
cái zhènɡ ɡuān shuì
  • revenue tariff
  1. 财政部关税总局及各关税局:边境查核。

    General Directorate of Customs and its subordinate offices of the MOF : border investigations .

  2. 他们要求用收入(税收)政策来制止通货膨胀;联邦财政在关税保护下,帮助重建工业。

    They want an incomes policy to check inflation while federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs .

  3. 其后,作者将简单的研究1987年以来阿尔及利亚与关贸总协定之间的关系,以及世贸组织关于阿尔及利亚的商议,不过至今商议问题仍是关于财政和关税制度问题。

    After that , the author will study briefly the relation of Algerian with the GATT which dates back to 1987 and with the WTO with which Algeria negotiated and is still negotiating about issues such as fiscal and tariff system .

  4. 幽并游侠儿:财政部表示关税调整目的在于促进经济结构调整和贸易增长方式的转变,以及环境保护和天然资源。

    The aim of this tax adjustment , expressed by the Ministry of finance , is to facilitate the restructuring of the economic growth and the transferring of the trade expansion , and to enhance protection of the environment and natural resources .