
  • 网络multi-attribute decision making;multiple attribute decision making;madm;mcdm
  1. 基于多属性决策和态势估计结果的空战威胁评估方法

    A Method of Threat Assessment Based on MADM and Results of Situation Assessment in Air to Air Combat

  2. 迄今为止,人们已经提出了许多成熟的求解多属性决策问题的方法,但这些方法大多数都要求决策分析时确知方案的属性值。

    So far , many mature approaches for solving MADM problems have been developed . Almost all of these approaches require exact values of the alternatives on each attribute .

  3. 基于模糊多属性决策理论的语义Web服务组合算法

    Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making-Based Algorithm for Semantic Web Service Composition

  4. E(F)的一个度条件.基于理想关联度的不确定多属性决策方法

    A Method for Uncertainty Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Ideal Incidence Degree

  5. 不确定性多属性决策中的ER方法改进

    Improvement of Evidential Reasoning Approach for Multiple Attribute Decision Making under Uncertainty

  6. 多属性决策的Vague集方法

    Vague set methods of multi-attribute decision making

  7. 一种基于Spearman秩相关系数与熵的多属性决策方法

    A Multi-attribute Decision-making Method Based on Spearman Rank Relational Coefficient and Entropy

  8. 对多属性决策问题和信息集结问题进行了研究,分析了已有Vague集方法,并通过例子说明其不足之处。

    The multi-attribute decision making and information aggregation problems are studied . The present vague set method is anal-yzed and their shortcoming is showed by example .

  9. 概率OWA算子及其在多属性决策中的应用

    Probability OWA Operator and Its Application to Multi-Attribute Decision Making

  10. 多属性决策法的配方综合性能分值Ii(0≤Ii≤1)最大值判则有多义性。

    And the maximum value criterion of the comprehensive property fraction I I ( 0 ≤ I I ≤ 1 ) for the formula from the multi property policy making method was polysemous .

  11. 首先给出区间数的排序函数e?测度,可以通过区间数的e?测度对区间数进行排序;然后给出属性值是区间数的多属性决策方法。

    Interval ranking function e ? measure is given , by which interval numbers can be sorted on the interval e ? measure ; Multiple-attribute decision making method is given , which property value is interval number .

  12. 算法方面,在考虑了属性分类的基础上提出了基于距离的混合数据类型的相似性度量方法和基于TOPSIS的多属性决策方法。

    About the algorithm , a hybrid data similarity measure algorithm and TOPSIS multi-attribute decision making method based on distance are designed taking into account the property classification .

  13. 基于多级LWM算子多属性决策方法的军事友好国家分析模型研究

    The Military Amicable Country Analyses Model Research Based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method of Multistage LWM Operator

  14. 基于Rough集理论的多属性决策方法,针对属性值为区间数的多属性决策问题,从以往的决策经验中提取规则,形成规则库,然后利用这些规则解决当前的决策问题。

    The method based on Rough set theory In this approach , some rules are extracted from the past decision examples by utilizing rough set theory , and then form a warehouse of rules . Finally these rules are used to solve the current MADM problems .

  15. 多属性决策(MADM)是决策分析领域中的一个重要分支,它处理的是有限个方案在多个准则下的决策问题。

    Multi-attribute decision-making ( MADM ) is an important branch of decision analysis . It deals with the decision problem with finite set of alternatives and multiple criteria .

  16. 针对企业部署场景下OFDMAFemtocell网络的覆盖优化问题,提出了基于多属性决策理论的覆盖优化算法。

    A coverage optimization algorithm based on the Multiple Attribute Decision Making ( MADM ) is proposed to optimize the radio coverage area of OFDMA Femtocell network in enterprise deployment .

  17. 基于FV-OWA算子的不确定多属性决策方法

    Uncertain multiple attribute decision making method based on FV-OWA operator

  18. 在第一部分,文章提出改进专家方法和信用评分方法。在改进专家方法中,笔者利用决策分析理论中多属性决策方法,试图解决传统5C方法存在的不一致性和主观性问题。

    In the first part , the paper puts forward to improving professional method and the paper uses multi-attribute decision methods of decision analysis theory to solve traditional " 5c " methods .

  19. 将证据理论与传统的多属性决策方法相结合,解决FSA中同时包一含定量属性与定性属性的不确定性多属性决策问题,并以一个实例加以说明。关键词:船舶;

    By combining evidence theory with the traditional multiple attributes decision making ( MADM ) method , resolve multiple attributes decision with uncertainties including qualitative attributes and quantitative attributes and an example is given to illustrate it .

  20. 通过对传统逼近理想点法(TOPSIS)的改进,并与MonteCarle随机模拟法相结合,提出了决策信息&属性权重和属性值均为区间数的多属性决策方法。

    By improving the traditional TOPSIS method and incorporating the Monte Carle simulation , a new method for multi-attribute decision-making with decision information such as attribute weight and attribute value in the form of interval numbers is presented .

  21. 并应用基于模糊TOPSIS方法的多属性决策方法,对多目标调度方案集进行排序优选,得到决策者满意的调度方案,从而指导三峡梯级水库的实际运行。

    With the application of methods based on fuzzy TOPSIS multi - attribute decision making , non-inferior solutions have been sorted . The solutions which can satisfy policy makers have been obtain to guide the actual operation of the Three Gorges reservoir .

  22. 因此,利用层次分析法的指标权重和基于灰色关联度和Euclid距离的改进TOPSIS多属性决策方法,可以充分利用各自优势,给出更加合理的评价结果。

    Therefore , using the index weight with AHP and grey correlation degree based on improved TOPSIS distance and Euclid distance of the multiple attribute decision making method , can make full use of their respective advantages , give more reasonable evaluation results . 4 .

  23. 极小方差无偏估计器对方案有偏好的最小最大偏差多属性决策方法

    Min-max deviation method for multi-attribute decision-making with preference information on alternatives

  24. 部分权重信息下的三角模糊数型多属性决策方法

    Triangular Fuzzy Number Multi-attribute Decision Making Method Under Partial Weight Information

  25. 混合型多属性决策问题的熵方法

    A Technique of Entropy for Hybrid Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems

  26. 多属性决策中权重确定的一种集成方法

    An Integrated Approach to Determining Weights in Multiple Attribute Decision Making

  27. 基于偏差最小化模型的多属性决策集成方法

    Integrated Approach Based on Minimum Deviation Model for Multi-attribute Decision Making

  28. 多属性决策在素质评价中的应用

    Application of multiple attribute decision making in applicant 's qualities evaluation

  29. 多属性决策的一种主客观综合法

    A Subjective and Objective Synthetic Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making

  30. 深基坑支护方案的多属性决策分析

    Multi-attribute decision-making analysis on selecting retaining scheme of deep foundation pit