
  • 网络Long-term credit
  1. 不动产信用银行以供给土地开发、都市改良、小区发展、道路建设、观光设施及房屋建筑等所需中、长期信用为主要任务。

    The principal functions of a real estate credit bank shall be to extend medium-and long-term credit for the purposes of land development , city improvement , urban development , road construction , tourist facilities and housing construction projects .

  2. 想要实行短期财政刺激,必须具有长期信用。

    To embark on fiscal stimulus in the short run , one must be credible in the long run .

  3. 更奇怪的是,评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)将日本的长期主权信用前景下调至负面,日元汇率不跌反升。

    More strangely , the yen strengthened even though the ratings agency Standard Poor 's moved Japan 's long-term sovereign debt outlook to negative .

  4. 标准普尔今天称,该机构确认其对美国的“AAA”长期主权信用评级和“A-1+”短期主权信用评级。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services said today that it affirmed its'AAA'long-term and'A-1 + 'short-term sovereign credit ratings on the U.S.

  5. 中长期出口信用保险是中国出口信用保险公司为支持企业走出去量身定做的金融产品。

    Medium-and long-term Export & Credit Insurance is one of the financial products of SINOSURE to help Chinese enterprises " go outward " .

  6. 市场经济是信用经济,西方发达国家在长期的信用打造实践中形成了一系列比较成熟、健全的社会信用体系。

    Market economy is credit economy , and the Western countries have developed a series of more mature social credit system in the long-term practice of credit building .

  7. 仅举一个例子,2006年国际足联抛弃了长期以来的信用卡合作伙伴万事达卡(Mastercard)转而与维萨卡(Visa)合作——这一决定引来一名纽约法官的严厉责难。

    Take , as just one , the ditching in 2006 of MasterCard , FIFA 's long-term credit-card partner , for Visa - a decision which drew a scathing rebuke from a New York judge .

  8. 信贷市场上的信贷配给现象作为一种均衡长期存在,信用担保有利于缓解信贷配给现象,但在信用再担保市场中依然存在逆向选择现象。

    Credit guarantee can resolve some of the information asymmetry , but adverse selection still exists in the credit guarantee market .

  9. 长期以来,信用风险是银行业最传统、最主要的风险形式,据麦肯锡的数据研究,信用风险在银行总体风险中占比达60%。

    For a long time , credit risk is the most traditional and prime risk in the banking industry . From the data study of McKinsey , credit risk owned 60 % in banking total risk .

  10. 我国商业银行面临的流动性风险随金融市场的开放而不断加大,而且由于我国长期以来国家信用的存在,商业银行流动性风险问题一直未引起监管机构和商业银行应有的重视。

    With the opening of financial markets , commercial banks face more liquidity risk . Because of the existence of national credit , Commercial bank liquidity risk has not drawn enough attentions of regulatory agencies and commercial banks .

  11. 长期以来,农村信用社为农民、农业和农村经济发展发挥了重要作用。

    Since long , the Rural credit cooperative for the farmer , the agriculture and the rural economic development has played the influential role .

  12. 通常提供给我们仿冒品的都是长期以来具有良好信用的供应商,他们恰好是没有培训过或者是准备去检测这些仿冒品的。

    Often the counterfeits supplied to us are from long time good standing suppliers who are just not trained or prepared to detect counterfeits .

  13. 既使议员们达成一致提高了债务上限,避免了违约,但信用评级机构还会认为,美国没有拿出一个解决联邦赤字的长期计划,所以信用评级下调的威胁仍然不会消失。

    Even if lawmakers do reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling and avoid default , credit rating agencies say the threat of a downgrade still exists without a long-term plan to fix the federal deficit .

  14. 他们长期生活在零信用的世界中:如果你是个毒贩,你不可能跑去银行经理那里申请贷款,因此最优秀的毒贩同时也是管理现金流的行家。

    They live permanently in a world of zero credit : if you are a hustler , you can 't go and see your bank manager and get a loan , so the best ones are virtuosos at managing cash flow .