
  • 网络Long term service;career service;Long Time Service
  1. 这礼物赠送给她以表达对她长期服务的感激之情。

    She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service .

  2. 同时也指出SNS广告中存在的一些问题,比如长期服务欠缺,内容监管难以掌握,用户粘性不够等。

    Also point out some problems existing in advertisement of SNS . Such as the lack of long service , difficult to grasp the content of supervision , lack of user stickiness .

  3. 安永的Hurstel先生担心如何才能让长期服务的合伙人心情愉快,精力充沛,特别是经过安然丑闻侵蚀了他们近乎神化的地位之后。

    Mr Hurstel , at Ernst & Young , worries about how to keep long-serving partners happy and energised , especially after the Enron scandals have eroded their godlike status .

  4. 有经验的人;给与长期服务的人。

    An experienced person ; someone who has given long service .

  5. 公务员的晋升以表现为准,并非长期服务的回报。

    Promotion is performance-based and is not a reward for long service .

  6. 医疗辅助事务长期服务奖章&金章

    Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal & Gold Medal

  7. 这些价值观能够常常被那些为组织长期服务的成员无容置疑地所接受。

    Theses can often be accepted without question by long-serving members of an organisation .

  8. 年底一些老员工将因?长期服务被授予奖章。

    Some old workers will be awarded medals for long service at the end of the year .

  9. 招聘经理通常都愿意找那些愿意为公司长期服务的人。

    Hiring managers are generally looking for someone who will display a long-term commitment to the company .

  10. 长期服务公费旅行奖励计划

    Long Service Travel Award Scheme

  11. 以良好的管理,稳定的产品质量长期服务于相关行业。

    To good management , product quality and stability of the long service in the relevant industries .

  12. 选择HIS软件必须把软件的长期服务和维护放在首位。

    When we buy HIS , we must consider to Long-term service and maintaining of software at first ;

  13. 服务年资长的公务员可获颁长期服务公费旅行奖、长期优良服务奖和退休纪念品。

    Long Service Travel Awards , Long and Meritorious Service Awards and retirement souvenirs are given to long-serving staff .

  14. 关于登盛和丹瑞大将之间的存在特别问题,不是因为他们的长期服务记录和家庭关系。

    There are particular problems between Thein Sein and Snr-Gen Than Shwe because of their long service record and family connections .

  15. 雇主一经对是否提出退还长期服务金/遣散费之申索作出声明,其后任何更改恕不受理。

    Once the employer has declared his option on the LSP / SP reimbursement , any subsequent amendment will not be accepted .

  16. 我们不断吸取新老用户反馈的意见,提高技巧,将以良好的品质为客户提供长期服务。

    We constantly absorbing the new and old user feedback opinion , improve skills , will with good quality to provide long-term service .

  17. 高盛业已完成基层裁员10%,并与一些长期服务的合作伙伴解除了关系。

    Goldman Sachs has done its usual turn of eliminating the bottom 10 percent of its workforce and a group of its long-serving partners .

  18. ,马奇亚维利职涯中,长期服务于佛罗伦萨,原乡的外交部门,而且是梅迪西家族的顾问;

    Machiavelli spent a large part of his career in the foreign service of his native Florence and wrote as an advisor to the Medici .

  19. 公司长期服务于:造纸行业烘缸轴头热喷涂、热电厂锅炉“四管”防腐、耐磨涂层的热喷涂施工;

    Long-term services in : paper industry first axis thermal spray dryer , thermal power plant boiler ," four " anti-corrosion , wear-resistant construction of thermal spray coating ;

  20. 一个商业应用或设备,其界面简单、有吸引力,已可以为大众长期服务,其服务人数比一项研究所涉及的受试者更多。

    A commercial app or device with an easy , attractive interface is primed for long-term use by far more people than can usually be included in a research study .

  21. 公司一直秉承“长期服务,信息共享”的服务宗旨,我们的消毒包装袋已在欧洲、美洲、日本、中东等市场获得一致认可。

    Has been adhering to the " long-term services , information sharing ," a principle of service , we disinfection bags in Europe , America , Japan and the Middle East market was unanimously approved .

  22. 苹果没有谈到的是:没有任何关于新的产品品类或人事变动的具体计划,既没有对长期服务的管理团队进行调整,也没有填补什么长期空缺职位。

    Here 's what Apple didn 't address Wednesday : Specific plans for any new product categories or personnel moves , either among its long-serving management team or to fill at least one long-vacant hole .

  23. 之后我得到一笔退休金,才开始工作,第一天上班就拿到奖励我长期服务的金表,同事们依依不舍地为我开派对。

    You get kicked out for being too healthy , go collect your pension , and then when you start work , you get a gold watch and a party on your first day . quot ;

  24. 训练局作为国家体育总局直属训练基地,在长期服务高水平运动队训练中能够提供必要的训练条件和生活保障。

    Under the direct control of the General Ministration of Sports of China , the comprehensive training base is capable of providing necessary training conditions and logistical supports for national high-level sports teams in a long term .

  25. 人员录用方面打破以往的荐举制,新式外交体制促成了外交职能化、专业化,使得很多外交官长期服务于外交战线。

    Staff recruitment broke the previous recommend system , the new diplomatic system promoted diplomatic functions , specialization and made a host of diplomats give service to the front line of diplomacy over a long period of time .

  26. 方法:对2003年4月~2004年10月接受海珠区红十字会医院家庭病床科服务的180名社区居民进行需求分析。结果:开设家庭病床长期服务的人群中,56%伴有心理问题;

    Methods : 180 residents served by Red Cross Society hospital of Haizhu district were analyzed from April 2002 to June 2003 . Results : Between the people of family hospital bed serve , 56 % person had phycological problem ;

  27. 对于StarOffice来说,您可以获取电子邮件和电话支持,以及长期的服务计划。

    For StarOffice , you can get e-mail and phone support , and longer-term service plans .

  28. 此次进博会上航空业的最大订单之一就是中国东方航空与劳斯莱斯签订的价值14.4亿美元TrentXWB引擎及长期维护服务合同。

    In one of the largest deals signed in the aviation sector during the import expo , China Eastern Airlines signed an agreement with Rolls-Royce worth 1.44 billion U.S. dollars for the company 's Trent XWB engines and long-term maintenance services .

  29. 乌鲁木齐市米东区老年人长期护理服务需求的调查分析

    The long-term care service needs among elderly people in Urumqi

  30. 自行研发制造,持续的升级改进,长期的服务保障;

    Self-development , and manufacturing , continuous upgrades , long-term service protection ;