
  • 网络multi-level governance
  1. 公司治理结构的经理层与企业绩效的实证分析区域合作的协调机制:多层治理理论与欧盟经验

    The Coordination Mechanism of Regional Cooperation : Theory of Multi-level Governance and EU Experiences

  2. 二十世纪90年代,多层治理理论提出了一种解释欧洲一体化的新视角。

    Multi-level governance is a new approach put forward in 1990s to explain the European integration .

  3. 多层治理理论与欧洲一体化

    Theory of Multi - Level Governance and European Integration

  4. 诚然欧盟也存在治理困境,多层治理也并非万能之药。

    No doubt the EU has its governance dilemma . And multilevel governance is not a panacea .

  5. 欧盟作为区域组织管理的成功典范,多层治理制度在其中起到了重要的推动作用。

    The multilevel governance system has played an important role in the EU , a model for governing a regional entity .

  6. 欧盟的非法移民治理也同样在欧盟多层治理体系下于国家、超国家、次国家等层面分别展开。

    The governance of irregular immigrants is also conducted under the European Union governance system via multi-national , supra-national , sub-national levels separately .

  7. 作为以理论讨论见长的政治家们,他们对一般意义上的区域政治一体化、世界多层治理等也展开了越来越多的讨论。

    As experts of theoretical discussion , political philosophers have also engaged themselves in debates on regional political integration and multiple-level governance of the world .

  8. 在多层治理结构中积极创新国家主权和国家自主性的形式,加强合作机制以解决大量跨边界的协调和控制问题;

    They must actively create new forms of national sovereignty and autonomy in a framework of multi-level governance , and reinforce cooperation mechanisms for cross-border coordination and control .

  9. 在这一过程中,传统的国家治理主权不断地向上、下让渡,逐步形成了国家治理、超国家治理和次国家治理并存的欧盟多层治理模式。

    The traditional sovereignty of national governance transfered upward or downward continuously , and gradually formed the EU multi-governance model including the coexistence of a national governance , supra-national governance and sub-national governance .

  10. 在整个公共治理理论的框架中,与国际治理、国际区域治理、国家治理一道,地方治理成为现代社会多层治理结构的重要组成部分。

    Within the overall framework of public administration theory , local governance has become a significant component of the multi-level administrative structure of a modern society , alongside international , regional and state administration .

  11. 摘要从多层治理的视角看,欧洲一体化的发展史实际上就是欧洲联盟多层治理政治体制逐步形成的历史。

    From the perspective of multi-level governance , the history of European integration , was , in fact , the history of the process of the creation and the formation of European multi-level governance structure .

  12. 随着欧洲一体化的深入和扩大,欧盟治理逐渐引起政治家和学者们关注,并从各种角度对欧盟治理进行了解读,比如多层治理、网状治理、有限治理等。

    EU Governance are attracting more attention of statesmen and scholars with the deepening and widening of European integration and it is interpreted from various aspects in terms of multi-level governance , network governance and limited governance etc.

  13. 欧洲联盟多层级治理的理论和实践

    An Analysis on the Theories and Practices of EU Multi-level Governance