
zì yóu duì huàn huò bì
  • Freely convertible currency;free convertible currency
  1. 外国银行分行应当由其总行无偿拨给不少于1亿元人民币等值的自由兑换货币的营运资金。

    The head office of a foreign bank shall allocate to its branch in a free convertible currency equivalent to not less than RMB100 million yuan as working capital .

  2. 请对这个互联网的耐心当它生成自由兑换货币为U。

    Please be Patience with this site when it generate FREE MONEY for U.

  3. 从2003年1月1日始,nis成为可自由兑换货币。

    Since 1 January 2003 , the NIS has been a freely convertible currency .

  4. 外商应当以自由兑换货币支付转让价款。

    Foreign investors shall pay the transfer price in freely convertible currencies .

  5. 企业用此类合约来保护自己,以免受非自由兑换货币汇率波动的影响。

    Such contracts are used by companies to protect themselves against fluctuations in non-convertible currencies .

  6. 积存的不可自由兑换货币

    Accumulations of non-convertible currencies

  7. 我国的外汇制度改革的目的在于逐步使人民币更接近自由兑换货币

    China 's foreign exchange reform is intended to put the Chinese Yuan gradually closer to Being a freely convertible currency

  8. 人民币曾受到严格控制,海外游客仅限使用外汇券,如今虽可以基于交易目的自由兑换货币,但跨境投资仍受严格遏制。

    The currency , once so tightly controlled that overseas visitors were restricted to parallel bank notes , is today freely convertible for trade purposes but strictly curbed on cross-border investment .

  9. 然而这种观点也面临着美国甚至欧洲央行的强烈反对,后者称只有交易广泛、能够自由兑换的货币才能加入sdr的货币篮子。

    But the proponents of the idea face powerful opposition from the US and even the ECB , which argue that currencies have to be widely traded and freely convertible to join the SDR basket .

  10. 外汇管制与不可自由兑换的货币也会限制扩张。

    Exchange controls and a non-convertible currency also limit expansion .

  11. 中国人民币自诞生以后,一直属于非自由兑换的货币。

    RMB has always belonged to the non-freely convertible currency from its birth .

  12. 货币自由兑换即货币可兑换性,是指一种货币兑换成别种货币或支付手段的能力。

    The convertibility of currency is a main topic of the international monetary system .

  13. 对于一种目前还不能自由兑换的货币而言,这将是一次巨大的飞跃。

    That would be an enormous leap for a currency that is not yet convertible .

  14. 《基本法》规定,香港必须与一种可自由兑换的货币挂钩。

    The basic law says that Hong Kong needs to peg to a freely convertible currency .

  15. 外国投资者以可自由兑换的货币出资,中国投资者以人民币出资;

    Foreign investors may contribute their investments in convertible currencies and Chinese investors may contribute their investments in Renminbi .

  16. 戴相龙:中国在1993年提出,要创造条件使人民币成为可以自由兑换的货币。

    A : China announced in 1993 that conditions would be created to turn the RMB into a currency of free convertibility .

  17. 她表示,不过,我也理解事情的另一面&人民币还不是可自由兑换的货币。

    However , I also understand the other side of the coin , which is that the renminbi is still not a convertible currency .

  18. 未来某个时候,我们可能会认为持有少量、适度的人民币尽管它仍是一种不可自由兑换的货币是我们也许应该做的事。

    There may come a time in the future when we think that a small , modest exposure to the renminbi notwithstanding it being a non-convertible currency still may be something that we may pursue .

  19. 从货币理论的角度来看,货币完全可自由兑换是货币走向国际的必要条件和前骤,但国别货币要成为国际货币,其货币职能必须国际化。

    From the angle of the currency theory , the exchangeability of one currency is the prerequisite and standard of the currency internationalization . But if an individual currency is expected to be a international currency , its function must be internationalized .

  20. 自由兑换马克(货币代码是BAM)是波黑的货币。

    The Convertible Mark ( Currency code BAM ) is the currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina .

  21. WTO的透明度原则也要求利率信号的规则和公开,再加上加入WTO后带来的人民币可自由兑换导致的货币的同质化均要求利率的形成机制必须市场化。

    The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .

  22. 澳门的增长部分还应归功于被称为中介(junket)的一些面向中国富人的旅行社,这种旅行社能帮助赌客绕开中国严格的货币管控,将人民币换成可自由兑换的澳门货币。

    It has also been partly boosted by the Chinese VIP travel agents known as junkets , who enable gamblers to swap their Chinese renminbi - which is tightly controlled - into Macau 's freely exchangeable currency .

  23. 货币自由兑换是指货币在经常项目和资本项目下都实现了自由兑换,它的终极目标是实现货币的国际化。

    A currency can be identified as freely convertible when it has both current-account convertibility and capital - account convertibility .

  24. 中国央行并没有表示此举旨在推动人民币取代美元成为可自由兑换的储备货币,相反,其最初给出的解释是,新政策将提高那些因美元价值波动遭遇损失的国内出口企业的稳定性。

    Far from being a replacement for the US dollar as a freely-traded reserve currency , the PBoC has justified the move initially by saying the new policy would provide stability for local exporters buffeted by the greenback 's fluctuating value .

  25. 硬通货指美元以及任何一种可以自由兑换成美元的货币。

    Hard currency shall mean United States dollar and any other currency which is freely convertible into United State dollar .

  26. 另一方面,我国的利率形成模式、资本形成模式有待进一步改善,人民币希望早日实现可自由兑换,成为国际化货币,这些都成为中国进行金融开放的压力与动因。

    On the other hand , the interest rate determination and capital formation pattern needs improving , and RMB is expected to become convertible and internationalized , which greatly boosts the finance opening of China .

  27. 在资本自由流动和货币自由兑换下,货币市场和外汇市场相互作用、相互影响,利率汇率之间存在灵活有效的传导机制。

    Under the condition of capital mobility and currency convertibility , money market and foreign exchange market interact with each other . The transmission mechanism between interest rate and exchange rate is flexible and effective .

  28. 人民币国际化后,由于汇率浮动、资本可自由流动、人民币可自由兑换,国内货币政策会受到严重影响,其效力的发挥会产生很大的偏差。

    After RMB-globalization , RMB can be exchanged freely , the domestic monetary policy can be seriously affected and its effectiveness can show a great deviation because of the exchange rate fluctuation and the free capital fluctuation .