
cái chǎn hùn tónɡ
  • hotchpot;confusion;hotchpotch;intermixture
  1. 第三部分讲在司法适用过程中具体问题的认定,包括举证责任分配、财产混同和其他情形的认定。

    The third part is about judicial application of the specific issues , including the allocation of the burden of proof , properties confuse and other circumstances .

  2. 但是在一人公司发展的过程中,也因为一人公司的内部治理结构单一,信用较低,股东财产与公司财产混同等原因而产生了许多矛盾和纠纷。

    However , because of the simple corporate governance , the business credit of One-man Company is always very low and the property of the shareholder is always mixed with that of the company , which are the origin of conflicts and disputes .