
  • 网络Intrapersonal communication;intrapersonal commnication
  1. 高校体育社团中的男生成员的外部沟通能力和竞争能力要显著高于女生成员,而自我沟通能力上女生成员要显著高于男生成员。

    Boys members of the university sports associations and external communication , ability and sense of competition to be significantly higher than the female members of the self-communication ability of female members of the significantly higher than male members .

  2. 武汉地区高校体育社团成员三项能力现状:高校体育社团成员的自我沟通能力和竞争能力较强,但外部沟通能力和抗挫折能力一般。

    Members of the university sports associations in ability to communicate the status quo : a member of the university sports associations of self-communication skills and a strong sense of competition , but the external communication skills and ability to resist setback .

  3. 高校体育社团成员的外部沟通能力、竞争能力和抗挫折能力整体上随着年级的增加呈递增的趋势,另外,大四年级社员的自我沟通能力高于其他三个年级。

    Members of the university sports associations , external communication skills , sense of competition and ability to resist setback as a whole showed increasing trend with the increase of the grade , the other fourth-grade self-communication skills higher than the other three grade levels .

  4. 透过这些肖像,我也完成了与自我灵魂的沟通。

    Through these portraits , I also completed a communication with my own soul .

  5. 此文本还可以帮助读者掌握所需的个人和组织的有效性,如自我管理、沟通、合作,和解决问题的技巧。

    This text also helps readers master the skills necessary for personal and organizational effectiveness such as self-management , communication , teaming , and problem solving .

  6. 情绪智力包括情绪认知、控制,自我激励,沟通等能力,这些子能力对比赛中运动员稳定的发挥技战术、智力能力和保持球队的集团性起到至关重要的作用。

    Cognitive and emotional intelligence , including emotional control , communication ability self-motivation , the ability to play the game players stable tactics , intellectual ability and keep the team Christopher plays important role .

  7. 从生源地上来看,来自不同地区的大学生在就业力总体及自我发展、人际沟通和实践能力上有显著差异。

    Students from different places showed apparent differences in overall employment ability and self-development ability , interpersonal communication ability and practice ability .

  8. 指示语是语言和语境的关系在语言结构中的反映,对指示语的理解关系到交际双方能否进行有效的自我表达和相互沟通。

    The relationship between language and context is reflected in language structures through the phenomenon of deixis . Correct understanding of deixis will contribute to effective self-expression and mutual communication .

  9. 当然,对同性恋者来说,互联网作为新兴的技术工具所具有的总体效应和主要意义是更好地确立自我认知与获得沟通。

    Of course , for homosexuals , the Internet as a new technology tool whose overall effect and and the major significance is to establish self-awareness and better access to communication .