
  • 网络voluntary retirement
  1. 我也相信,你们在强积金市场上仍会是具竞争力的精英队伍,继续发挥你们在自愿退休计划上的强大力量。

    But I am sure you will continue to be a major competitive force in the MPF market , as you have been in the voluntary retirement schemes regime .

  2. 董事会这个月为5000名员工批准了一个自愿退休方案,但这一方案仍需要政府的批准。

    The board approved a voluntary-retirement scheme for 5000 staff this month , but needs the government 's approval .

  3. 1995年时,大多数记者都是自愿退休,在拿了几十年丰厚的酬劳后,他们在五十几岁时就选择告别工作。

    Back in 1995 , most journalists still retired voluntarily , in their fifties , after decades of well-paid service .

  4. 几位职员自愿提前退休。

    Several staff members volunteered for early retirement .

  5. 该项目并非强制性的,而是在中期内,鼓励自然、自愿的退休。

    This is not compulsory but a programme of natural and voluntary retirement over the mid-term .

  6. 自愿分阶段退休计划

    Voluntary phased-in retirement scheme

  7. 职业退休计划注册处处长负责监管根据《职业退休计划条例》自愿设立的职业退休计划。

    The Registrar of occupational retirement schemes regulates voluntarily established occupational retirement schemes under the occupational retirement schemes ordinance .

  8. 第三条患二、三期矽肺病离职休养的工人,如果本人自愿,也可以退休。

    Article 3 Workers who have been afflicted with secondary or tertiary silicosis and who have left their posts for rest and treatment , may retire of their own will .