
ɡōnɡ ɡào sònɡ dá
  • service by publication;service by public notice
  1. 公告送达作为民事诉讼中较为特殊的送达方式,在整个诉讼程序中发挥着独特的作用。

    Service by publication , being a special way of service in civil litigation , plays a unique role in the process of litigation .

  2. 如何科学地设计和运行我国民事诉讼公告送达制度,亟待理论界和实务界在学理上、实践中进行缜密的论证并做出理性的选择,这将关系到民事诉讼当事人的切身利益。

    It is necessary for the theoretical and practical circle to make careful verification and rational choice in order to scientifically design and operate the system of service by publication in civil litigation , which is critical to the interests of the parties in civil litigation .

  3. 公告送达,应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。

    The reasons for service by public announcement and the process gone through shall be recorded in the case files .

  4. 对完善我国民事诉讼公告送达制度的思考

    Consideration of Improvement of Service System of Civil Procedure Bulletin

  5. 第五,文章从以下四个方面论述了如何有效地预防缺席审判的发生,即完善公告送达、强化法官的释明义务、探索多元化的纠纷解决机制以及规范当事人诉讼权利的行使。

    Fifthly , how to prevent the default judgments is discussed , namely perfecting announcement service , strengthening obligation of elucidation , exploring pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism and regulating exercise of litigant rights .

  6. 希冀通过本文的撰写,深入地探讨民事诉讼公告送达制度的现实问题,提出更加合理、可行的改革方案,从而构筑更加公正、高效的公告送达体制,以适应民事诉讼程序不断发展的需要。

    The thesis aims at finding out the practical problems of the system and works out more rational and feasible projects of reform so as to construct more just and efficient system of service by publication to meet the demands for the development of civil litigation procedure .

  7. 采用公告方式送达时,其他送达方式可以同时采用。

    Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process , other ways of service of process may be adopted simultaneously .

  8. 采用公告方式送达的,除人身关系案件外,可以采取在边境口岸张贴公告的形式。

    Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process , the form of posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation .

  9. 法院可以用公告的形式送达传票,你也可以申请法院诉讼保权。

    The court can use subpoena of declared form service , you also can apply for forensic suit to protect right .

  10. 文件送交地址不清,无法邮寄的,可以通过公告的方式送达当事人。

    Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail , the document may be served by making an announcement .