
dú lì fǎ rén
  • independent legal person
  1. 我司是具有独立法人地位的进出口贸易公司。

    Division I is an independent legal person status of the import and export trading company .

  2. 招商对象:区域独家经销商申请人必须是独立法人或即将成为法人。

    Object of Investment Invitation : applicant for the regional exclusive dealer must be the independent legal person or would-be legal person .

  3. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  4. 医院集团(HospitalGroup)是医院重组的主要模式,是指由3家或3家以上具有独立法人资格的医院,经协商、谈判联合成有隶属关系和连锁经营的医院集团组织。

    To set up Hospital Group is one of the major forms of restructuring the hospitals , which means 3 or more than 3 hospitals forms hospital group through negotiation ot through setting up subsidiary or links .

  5. 按照国家关于国有多经企业与主业实行分离的要求,TD公司已经由行业保护下的多元企业进入市场,参与市场竞争,最终发展成具有独立法人治理结构的现代化企业。

    According to the country by the state-owned enterprise and more about its implement separation requirements , TD companies become to market competition enterprise and Develop into independent corporate governance structure of modern enterprise .

  6. 浅析村中、小学校的独立法人地位

    Independent Status of Village Primary School or Middle School as Corporation

  7. 体育学院组建具有独立法人资格饮食服务实体的可行性和必要性

    Discussion on feasibility and necessity of establishing separate legal dietetic entity

  8. 参赛单位必须具有独立法人资格。

    All the Competitors must possess the qualification of independent legal entity .

  9. 未来的发展趋势应是明确业主大会的独立法人地位。

    It is necessary to make clear the independent juridical person status of owners committee .

  10. 具有独立法人资格及教育资质的培训机构。

    The agency must be an independent legal person qualified to provide training and education service .

  11. 具有独立法人地位。

    Has an independent legal personality .

  12. 这些特征表现为:母公司与子公司各具有独立法人资格;母子公司之间在经营管理上的控制性;企业集团母子公司关系的法律透析

    On Enterprise Group Parent Subsidiary Relationship

  13. 协会是在美国密西根州注册、具有独立法人资格的非政治、非营利和非宗教的组织。

    CAGD is a non-political , non-profit and non-religious independent organization registered in the State of Michigan .

  14. 具有独立法人资格,在工商行政管理局注册的境内企业;

    An independent legal entity , domestic enterprises that registered in the Administration of Industry and Commerce .

  15. 北京中外民间文化艺术交流促进会是具有独立法人资格的社会团体。

    Beijing China-foreign folk culture-art exchange and promotion association is a non-governmental public organization with independent legal personality .

  16. 公司独立法人人格的取得和维系取决于其独立意思、独立财产和独立责任能力的具备。

    The key intension of the independence of corporate personality is that the company is independent of its shareholders .

  17. 公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性科技开发、生产及贸易有限公司。

    Beijing Pulesi Technology Company Limited is a new founded trading company based in Beijing , the capital of P.R.

  18. 瑕疵设立公司制度是与公司独立法人地位密切相关的一项重要法律制度。

    The system of defective incorporation is a key system closely relating to the independent legal personality of corporation .

  19. 报验单位应当是持有《药品经营许可证》的独立法人。

    Only as an independent legal person holding a Drug Business License may an entity apply for drug inspection .

  20. 公立高校成为独立法人之后,政府与高校之间可能建构一种外部行政委托代理关系;

    Yet after public universities become independent juristic person , that relation might be replaced by an external administrative trust .

  21. 绵投公司具有独立法人资格,实行商业化运作和管理。

    MT Investment Company is a company with independent legal personality , operating and being managed in commercial and market manner .

  22. 北京时代创通科技有限公司是一家在IT行业有着丰富经验和雄厚实力的高科技独立法人企业。

    Beijing Creaton Technology Co. , Ltd. is an independent legal enterprise with ample experience and strong power in IT field .

  23. 在现代企业制度下,企业成为面向市场的独立法人实体和市场竞争主体。

    Under the system of modern enterprise , the enterprise becomes the market-oriented independent legal person 's entity and market competition subject .

  24. 商家借助于明星的人格魅力,来为自己的商品确立好的形象。我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。

    In virtue of stars ' personal - ity charm , the business enterprises set up good images for their own products .

  25. 职业教育集团可理解为由若干具有独立法人资格的实体组成的联合体,集团具有横向多元化、纵向多层次的组织机构。

    The collective of higher vocational education can be understood as a combo comprised of several entities which have independent corporation qualification .

  26. 企业技术联盟是两个或两个以上具有独立法人资格的企业联合致力于技术创新的行为。

    A technical alliance of enterprises is an action of technical creating by an alliance of two or more enterprises having legal qualifications .

  27. 在国家工商行政管理局合法注册,并具有独立法人资格的企业;

    In January , the state administration for industry and commerce , and legally registered with independent legal person qualification of the enterprise .

  28. 但由于子公司在母子公司关系中处于被控制和被支配地位,使得子公司的独立法人资格又存在着瑕疵。

    However , under the control of the parent company , the independent qualification of a legal person of subsidiary company is imperfect .

  29. 公司凭借其特有的独立法人和有限责任的优势,推动了经济的快速发展,成为社会的宠儿。

    With its unique independent legal and limited liability , companies promoted the development of economy rapidly and became the darling of society .

  30. 《国家开发银行章程》也只规定国家开发银行是直属国务院领导的政策性金融机构,没有提及国家开发银行是否为独立法人。

    The Bylaw of China Development Bank only clarifies that China Development Bank is a policy-based bank under the direct leadership of State Council .