
  • 网络long-term decision
  1. 制造业工厂设施规划的好坏直接决定了绿色制造系统的效果,而且,设施规划是工厂一种典型的长期决策,是改善生产系统的结构基础,是提高生产效率的主要途径。

    The ability of facility layout planning directly determines the effectiveness of green manufacturing . Moreover , facility layout planning is a long-term decision .

  2. 它可以确保公司的稳定性,并使公司能够进行长期决策。

    It provides stability and allows decisions to be made over the long haul .

  3. 他说:短暂的不适,能够在我们的长期决策中起到很大的作用。

    Momentary discomfort , he says , can play a powerful role in our long-term decision-making .

  4. 主导市场的是短期决策还是长期决策,取决于银行对哪种类型的冒险行为予以回报。

    Whether short or long-term decision-making dominates a market depends on which type of risk-taking the banks reward .

  5. 无论从短期危机管理还是长期决策角度而言,政策制定者、银行家、投资者和选民都必须弄清楚,世界经济的问题究竟出在哪里。

    For both short-term crisis management and long-term decisions , it is imperative that policymakers , bankers , investors and voters understand clearly what went wrong with the world economy .

  6. 但在眼下这种瞬息万变的环境下,即便是完全致力于“两国制”构想的以色列政府,也将不愿做出长期决策。

    But even an Israeli government that was completely committed to the idea of a " two-state solution " would hesitate to take any long-term decisions in such a rapidly-changing environment .

  7. 任何长期决策可能造成的后果的法定义务,这一义务是否应该通过修改金融机构的企业章程,使对短期收益的注重和业绩与资产负债表结构中风险调整元素之间更趋平衡,从而予以扩大呢?

    # 8199 ; the likely consequences of any decision in the long term be expanded through changes in the constitution of financial entities to restore a better balance between the focus on short-term earnings and risk-adjusted elements in the performance and balance sheet structure ?

  8. 在华尔街成功女性所具有的众多优点当中,我经常看到的一个优点便是对风险进行认真负责的权衡,她们合理判断形势并做出正确的中长期决策,而不是盲目地追求短期利益。

    One of many strengths that I often see in successful women on Wall Street is a responsible balance between risk taking and risk mitigation – the ability to assess situations smartly and make the right medium-to-long-term decisions without being lured into reckless , short-term profit-taking .

  9. 通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。

    In general , women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men

  10. CRI新闻,刘坤(音译)美国俄勒冈州西塞德报道。重点讲解:.中国和美国有许多共同之处。例句:通常,妇女管理日常财务,而把大多数较长期的决策交给男人。

    China and United States share many things in common In general , women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men .

  11. 长期投资决策中净现值法的应用

    The application of net present value method in long-term investment decision

  12. 长期投资决策分析中的环境因素

    On the Environmental Factor in the Decision Analysis of the long-term Investment

  13. 本文就长期投资决策分析中关于折旧问题的处理进行分析研究。

    This paper analyses and studies depreciation problem on long rang investment .

  14. 内部报酬率法是长期投资决策中一种重要的投资决策方法。

    The IRR Method is an important way in long-term investment decision .

  15. 谈企业长期投资决策的影响因素

    On the Effected Factors of Enterprise long-term Investment Decision

  16. 长期投资决策的风险度及其应用

    The Risk Degree for Decision Making of Long Term Investment and Its Application

  17. 不确定条件下长期投资决策方法的运用

    The Methods of Long-Term Investment Decision under Uncertainty

  18. 中期政策:改、疏、堵、冲、内&评第二次提高存款准备金率企业如何进行长期投资决策

    How to Make Long - Term Policy

  19. 提供长期投资决策长期的确定性。

    Provide long-term certainty for investment decisions .

  20. 长期投资决策方法研究

    Long Terms Investment Decision Making Study

  21. 但是,当前国际金融市场氛围正助推着长期投资决策的不确定性。

    However , current international financial market sentiment is contributing to uncertainty in long-term investment decisions .

  22. 长期投资决策分析是管理会计的重要领域之一。

    The decision analysis of the long - term investment is an important field in management accounting .

  23. 企业如何进行长期投资决策

    How to Make Long-Term Policy

  24. 三是探讨了在不完全资本市场条件下企业的长期投资决策问题;

    The third is to probe into the questions of capital budgeting decisions in the incomplete capital market .

  25. 坏消息则是,需要马上对长期投资决策进行重大改革,特别是在电力领域。

    The bad news is that big changes to long-lived investment decisions will be required soon , particularly in the power sector .

  26. 在决策会计的理论体系中,通常将决策划分为短期经营决策和长期投资决策两类。

    In the theory system of the decision making accounting , decision is usually divided into short-term operational decision and long-term investment decision .

  27. 在内容上,责任会计、成本控制、长期投资决策应用较多。

    At content , responsibility accounting , cost controlling and long term investment decision making has been more applying than the other methods .

  28. 结果,尽管我们的世界与他们的已经截然不同,但着眼于长期的决策依然是个例外,而没有成为惯例。

    As a result , even though our world is very different from theirs , long-term decision-making remains the exception , not the rule .

  29. 企业设备改造投资是一个多投入多产出、长期的决策问题。

    It is complex for facility alteration investment in an enterprise because it needs a long term to make decisions with multi-input and multi-output .

  30. 这是非常健康的模式,我认为,尤其是在下滑的情况下,因为我们得以制定长期的决策。

    And it 's a very healthy model , I think , to have especially in the downturn , because we are able to take long term decisions .