
chā bié ɡuān shuì
  • Differential tariff;differential duties;differential customs duties;differential rates of duty
  1. 不公平的措施、厚此薄彼的政策、歧视性的行为、差别关税纳税差别的非收入基准

    Discriminatory measures , policies , actions , tariffs non-income base for tax discrimination

  2. 欧洲经济共同体以外的国家须付高於成员国的差别关税。

    Non EEC countries pay a higher differential tariff .

  3. 由于在组织内部实行低税率甚至零税率,对外则实行统一或差别性的关税,从而使得商品、资本和劳动力的流动性大大增强,进而增加了各国税基的弹性。

    There is low or zero tax rate in the organizations and flat or different tax rate out of the organizations , so it is the result to make the goods , capital and worker more flowing and make the tax base more elastic .