
  • 网络financial status;Financial Situation Analysis;the analysis of financial condition;R-Model
  1. 利用现金流量表进行企业财务状况分析

    Cash Statement Is the Key to Analyze Financial Status of Enterprises

  2. 2008年宁德市义务教育阶段学校财务状况分析

    Analysis of school financial status in compulsive educational period of Ningde City in 2008

  3. 我国寿险业的财务状况分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Finance Status of Life Insurance Corporations in China

  4. 宁波市海运业财务状况分析研究

    The Ningpo city marine transportation industry finance condition analysis studies

  5. 东北电气公司财务状况分析

    The Financial Analysis of Northeast Electric Development Company Limited

  6. 上市公司财务状况分析的研究(英文)

    Research on Financial Condition Analysis of Listed Companies ;

  7. 浅议上市公司财务状况分析方法

    Analysis Methods of Financial Conditions in Listed Company

  8. 本文在对数据仓库特征进行分析论证的基础上给出了基于数据仓库的企业财务状况分析预警系统的设计方案。

    The design of an enterprise financial position analysis and early warning system is put forward after the analysis and justification for the characteristics of the data warehouse .

  9. 对一个上市公司的绩效评价应从三方面展开:公司基本素质分析,会计数据分析,财务状况分析。

    Appraisal of the performance of listed companies ought to be conducted in the following three ways : analysis of basic company qualities , analysis of accounting data and analysis of financial situations .

  10. 首先探讨了将现金流量表纳入企业财务状况分析的范围,提出了由偿债能力分析、营运能力分析、盈利能力分析组成的现代财务状况分析指标体系。

    This article discussed how to embrace the cash flow table into the enterprise financial state analysis . It also puts forward a modem financial analytical index system which consists of liquidate capability analysis , operation ability analysis , and profitability analysis .

  11. 沈阳市2006&2007年社区卫生服务站财务收入状况分析

    Analysis on the Income of the Community Health Service Centers in Shenyang

  12. 关于军事代表机构财务状况的分析

    An analysis of financial condition of military representative offices

  13. 电力企业财务状况质量分析与评价

    Discussion of Analysis and Evaluation on Quality of Financial Condition of Electrical Enterprises

  14. 第四章提出了财务状况质量分析的理论框架。

    Chapter Four puts forward the theoretical framework of quality analysis of financial position .

  15. 全国社区卫生服务现状调查&2000~2002年全国城市社区卫生服务中心财务支出状况分析

    Analysis on the Expense of the Community Health Service Centers in China from 2000 to 2002

  16. 实际应用表明,基于变动成本法的杜邦系统能够更好地对企业的财务状况进行分析,并有利于内部管理。

    Applications show that the Du Pont system based on variable cost approach can make financial analysis of an enterprise more effectively and can provide better service for internal management than the traditional system .

  17. 与企业财务状况质量分析理论有关的基本概念,主要包括财务状况质量、资产质量、资本结构质量、利润质量、现金流量质量以及财务信息质量等。

    Basic concepts relevant to quality analysis theory mainly comprises quality of financial position , quality of assets , quality of capital structure , quality of earnings , quality of cash flows and quality of financial information .

  18. 指出:企业财务状况质量分析理论,主要包括与企业财务状况质量分析有关的基本概念、基本内容与基本方法。

    It points out that this quality analysis theory is one which analyzes the quality of a business financial position ( partly or wholly ), and that the theory mainly includes basic concepts , contents and methods relevant to quality analysis .

  19. 同时运用了CAMEL的分析框架对兴业银行的财务状况进行了分析,发现兴业银行资本金充足,资产质量良好,管理精良,利润增长快速,中长期流动性充裕。

    Further analysis was taken through CAMEL framework , and we found the Industrial Bank has sufficient capital , good quality of assets , excellent management , rapidly growth of net income and good liquidity in medium and long tenor .

  20. 最后从A企业财务状况出发,分析其财务价值。

    Proceed from A enterprise 's financial situation finally , analyse its financial value .

  21. 石油企业应根据这些指标体系,结合自身经营特点,设计一套能客观公正地反映企业财务状况的财务分析与评价指标体系。

    Petroleum enterprises should design a set of financial analysis and evaluation targets system objectively and justly reacting enterprise 's financial situation by combining their own management characteristics with these targets system .

  22. 第三部分全面分析了首创置业的财务状况,包括分析公司的盈利能力、资产质量和营运能力、偿债能力,以及现金流量状况和经营业绩的波动;

    The third partanalyses the financial status of BCL , including measuring the company 's profitability , the company 's ability to pay debts , and the cash flows of BCL and so on .

  23. 通过将行为金融学和数据分析结合起来,这股颠覆性力量也可以帮助金融业摆脱对FICO评分的依赖。FICO评分偏向于主要以财务状况来校准的分析模型。

    Through the incorporation of behavioural finance and data analytics , the disruptive forces also help to wean the industry off its obsession with FICO scores in favour of analytical models more calibrated with financial health .

  24. 上市公司财务状况的主成分分析

    The Principal Component Analysis of Listed Company 's Financial Position

  25. 企业财务状况的灰关联分析

    Grey Relational Analysis of Enterprise ′ s Financial Position

  26. 现金流量表取代财务状况变动表优势分析

    Study on advantages between statement of changes in financial position and cash flow statement

  27. 其次,在了解了这些基本的资料情况之后,结合国家农村政策和治理理念的转变对该村自改革开放以来的财务收支状况进行统计分析,并得出结论。

    Secondly , By understanding these basic materials , combined with national rural policies and the transformation of management ideas for the village and giving a statistical analysis of the financial receipts and expenditures since reform and opening up , then get the conclusion .

  28. 把二者进行比较,进一步论证现金流量表揭示企业短期偿债能力、真实地反映企业财务状况的作用,分析现金流量表代替财务状况变动表的历史必然性。

    This paper makes further investments by comparing the two aspects to explore the short-term solvency and the function to indicate enterprises ' true financial status , and the historical inevitability of changes from the traditional statement of financial position changes to cash flow meter .

  29. 上市公司是我国资本市场发展的基础,其运行的好坏直接关系到资本市场的兴衰,因此我们需要在上市公司发生财务危机之前,对其财务状况做预警分析。

    The listed company is the basis for the development of capital market in our country , its development is directly related to the prosperity or decay of our capital market .

  30. 加强内部控制制度建设提高高校财务管理水平&对某高校财务状况调查与分析

    Strengthening the Inner Control System Construction , Raising the Managements Standards of College Financial Affairs