
  • 网络antitrust lawsuit;antitrust litigation
  1. 这不仅表现在世界贸易组织的会议上,更实际地表现在日益增多的反垄断诉讼之中。

    The conflicts appear not only in the World Trade Organization meeting , but also in the growing antitrust litigation more practically .

  2. 由于可能面临反垄断诉讼,谷歌(google)已放弃与雅虎(yahoo)的搜索引擎广告合作计划。

    Google has abandoned its search advertising partnership with Yahoo in the face of an antitrust lawsuit aimed at blocking the deal .

  3. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)在本月早些时候对谷歌提起了一项正式的反垄断诉讼。

    The backlash included a formal antitrust complaint earlier this month from the European Commission .

  4. 说到报怨和微软,微软要向欧盟提起对谷歌(Google)的反垄断诉讼了。

    Speaking of complaining and Microsoft , Microsoft is going to the European Union with an anti-trust complaint against Google .

  5. 之后再11月4日,纽约检察长安德鲁•郭默(AndrewCuomo),对英特尔提出反垄断诉讼。

    Then on November4th Andrew Cuomo , New York 's attorney general , filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel .

  6. 联邦贸易委员会(简称FTC)和纽约总检察长莱蒂亚·詹姆斯宣布了这些反垄断诉讼。

    The antitrust lawsuits were announced by the Federal Trade Commission and New York Attorney General Letitia James .

  7. 欧盟监管者周三对谷歌(Google)发起的反垄断诉讼,势必会被人拿来和持续多年的微软(Microsoft)案相提并论,后者引起了大西洋两岸监管机构的指控,认为这个软件巨头存在反竞争行为。

    The antitrust case against Google filed by European Union regulators on Wednesday will inevitably draw comparisons to the long-running prosecution of Microsoft , in which regulators on both sides of the Atlantic pursued the software giant for anticompetitive behavior .

  8. “我希望球员工会没有这样做,”斯特恩上周一在接受《体育中心》(SportsCenter)采访时如是说。他所指的,是球员们解散工会,对资方提起反垄断诉讼的决定。

    " I wish the union hadn 't done this ," Stern told SportsCenter last Monday , regarding the players'decision to disband their union to file anti-trust lawsuits .

  9. 网络效应与进入壁垒:以微软反垄断诉讼案为例

    Network Effect and Entry Barriers : the Lawsuit of Microsoft Antitrust

  10. 我国的反垄断诉讼及其性质&兼论实质意义上的经济诉讼

    China 's Antitrust Lawsuit and Its Nature On Economic Public Interest Litigation

  11. 反垄断诉讼制度研究

    The Study on the System of Antimonopoly Action

  12. 然后,以诉讼制度各要素为框架,分析各国规定的反垄断诉讼制度,并由此总结出反垄断诉讼的一般性规律。

    Then analyze other country 's actual law , summarize the rule of the system of antimonopoly action .

  13. 实际上,正是在经济学的支撑下,法官才得以正确处理各种反垄断诉讼。

    In fact , it is the support of economics that enables the judge to handle various antitrust lawsuits rightfully .

  14. 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。

    Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun , he seemed bitter and angry .

  15. 仅在第50条规定了建立私人反垄断诉讼机制,但没有司法救济程序的具体规定。

    It only stipulates the establishment of personal lawsuit system on anti-monopoly in Article 50 , without the specific rules of the judicial remedy procedure .

  16. 下个月,苹果公司将出庭受审,这是乔布斯去世以来该公司面临的第三宗大型反垄断诉讼。

    Next month , the company is set to go to trial in the third major antitrust lawsuit it has faced since Mr. Jobs died .

  17. 真正提起的反垄断诉讼案件并不多,这与我国反垄断法的设计和司法救济制度的设计有很大的关系。

    The real anti-trust lawsuit brought not many , which is the design of anti-monopoly law and the judicial relief system design has a great relationship .

  18. 欧盟监管机构对美国零售巨头亚马逊提起反垄断诉讼,指控其利用数据,比使用该平台的商家获得了不公平的优势。

    European Union regulators have filed antitrust charges against US retail giant Amazon , it using data to gain unfair advantages over merchants using the platform .

  19. 美国政府诉微软公司一案,是20世纪美国最大的反垄断诉讼,举世瞩目。

    The United States Government v. Microsoft Corp case is considered as the largest U.S. antimonopoly litigation of the 20th century , which has attracted worldwide attention .

  20. 两个月后,微软就遭到反垄断诉讼。此后数年,公司都深受其苦,虽然最终它还是取得了成功。

    Two months later , Microsoft was slapped with an antitrust suit , a filing that would plague the company for years even if it eventually came out on top .

  21. 欧盟周三说,微软有望在年底前了结其反垄断诉讼。此前欧盟与微软的反垄断纷争持续了多年,欧盟向微软开出了20多亿美元的罚金。

    After years of antitrust tangling and more than $ 2 billion in fines , the software giant may see an end to its charges by the end of the year , the EU said yesterday .

  22. 长久以来,欧盟一直有这样一种解决反垄断诉讼的办法,即从被控滥用主导地位的公司获得妥协,比如,让它们同意允许竞争对手进入关键网络。

    Brussels has long had the option of resolving antitrust complaints by securing concessions from companies accused of abusing a dominant position & getting them to agree , say , to allow a competitor to access a key network .

  23. 美国政府起诉微软就是着眼于美国整体利益,通过一套以政府与个人为控诉主体的严密、理性的反垄断诉讼机制,提升美国在全球的竞争优势。

    Indicting Microsoft by the government of the United States is to fix attention on the whole national benefits , and to promote the competition advantage of the United States in the world by prudential , reasonable antimonopoly proceedings mechanism for regarding government and individual as suing .

  24. 我提起这些,是因为欧盟新一任(她去年11月上任)的竞争事务专员玛格丽特·韦斯塔格尔(MargretheVestager)在五年的调查之后对谷歌提起了反垄断诉讼。

    I bring this up in the wake of the decision by Margrethe Vestager , the European Union 's relatively new ( she took office in November ) commissioner in charge of competition policy , to bring antitrust charges against Google , the culmination of a five-year investigation .

  25. 我国反垄断私人诉讼制度中的问题及其解决

    The Issue and Solution of Anti-monopoly Private Suit System in China

  26. 试论我国反垄断公益诉讼制度的建立

    On the Establishment of Anti-monopoly Public Interest Litigation in China

  27. 反垄断民事诉讼中损失计算问题探讨

    On the Calculation of Loss In Antitrust Civil Litigation

  28. 反垄断民事诉讼虽然有着很多的优越性,但该执行机制仍然受到了广泛的批评。

    Despite the many advantages , the antitrust civil litigation receives wide criticism .

  29. 其次,应尽快明确反垄断民事诉讼的受案范围和诉讼管辖。

    Secondly , scope of accepting case and jurisdiction should be clearly defined .

  30. 该部分探讨了国内反垄断民事诉讼案件的管辖和反垄断民事诉讼的域外管辖两个问题。

    In this chapter , the author makes an investigation on the domestic jurisdiction and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of anti-monopoly civil litigation case .