
fǎn qīnɡ xiāo shuì
  • Anti-Dumping Duty;antidumping duty
  1. 反倾销税由于能使倾销者按较低的价格提供商品而有利于进口国。

    An antidumping duty could benefit the importing nation by causing the dumper to deliver at a lower price .

  2. 其主要手段是征收反倾销税,而判定是否存在倾销时采用五种计算方法。

    The main measure is to impose the Antidumping Duty . Altogether five accounting methods are utilized in dumping determination .

  3. 反倾销税是WTO反倾销协议允许使用的保护受倾销损害的国内产业的措施。

    Antidumping duties are measures permitted by WTO Antidumping Agreement to protect domestic industries injured by dumped imports .

  4. 中国制鞋企业昨日表示,它们将就欧盟(EU)对它们的产品征收反倾销税提出起诉。

    Chinese shoemakers yesterday said they would sue the European Union over anti-dumping duties imposed on their products .

  5. 上周,世界贸易组织(WTO)指责欧盟(EU)非法对中国产螺丝征收反倾销税。

    Last week , the World Trade Organisation rebuked the European Union for unlawfully imposing antidumping tariffs on imports of Chinese screws .

  6. 根据wto的规则,征收反倾销税的国家,必须证明本国产业受到了某个特定国家廉价进口商品的损害。

    Under WTO rules , a country imposing anti-dumping duties must prove its domestic industry has been injured by cheap imports from a specific country .

  7. 昨日,欧盟(eu)贸易官员拒绝了对中国和越南鞋类产品延长征收“反倾销税”的计划。

    Yesterday , European Union trade officials rejected a plan to extend the " anti-dumping " duties levied on shoe imports from China and Vietnam .

  8. APP高管和供应商私下承认,该集团在江苏工厂的出口可能会受到这一反倾销税的严重影响。

    Company executives and APP suppliers privately admit that exports from the group 's plant in Jiangsu could be seriously hurt by the case .

  9. 征收反倾销税的做法得到了欧盟贸易专员彼得曼德尔森(petermandelson)的支持,预计意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙制鞋商将从中受益。

    The duties , championed by Peter Mandelson , EU trade commissioner , are expected to benefit Italian , Spanish and Portuguese footwear manufacturers .

  10. 曼德尔森明确表示,如果中国未能做出改变,可能迫使欧盟方面诉诸于贸易保护措施,比如反倾销税,或者在极端情况下向世界贸易组织(WTO)提出申诉。

    Mr Mandelson made clear a Chinese failure to deliver change could force Brussels to resort to trade defence measures , such as anti-dumping duties , or – in extremis – complaints to the World Trade Organisation .

  11. 上个月,美国就中国向主要产自俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的某些高科技钢铁产品征收反倾销税和反补贴税向wto提起诉讼,wto裁定美国胜诉。

    Last month , the WTO ruled in favour of the US in its challenge to antidumping and countervailing duties imposed by China on a certain kind of high-tech steel product manufactured mostly in Ohio and Pennsylvania .

  12. 欧盟于今年1月对年度价值约5.75亿欧元(合8.12亿美元)的商品征收了反倾销税。它表示,这些关税符合WTO规则,旨在保护欧洲企业免受定价不公平的中国商品的冲击。

    The European Commission said the duties , imposed in January on goods worth some 575m ( $ 812m ) a year , complied with WTO rules and served to protect European businesses from unfairly priced Chinese goods .

  13. 反倾销税是针对倾销的存在而实施的,是WTO允许其成员国用于保护国内企业和市场,抵制进口产品不正当竞争的主要行政手段之一。

    Antidumping aims at the existence of dumping , and is allowed to protect its members ' domestic enterprises and markets by WTO and is one of the main administrative methods to reject the malfeasance competition of importing products .

  14. 曼德尔森明日将提议,欧盟委员会(europeancommission)应坚持对上述两国皮鞋征收反倾销税的计划,即便该计划已遭到了大多数欧盟成员国的反对。

    He will propose tomorrow that the European Commission stick to a plan to impose anti-dumping duties on leather shoes from the two countries , even though it has already been opposed by a majority of Member States .

  15. 以美国参议员罗伯特•伯德的名字命名的伯德修正案提出将征收反倾销税获得的收入拨给提起反倾销案的企业,但这一修正案被世界贸易组织(WTO)宣布为非法,目前已经废除。

    The Byrd amendment – a rule named after US senator Robert Byrd that awarded the revenue from imposing anti-dumping duties to the company that brought the case – was repealed after being declared illegal by the World Trade Organisation .

  16. 尽管遇到了某些限制,如美国3年前对越南鲶鱼征收反倾销税,以及欧盟(EU)最近决定对越南和中国鞋类征收高额关税,但越南出口仍实现了跨越式增长。

    Exports have grown by leaps and bounds , despite restrictions such as US anti-dumping duties on catfish imposed three years ago and a recent decision by the European Union to impose duties on Vietnamese and Chinese shoes .

  17. 一位欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)官员指出,欧盟在2007年第一季度没有发起新的案件。他表示,由于欧盟经常检查现有的反倾销税,欧盟目前征收的反倾销税费实际上比美国更少。

    A European Commission official noted that the EU had started no new cases in the first quarter of 2007 , and said that since the EU reviewed existing anti-dumping duties frequently , it actually had fewer such duties in place than the US .

  18. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)上周在访华期间表示,围绕太阳能电池板的一宗贸易纠纷,最好通过谈判来处理,而不是对从中国进口的低价商品开征反倾销税。

    Visiting China last week , Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said that a trade dispute over solar panels would be better dealt with by negotiation than by imposing antidumping duties on low-priced imports from China .

  19. 第一章反倾销税的征收条件。

    The first chapter discusses the conditions of imposing antidumping duties .

  20. GATT1994第6条下的反倾销税和反补贴税;

    Anti-dumping and countervailing duties under Article VI of GATT 1994 ;

  21. 跨越反倾销税的外国直接投资研究述评

    Review of Research on Foreign Direct Investment Stepping beyond Antidumping Tax

  22. 反倾销税对现行出口退税策略的影响

    Study on impact anti-dumping duties based on current export rebate policy

  23. 垂直结构下征收最优反倾销税的动态博弈分析

    Dynamic game analysis of best anti-dumping duties under vertical structure

  24. 中间产品反倾销税的适度征收研究

    Research on Appropriate Collection of Anti-dumping Duty of Semifinished Products

  25. 反倾销税税法规制中的权利救济制度研究

    Research on the Right Relief System of Antidumping Duty on Tax Regulations

  26. 石毛博行称:我们对反倾销税深为担忧。

    We have serious concerns over anti-dumping duties , said Mr Ishige .

  27. 反倾销税和价格承诺的期限和复审

    Duration and Review of Anti-Dumping Duties and Price Undertakings

  28. 美国继续征收碳钢对焊管件反倾销税。

    US keeps duties on China 's pipe fittings .

  29. 反倾销税的征收与法律救济研究

    The Imposition of Antidumping Duties and the Legal Remedies

  30. 反倾销税与反倾销补贴的经济学思考

    Economics Thinking of Anti-dumping Duties and Anti-dumping Subsidies