
  • 网络Goal;Long-Term Objectives;long term objective;Long-Term Goal
  1. John的长期目标是通过学会对那些自己没有时间处理的项目说“不”来降低压力。

    John 's long-term goal is to reduce stress by learning to say " no " to projects he doesn 't have time to handle .

  2. 这样还可以帮助他们创建具体的行动,来让团队朝着长期目标更近一步。眼下的行动必须是在下一个sprint中就可以实施的,而且必须是团队自己就可以完成的工作。

    It also helps them create very concrete actions to move the team a step closer to the long-term goal .

  3. 你得为自己订一些长期目标。

    You need to set yourself some long-term goals .

  4. 必须规划出新的长期目标。

    New long-range objectives must be devised .

  5. 公司的长期目标是希望在莫斯科和其他大城市开门营业。

    In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities

  6. 另一种设定现实目标的方法是分析你的短期和长期目标,记住你的信念、价值观和优势。

    Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives , keeping in mind your beliefs , values and strengths .

  7. 比乔尔的长期目标是把这个平台建成时装产品批发行业的“易趣”(eBay)。

    Longterm , she wants joor to be an eBay ( eBay ) of wholesale goods .

  8. 但与政府去年单位GDP能耗要降低4%的目标相比,还差得很远。很多分析人士对长期目标是否能实现仍持怀疑态度。

    But the improvement was well below the government 's target of4 % for the year , and many analysts remain skeptical the longer-term targets will be met .

  9. Jill的长期目标是通过在工作中更好地直言、表达出自己拥有的兴趣和想法来降低压力。

    Jill 's long-term goal is to reduce stress by speaking up at work and expressing her interests and ideas more effectively .

  10. 除非我编制一个明确的安全性项目的预算,并具有明确的长期目标,否则最好将时间花在使用ssh上,而不是花时间设法改进它。

    Unless I can budget a definite security project with explicit long-term goals , my time is better spent using ssh than trying to improve on it .

  11. 我们的长期目标,是让ABAPVM真正地支持多语言,因此Ruby其实只是我们的第一步而已。

    Our long term vision , though , is true multi-language enablement of the ABAP VM , so Ruby is really just the first step .

  12. 它还将能够与Alcrohm跨越整体IT基础结构的包括面向服务的体系架构(SOA)的长期目标更好地进行吻合。

    It will also fit better with Alcrohm 's longer-term goal of embracing service-oriented architectures ( SOAs ) across its global IT infrastructure .

  13. 不过,他警告称,如果没有短期承诺,仅有长期目标也是不够的:“我一点也看不到g8国家截止2020年的减排计划。”

    However , he warned that a long-term goal was insufficient without shorter term commitments too : " what I completely miss in this is any reference to what the G8 countries want their emissions to be in 2020 . "

  14. 在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)去年发表的一份调查报告中,生物学家克里斯托弗•兰德尔发现,早晨精力最充沛的人更能明确自己的长期目标,更有把握实现自己的目标。

    As part of research published last year by Harvard Business Review , biologist Christoph Randler found that people who were most energetic in the mornings were more likely to identify long-range goals for themselves and feel in charge of making things happen .

  15. “我相信有很多人对短期需求的恐慌和焦虑让他们忘记了长期目标。”Levin说。

    " I really believe that a lot of people panic and get anxious about short-term needs and forget all about their long-term goals ," Levin said .

  16. “我的长期目标之一是为这些工具编写文档,并可能会出版一本叫做'Whoppixhack'的书籍(非常类似于'knoppixhacks'),”Muts说。

    " One of my long-term goals is to document the tools and perhaps release a'Whoppix hacks'book ( much like the'knoppix hacks ' )," says Muts .

  17. 美联储数据表明,大多数的FOMC委员预计联邦基金利率的长期目标在4%左右的水平,按照上述政策,这意味着美联储将支付2%的准备金利率。

    Data from the Fed show that most FOMC members expect the long-run Fed Funds target to be about 4 per cent , which would imply that the Fed would pay a 2 per cent rate on reserves under this policy .

  18. Fortgang说:“决定长期目标将要来得比多数人想象的’自然‘”并补充说在这十年简历一个好的工作记录是必要的。

    " Deciding what to do long-term is more organic than most people think ," Fortgang says , adding that what is essential during this decade is to establish a good work record .

  19. 我的长期目标就是能跑的更长久!

    My long-term goal is to be around to run long-term .

  20. 这一计划包括短期、中期以及长期目标。

    The plan is divided into short-term , intermediate-term and long-term goals .

  21. 同时设定短期和长期目标很重要。

    Its important to have both short-term and long-term goals .

  22. 确定长期目标,因为实现它们需要很长时间。

    Long-term goals exist because they take a long time .

  23. 作为长期目标,这些措施并没有错。

    As long-term aims , these cannot be faulted .

  24. 长期目标对发展中国家构成重大风险。

    Long-term targets pose significant risks to developing countries .

  25. 但这与他们降低债务的更长期目标相冲突。

    But that conflicts with their longer term goal of managing down debt .

  26. 这种形式可以让团队为每个后续行动都考虑其长期目标。

    This format helps the team consider a long-term goal for every action .

  27. 长期目标比寻找短期的满足更重要。

    Working towards long-term goals is more important than looking for immediate satisfaction .

  28. 中韩农业一体化的条件尚不成熟,两国应作为中长期目标来推进;

    In sum , the conditions for agricultural integration are not mature yet .

  29. 长期目标是实现宪政下的联邦制。

    The goal of the long run is to realize the federalism under constitutionality .

  30. 我们的长期目标是扩大进口。

    Our long-term goal is to increase imports .