
fǎn zhuǎn
  • reverse;inversion
反转 [fǎn zhuǎn]
  • (1) [transpose]∶照片图像的色调或明暗的处理

  • 反转片

  • (2) [unturn;reverse;turn over]∶转向相反的方向

  1. 斯坦·李(注:漫威编剧、漫画家)的葬礼将会是一个反转过来的配角群戏,所有的超级英雄都会成为他的人生故事的背景。-4-

    Stan Lee 's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story .

  2. 半月板关节囊分离并反转的MRI诊断

    MRI diagnosis of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule

  3. 目前股市是反转,还是反弹?

    Is it a market reversal or a bear market rally ?

  4. 东野圭吾《圣女的救济》是东野圭吾最难破解之作,在充满曲折与反转的情节里,这部缜密构思的犯罪小说将情感与事实对立起来。

    Salvation of a Saint is Keigo Higashino at his mind-bending best , pitting emotion against fact in a beautifully plotted crime novel filled with twists and reverses .

  5. 低场MRI短反转时间的反转恢复序列在颅脑中的应用

    The Clinical Application of Low-field Intensity MRI with Short TI Inversion Recovery Sequency in Brain

  6. 非简并的∧和v型激光系统都可以通过光抽运产生无反转激光。

    Both nondegenerate A-and V-type laser systems can produce lasers without inversion via optical pumping .

  7. PLC在多台电动机降压起动、反接制动及正反转可逆控制电路中的应用

    ANALYSIS ON REVERSIBLE ROTATION SHADED MOTOR Application of PLC in the Circuit of Multiple Motor System

  8. 深入分析了μC/OS-Ⅱ的调度策略,为了防止优先级反转问题,在其中扩展了优先级顶置协议。

    In order to solve the priority inversion problem , priority ceiling protocol is implemented in μ C / OS - II .

  9. ∧型三能级系统中Raman过程诱导的无反转激光

    Lasing without Inversion Induced by Raman Process in ∧ - Type Three-level System

  10. 强驱动场近似下开放的V型系统中的无粒子数反转激光

    Lasing Without Inversion in an Open V type Three level System under Strong Driving Field Approximation

  11. 三种用PLC控制的防止相间短路的电动机正反转控制电路

    Three positive and negative rotary-controlling circuits of motors using PLC control to prevent short circuit between phases

  12. 这一结果与已知的DNA甲基化的主要功能之一是通过抑制转座子和反转座子等的活性来维持基因组的稳定性的观点相一致。

    These results prove that one of DNA methylation functions is maintenance the genome stabilization by repressing the transposable element activity again .

  13. 固态NMR中的宽带布居数反转

    Broadband population inversion in solid-state NMR

  14. 性反转综合征病人中SRY基因的PCR筛查

    Investigation of SRY in sex reversed syndrome patients

  15. 三轴形变对~(102)Rh旋称反转的影响

    Influence of Triaxial Deformation on Signature Inversion in Odd-odd Nucleus ~ ( 102 ) Rh

  16. Spring框架中控制反转IOC(InversionofControl)原则能够保证应用程序各部分之间保持一种松耦合的关系。

    The Inversion of Control ( IOC ) principles of the Spring Framework ensure a loose coupling relationship between the various parts of the application .

  17. 挤压反转期(O2末期和O3末期);

    Compressive inversion period ( the last stage of O2 , O3 );

  18. 基于H型双极模式PWM控制原理,设计了一种直流微电机正反转调速功率放大电路。

    A power amplification of H-bridge bipolar PWM control is designed for controlling DC micro-motor of positive rotation , reverse rotation and speed regulation .

  19. 以三能级V型系统为例研究修饰态布居的选择性激发对无反转激光增益的作用。

    Exemplifying the three_level systems in the V configuration , we investigate the role of selective excitation of dressed populations in lasing without inversion .

  20. 目的探讨短T1反转恢复(ShortTIInversion-Recovery,STIR)成像技术在脊柱MRI检查中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the clinical application of short T1 Inversion Recovery ( STIR ) sequence in spinal MRI .

  21. 植物基因组中的非LTR反转录转座子SINEs和LINEs

    Non-LTR Retrotransposons : LINEs and SINEs in Plant Genome

  22. 粒子数反转超导机制下的Josephson效应

    The Josephson effect of superconducting mechanism with an inverted population

  23. ~(80)Rb的旋称劈裂反转及负宇称带的回弯

    Signature Splitting and Inversion and Back Bending in Negative Sideband in ~ ( 80 ) Rb

  24. 基于容器的IoC控制反转模式的研究

    On inversion of control pattern based on containers

  25. Spring是继Struts后又一新的MVC模式技术,是以控制反转和面向方面编程为基础的轻量级框架。

    Spring is a new MVC framework and lightweight framework after Struts and is based on the theoretics of IoC and AOP .

  26. 初步探讨了无线遥控发射机、接收机的工作原理和新型H桥电路对直流电机正反转的控制。

    A pilot study is showed with the principium of sending set and receiving set for non-wires remote control and with direct current motor 's both direction control with H-bridge .

  27. 互组合线共振光激发NaXI离子的粒子数反转研究

    Soft X-ray population inversion of Na XI levels by inter-combination line resonant photoexcitation

  28. 尽管它主要以一种反转控制(IoC)框架而著称,但是它确实成为了Java开发的主力。

    Although it is known primarily as an inversion-of-control ( IoC ) framework , it really has become the backbone of Java development .

  29. 在文档中我发现了很多面向方面编程(aspectorientedprogramming,AOP)以及ReflectionCaching方面的论述,这些论述暗示这可能是一个控制反转(IoC)体系结构。

    I found many references to Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP ) and Reflection Caching in the documentation , which suggest this may be an IoC architecture .

  30. 锑化铟(InSb)中自旋反转受激喇曼散射

    Spin - Flip Stimulated Raman Scattering in InSb