  23. 公开审理的,应当公告当事人姓名、案由和开庭的时间、地点。

    For public hearing , the people 's court shall make public the names of the litigants , the subject matter of the case and the time and place of the court session .

  24. 第四十五条人民法院公开审理行政案件,但涉及国家秘密、个人隐私和法律另有规定的除外。

    Article 45 Administrative cases in the people 's courts shall be tried in public , except for those that involve state secrets or the private affairs of individuals or are otherwise provided for by law .

  25. 在我20多岁的那段日子,每一天的工作,都在提醒我自己是多么幸运。生活在一个民选政府的国家,依法申述与公开审理,是所有人的权利。

    Every day of my working week in my early 20s I was reminded how incredibly fortunate I was , to live in a country with a democratically elected government , where legal representation and a public trial were the rights of everyone .

  26. 合议庭进行公开开庭审理,并贯彻直接言词原则。

    The full court conducts a public trial , and implements the principle of direct speech .

  27. 第四,提出必须公开开庭审理、设立强制辩护制度和逃匿犯罪嫌疑人、被告人归案后的撤销制度等保障措施。

    Fourth , suggest safeguard measures on open trial , mandatory defense system and revocation system .

  28. 裴埈皓在不对外公开的审理中被定罪和判刑,他的律师未被允许出庭辩护。

    He was convicted and sentenced in a closed-door trial that his attorney was not allowed to attend .

  29. 裁判公开与审理公开是审判公开制度的两大基本内容,但我国却疏于对裁判公开进行必要的研究与规制。

    Public verdict and open hearing are the two main basic systems that constitute open trial system . However , few researches and relevant rules and regulations have been made to public verdict .

  30. 因被告人杨璐自愿认罪,根据本院建议,本院依法组成合议庭,决定简化适用刑事普通裎序,公开开庭审理了本案。

    Defendant Yang Lu volunteered to plead guilty , according to recommendations of this court , this court formed a collegiate bench , determined to simplify the applicable criminal ordinary procedure , and tried the case in public hearing .