
  1. 因此最好不要让股价上涨带来的兴奋,妨碍你执行合理的长期投资计划。

    So it 's best not to let the excitement of rising share prices distract you from a reasoned , long-term investment plan .

  2. 对冲基金活动没有跟上其它地区的增长,拥有较长期投资计划的机构在外汇投资方面动作也相当迟缓。

    Hedge fund activity has not kept pace with growth elsewhere and institutions with longer-term investment horizons have been slow to invest in currencies .

  3. 这一指导方针允许阿拉迈克制定长期的投资计划并进行集资以便加以执行。

    That guidance has allowed Aramco to draw up long-term investment plans and to raise the capital to implement them .

  4. 我猜想在克拉曼取得辉煌业绩前,甚至可能在他入行的最初几年,他就已经深知“所有伟大的长期投资都始于计划”这句老生常谈。

    My guess is that Klarman may have written the above quote even just a couple of years into his career before his track record was established .