
  • 网络financial crisis management
  1. 如何加强财务危机管理,已经成为了业界较为关注的话题。

    How to strengthen the financial crisis management has become a concerned topic in this area .

  2. 第三部分是基于熵理论的财务危机管理实证研究,也是本文的核心部分。

    The third part also the core of this paper , is the study of financial crisis management based on entropy weight model .

  3. 企业财务危机管理探析

    Probe into Enterprise 's Financial Risk Management

  4. 财务危机管理及预测模型

    Financial Distress Management and Forecasting Model

  5. 同时建立财务危机管理体系,采用改进的功效系数法构建模型进行实证分析也是本文的主要创新点。

    At the same time , establishing the financial crisis management system and using improved efficacy coefficient method constructing financial pre-warning model are Innovations of this paper .

  6. 但已有的研究往往只关注财务危机管理的部分环节,缺乏对财务危机管理体系的系统研究。

    But the existing research usually pays attention to the partial links of the financial crisis management , and which lacks of systematic research to the financial crisis management system .

  7. 面对这一窘境,熵理论以其对不确定因素有效度量的特点,为财务危机管理打开了崭新的研究视角。

    Facing the embarrassed condition , the theory of entropy has the characteristic of measuring of uncertain factors , so it opens a new perspective of study of financial crisis management .

  8. 本文所提出的财务危机管理体系包括:财务危机防范体系、财务危机预警体系以及财务危机处理与恢复体系。

    This article put forward by the financial crisis management system include : the prevention of systemic financial crisis , financial crisis early warning system , as well as the financial crisis management and recovery system .

  9. 财务危机管理的研究是危机管理学科的一个分支,更是一个新兴的研究课题,它将对企业财务危机问题的研究同危机管理相结合,贯穿企业财务管理始终。

    Financial crisis management is a branch of crisis management study of a branch , but also a new field of study , it will study the financial crisis together with crisis management , throughout financial management .

  10. 然而,由于目前我国大多数企业还没有树立起足够的危机意识,学术界对财务危机管理体系的研究还处于起步阶段,因此,对于财务危机管理体系的研究具有深远的意义。

    However , the majority of enterprises in China have not established a sufficient sense of crisis , the financial crisis in the management of the academic research is still in its initial stage , therefore , and for financial crisis management research is of great significance .

  11. 中国上市公司财务危机预警及管理对策研究

    Studies on Prediction Financial Distress and Management in Chinese Firms

  12. 第2章从现代财务理论、危机管理和财务控制三方面探讨企业必须建立财务预警的理论依据。

    The second charter probes the theory basis of financial early-warning system from three aspects of current financial theory , distress management and financial control .

  13. 企业发生财务危机将影响管理者、债权人、投资人等利益相关者的经济利益,甚至引起国家资本市场的波动和损失。

    The financial distress will affect the economic interests of the managers , creditors , investors and other stakeholders , and even lead to the national capital market volatility and losses .

  14. 重组后,澳柯玛公司完善了公司治理,建立了财务管控体系,危机管理取得了较好的效果。

    After reorganization , AUCMA company perfected corporate governance , established financial regulation system , and gained preferable effect in crisis management .

  15. 论文采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的研究方法,系统地分析了企业财务危机,形成了企业财务危机管理的内容框架和程序方法。

    Using the method of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , this paper systemically analyses financial distress , and forms content frame and procedure .

  16. 鉴于此,每一家上市公司迫切需要建立一套能预先防范财务危机,诊断危机并有效处理财务危机的管理系统,来帮助企业避开和化解可能出现的财务危机。

    In view of this , managers need to establish a framework for precautionary financial crisis , diagnosis , prediction of financial crises and to deal effectively with the crisis management system to help companies avoid and resolve financial crises that may arise .