
  • 网络Financial Index Analysis
  1. 本章主要阐述企业财务指标分析的概念和内容。

    This chapter mainly elaborates the concept and content of enterprise financial index analysis .

  2. 在对国内外银行的效率及差异进行探讨时,我利用传统的财务指标分析法。

    When comparing the efficiency difference between China 's banks and foreign banks , I use the traditional method of financial index analysis .

  3. 通过使用累积超额收益法和财务指标分析法对ST上市公司资产重组的绩效进行了实证研究,最后对实证的结果进行了分析从而提出了与之相关的政策建议。

    After that , this paper use Cumulative Abnormal Return method and financial indicator method respectively to analyze the performance of the corporate restructuring . The last section of the paper is the analysis of the empirical study results and my own policy advices .

  4. 市盈率的分析应该与其它财务指标分析相结合;

    The analysis of P / E ratio should be combined with other financial ratio analysis ;

  5. 利用财务指标分析法对近年来发生了外资并购的我国上市公司的绩效进行了实证分析。

    The third section is the research on the foreign mergers and acquisitions achievement of the listed companies .

  6. 在西方成熟的股票市场中,人们通过财务指标分析大多得出上市公司业绩与股票价格之间存在显著的正相关关系的结论。

    The relationship between the performance of the listed company and the stock price is prominent positive relevant in Western stock market .

  7. 再选用资产利润率和成本收入比两个财务指标分析商业银行的盈利能力和成本控制能力。

    Secondly , choose two financial assets profit margin and cost income ratio index analysis the commercial bank profitability and cost control ability .

  8. 在面板数据模型中,我们具体到各行业并且加入财务指标分析货币冲击对这两种不同所有制企业的非对称效应。

    Panel data model , specific to each industry and joined the financial indicators of monetary shocks asymmetric effect of these two enterprises of different ownership .

  9. 在此基础上,应用了财务指标分析和灰色关联模型比较了两家企业2005年到2008年的经营绩效。

    On this basis , the paper applies analysis of financial indicators and model of grey incidence to compare two companies ' performance from 2005 to 2008 .

  10. 学术界对并购的研究主要有两种方法,一是事件研究法,二是财务指标分析法。

    There are two main ways in academic research on M & A , first is the event study method , and second is analysis of financial indicators .

  11. 从传统的财务指标分析法发展到模糊综合绩效评价法说明近年来企业绩效评价方法有了长足的改进,使其更加科学合理化。

    Developed from the traditional finance index analysis method to the haziness synthesizes performance evaluation method shows that it has contain substantial improvement , more science and rationalization in recent years .

  12. 随着社会经济的发展,现行财务指标分析体系已难以充分有效地向财务报表使用人提供相关决策信息。

    With the development of social economy , according to the prevailing financial analysis system , decision information can 't efficiently be submitted to the users pertaining to the financial statement .

  13. 此外,采用数理统计描述及财务指标分析的方法对中小企业板块股权结构及公司绩效的现状进行分析;还通过实证分析的方法建立计量模型来考察中小企业板股权结构与公司绩效的关系。

    In addition , analyzing the present situation of ownership structure and corporation performance on Small-and-Middle-Sized Board by using the method of the mathematical statistic description and the financial index analysis .

  14. 在此基础上选择了三家样本银行分别利用财务指标分析法和数据包络分析法进行实证分析,发现了其并购效率前后的变化,发现了我国商业银行并购存在的问题。

    On this basis selects three banks for empirical analysis using financial indicators and data envelopment analysis method respectively . The calculating results find the changes and current problems of the banking mergers .

  15. 第二部分运用企业财务指标分析法和历史分析法对南京理工科技公司进行分析评价,探讨分析南京理工科技公司筹资管理中的不足;

    The second part analyses and evaluates Nanjing Science and Technology Company by applying the company financial index analysis and historical analysis method then find out the disadvantages of Nanjing Science and Technology Company ;

  16. 从投资项目风险分析、投资预算、可行性分析和各财务指标分析等进行项目的评估研究。

    During the implement of the project , we paid more attention to the various kinds of risk and made assessment of project by risk analysis , investment evaluation , feasibility analysis and different financial indicator analysis etc.

  17. 提出在对企业税源质量和税负进行比较后挑选出可疑企业,再对其进行单个财务指标分析,可以大大减少税务机关工作量和纳税评估的盲目性。

    Comparing the quality of tax fund and tax burdens can pick out the suspicious companies and analyse their individual financial index , through these , tax authorities workload is greatly reduced , so as the tax assessment blindness .

  18. 利用算符优先移进&归约算法实现自定义财务指标的分析与计算

    Operator Prior Shift-reduce Algorithm for Self-defining Financial Index Analysis and Computation

  19. 最后,从财务报表指标分析中国银行上市后的绩效和中国银行上市后的意义。

    Finally , the author tries to analyze the performance from the financial statements and meaning after the IPO .

  20. 接着,对选定的迁建地址,利用项目经济评价方法,计算其财务指标,分析投资可行性,判断项目是否可行。

    Then use project economic evaluation method to analyze this project . Calculate the financial indexes to analyze investment feasibility .

  21. 文章通过一系列的项目财务评价指标分析,认为本项目具有现实的可行性。

    Through a series of project financial evaluation analysis , we believe the project has practical feasibility . This paper includes three parts .

  22. 本文通过对企业财务指标的分析与选取,运用聚类分析法对我国企业的信用风险贷款质量进行了评估与预测。

    According to analysis and selection of finance indicators , the paper evaluates and predicts the quality of fiduciary loan risk by clustering methods .

  23. 根据应用条件不同分为线性规划模型法和财务指标比较分析法。

    According to the different conditions of application , the optimization can be solved by two ways : linear programming model and comparative analysis of financial indicators .

  24. 同时分析影响主因子的财务指标,分析企业绩效不高的具体原因,为进一步改善提供方向。

    At the same time , the financial indicators were analyzed which effect the main factors to indentify the specific reason for providing direction in further improvement process .

  25. 根据近几年的相关数据,通过对财务指标综合分析,探讨四川省上市公司的可持续发展状况。

    The sustainable development of the listed companies in Sichuan province is investigated according to the related data during recent years and by the synthetic analysis of the financial indices .

  26. 根据公司改制前后财务指标的分析,本文经过比较得出改制可大大提高公司绩效的结论。

    The article draws a conclusion upon the analysis and comparison of the pre - and after - financial indexes that the institutional restructure can enormously improve the performance of the company .

  27. 结合笔者所在单位推行的企业绩效评价工作,创新性地将战略财务绩效指标分析评价引入战略财务管理体系,从而对以财务绩效指标量化的企业战略目标进行评价提供了依据和方法。

    Innovatively introduce the ' Analysis and assessment of strategic financial performance ' into strategic financial management system , thus to provide a method for evaluating the goal of enterprise strategy through the index of financial performance .

  28. 主要内容包括基于偿债能力分析、经营效率分析、盈利能力分析和投资价值分析的财务指标专项分析;杠杆分析和杜邦分析体系的综合财务分析。

    The author mainly does financial statements project analysis based on the debt paying ability analysis , operation efficiency analysis , performance analysis and investment value analysis financial index analysis . Leverage analysis and dupont analysis system of comprehensive financial analysis .

  29. 从偿债、营运以及获利能力三方面选择资产负债率、偿债保障比率、存货周转率、资产周转率、净资产收益率和销售净利率共6个财务指标来分析。

    I choose 6 indicators which are asset-liability ratio , debt service coverage ratios , inventory turnover , asset turnover , return on equity and sales of net profit margin from the debt , operations and profitability forms to make the financial analysis .

  30. 中国上市公司MBO效应研究&基于公司财务指标变动的分析

    Research on Effect of China 's Listed Companies MBO Based on the Analysis of Changes in Corporate Financial Targets