
chuànɡ lì dà huì
  • Founding Conference;founding assembly
  1. 发起人应当在三十日内主持召开公司创立大会。

    The promoters shall convene a founding meeting within thirty days .

  2. 创立大会由认股人组成。

    The founding meeting is made up of the subscribers .

  3. 创立大会的会议记录;

    Minutes of the founding meeting ;

  4. 创立大会应有代表股份总数二分之一以上的认股人出席,方可举行。

    The founding meeting shall be held only if subscribers representing half or more of the total shares are present .

  5. 本章着重论述了发起人认购公司股份、招募股东、股份认购、公司创立大会等法律问题。

    It explains explicitly the legal problems about sponsors ' subscribing for shares of the corporation and recruiting shareholders and sessions of corporation foundation .

  6. 发起人应当在创立大会召开十五日前将会议日期通知各认股人或者予以公告。

    The promoters shall give notice to all subscribers or make an announcement of the date of the founding meeting fifteen days before the meeting .

  7. 发起人制订公司章程,采用募集方式设立的经创立大会通过;

    The articles of association are formulated by the initiators , and are adopted at the establishment meeting if the company is to be launched by stock floatation ;

  8. 创立大会对前款所列事项作出决议,必须经出席会议的认股人所持表决权的半数以上通过。

    A resolution at the founding meeting on any of the matters set out above requires the approval of subscribers with half or more of the voting rights present at the meeting .

  9. 设立股份有限公司,董事会应当于创立大会结束后30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记。

    To establish a company limited by shares , the board of directors shall , within 30 days of the conclusion of the founding meeting , apply to the company registration authority for registration of establishment .