
  • 网络Financial income;financial revenue and expenditure;RMB
  1. 再次,对事务所内部治理的主要内容进行剖析,事务所内部治理主要包括有人力资源管理制度、事务所内部质量控制制度以及财务收入分配制度这几个方面。

    Third , the main content of the interior governance of CPA firms is analyzed , which contains human resource management system , interior quality controlling system , and the financial income distribution system .

  2. 结论2000年及以前建立的社区卫生服务中心在2000~2002年的财务收入呈递增趋势,从财务状况来看,处于稳步发展状态,但其持续健康发展仍需政府的大力支持。

    Conclusion The financial income in 2000 ~ 2002 of CHSC set up in 2000 and before shows a tendency to increase progressively , and in steady state of development viewing from financial situation , but its continuous and sound development still needs the government 's support .

  3. 结论稻-鸭生态种养技术既能增加农户的财务收入,又能减少稻田CH4排放量,具有较好的环境效益,是一种很有发展潜力的可持续农业生产模式。

    【 Conclusion 】 The rice-duck ecological system not only increased the economic benefits of farmers , but also reduced methane emission in rice paddy field A sustainable agricultural production mode is formed .

  4. 沈阳市2006&2007年社区卫生服务站财务收入状况分析

    Analysis on the Income of the Community Health Service Centers in Shenyang

  5. 投资和处理别人的钱财会给你带来财务收入。

    You can make financial gains through investments and dealing with other people 's money .

  6. 木星代表着治愈,奇迹,并附带财务收入。

    Jupiter is the planet of healing and miracles but also the planet associated with financial gain .

  7. 盈亏临界点:财务收入和生产总成本正好相等时的产品销售量。

    Breakeven point : The level of product sales at which financial revenues equal total costs of production .

  8. 由此造成农村财务收入难,呆账坏账多,产生了很多财务遗留问题。

    Therefore , there are few income and great bad loans in the rural finance causing lots of financial problems .

  9. 办理水土相关之多角化经营,增加水利会之财务收入;

    Diversification of irrigation associations'functions to the water-land-soil related multi functions is also recommended for consideration to increase the financial incomes .

  10. 为其他公司的产品设计卡通广告成了皮克斯公司财务收入的唯一主要来源。

    The only significant way the company was earning money was by making cartoon advertisements to sell other companies ' products .

  11. 相比与过去的财务收入状况来看,我们的确有机会也有能力做的更好。

    What is clear is that there is an opportunity for Liverpool to do much better financially than they had in the past .

  12. 对此,职业院校如何比较高效合理的对财务收入进行管理成为了一个比较大的问题。

    In this regard , how the vocational schools to more efficient and reasonable manage finance and charge become to a big problem .

  13. 本文从台湾健保的管理制度、财务收入制度和财务支出制度等方面对其财务危机进行了分析,并总结出它为完善我国大陆健康保险制度提供的借鉴意义。

    This paper analyzes financial crisis in the aspects of management system , financial receipts system and financial expenditure system of Taiwan 's health insurance and summarizes its learning significance for completing main-land health insurance system .

  14. 结论2002年度东部社区卫生服务中心的财务收入状况好于西、中部地区,西、中部社区卫生服务中心的发展仍需政府的进一步扶持。

    Conclusion In 2002 the income of urban community health service centers in east China was more than those in west and mid China , and the governments should give more support to the community health service in west and mid china .

  15. 目的了解全国城市社区卫生服务中心在2000~2002年财务收入状况。方法调查对象为11个省、自治区及直辖市的2000年及以前建立的社区卫生服务中心。

    Objective To understand the financial income of urban community health service centers ( CHSC ) of China in 2000 ~ 2002.Methods The respondents belonged to CHSC which set up in 2000 or before in 11 provinces and autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government .

  16. 社会养老保险财务制度收入的影响因素分析

    Analysis on influencing factors of financial income of social old-age insurance system

  17. 本系统是针对用户要求用计算机,对自己的财务的收入、支出以及相关的各种信息,进行记录、修改、添加、删除而设计的一种现代化管理软件。

    This system is according to user requirements with the computer , for their financial income , expenditure and a variety of related information , records , modify , add , delete and design of a kind of modern management software .

  18. 去年,家庭财务盈余(收入大于支出)占GDP的比例为1.1%。

    Last year , households ran a financial surplus ( excess of income over spending ) of 1.1 per cent of GDP .

  19. 金融危机的另一个后果就是私有部门的综合财务盈余(收入与开支相抵之后的余额占gdp之比)出现大幅增长。

    Yet another legacy of the crisis has been a huge rise in the consolidated financial surplus of the private sector ( balance between income and spending , as shares of GDP ) .

  20. 换言之,高等教育的财务回报对收入分化的影响更大。

    In other words , the financial rewards of higher education are a big contributor to the income gap .

  21. 通过路径分析,提出目标认同、团队凝聚力(行为一致性)、组织财务绩效(收入增长率)三个变量的整合性路径分析模型。

    The article builds a model with three dims including object-accepted , coherence and financing performance by conformity path analysis .

  22. 输出是用于决策者的报告,包括财务报表(收入报表,资产负债表)。

    Outputs are the reports used for decision making , including the financial statements ( income statement , balance sheet ) .

  23. 从她的讲话中我们可以了解该行上一财务年度的收入来源以及收入使用情况。

    From her presentation , we know both about the source of income and the application of income for her bank for the previous financial year .

  24. 孩子还小,依赖家庭满足财务需求,收入不高的家庭难以购买足够的人身险来保护母亲和孩子。

    When the children are young and depend upon the family for financial needs , families with modest incomes have difficulty providing enough life insurance to protect the mother and the children .

  25. 根据预测,从2007年到2009年,随着储蓄增加和支出削减,美国、英国和西班牙受到危机打击的私人部门将把自己的财务平衡(收入与支出之差)大幅转向盈余。

    Between 2007 and 2009 , the crisis-hit private sectors of the US , UK and Spain will , on these forecasts , shift their financial balances ( the difference between their incomes and expenditures ) massively towards surplus , as savings rise and spending is cut .

  26. 谅解备忘录中的一部分项目包括但不限于:财务合并、终止确认、公允价值、财务决算报告、收入所得税和租赁。

    Projects that form a part of the MoU include but are not limited to consolidations , derecognition , fair value measurements , financial statement presentation , income taxes and leases .

  27. 财务管理系统对企业财务计划,财务控制,财务监督,财务运用等方面都起着巨大的作用,是每一个单位管理财务收入和支出的不可缺少的一个管理信息系统。

    Financial management system plays magnificent role in the cooperation financial plan , control , supervision and application . And this is indispensable management information system to every company in its income and expense .