
zhǐ bì
  • paper money;paper currency;note;banknotes;bank-bill;bank-note
纸币 [zhǐ bì]
  • [paper money;paper currency;bank-bill;bank-note] 代替金属货币流通的纸制货币

纸币[zhǐ bì]
  1. 由于是纸币,所以烂得很快。

    Being paper money , it rotted away mighty fast .

  2. 纸币也让他大吃一惊,因为当时西方还没有使用纸币。

    Paper money also took him by surprise , since it was not yet in use in the West at that time .

  3. 我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。

    We only exchange notes and traveller 's cheques .

  4. 我把纸币装进了衣袋。

    I put the note in my pocket .

  5. 他们发现水中漂浮着50和20美元的纸币。

    They noticed fifty and twenty dollar bills floating in the water .

  6. 快递员能破开10英镑的纸币。

    The courier had change for a £ 10 note .

  7. 斯洛文尼亚银行已经印刷了纸币票样。

    The Slovene bank has printed a specimen bank note

  8. 其他国家的纸币色彩不一,大小也不同。

    Other countries vary the coloring of their bank notes as well as their size .

  9. 通货膨胀和纸币短缺使工厂不得不以实物抵付工人的工资。

    Inflation and the shortage of banknotes has forced factories to pay their workers in kind .

  10. 桌上有共值500英镑的纸币若干张。

    There are five hundred pounds in notes on the desk .

  11. 木板上的大多数钞票都是一元纸币,但也有几个人给了5英镑、10英镑甚至20英镑。

    Most of the bills on the board were singles , but a few people left fives , tens and even twenties .

  12. 然而,中国人在7世纪就开始使用纸币了,而纸张是大约2000年前一个叫蔡伦的中国人发明的。

    However the Chinese began to use it in the 7t century Paper was invented by a Chinese man called Cai Lun almost 2,000 years ago .

  13. 市民可以选择5元、10元、20元和50元4种不同面额的纸币,而通常情况下,ATM机只能取出一百元纸币。

    The ATM allows people to withdraw 5 , 10 , 20 and 50 yuan notes . Normally only one hundred yuan notes can be withdrawn3 from ATMs .

  14. 你怎样察觉出那些50元面值的纸币是伪造的

    How did you spot those fifties were counterfeited ?

  15. 我想要一些百元纸币。

    I want some hundred dollar notes .

  16. 这可能会使数百万仍依赖纸币和硬币的人生活变得更加困难。

    That could make life more difficult for the millions who still rely on notes and coins to run their lives .

  17. 这一时期,中国经济大幅增长,成为世界上最先进的经济体,科学、技术、哲学和数学蓬勃发展。宋代中国是世界历史上首先发行纸币的国家。

    During this period , China ’ s economy grew significantly and became the world ’ s most advanced economy . Technology , science , philosophy and mathematics flourished over the course of the Song . It is the first government in the world history to issue paper money .

  18. 每个周末,John都把一大筐的零钱抬去银行数清楚,然后再换成纸币拿回来。

    At the end of each week John took a giant bucket of change to the bank to be counted out and returned in bills .

  19. 美国财政部(theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury)表示,那时一个特殊的财政委员选择他们作为纸币新头像的候选人,因为他们被视为永远为人们所熟知的人。

    That 's when a special treasury committee selected them due to their permanent familiarity in the minds of the public , according to the US Department of the Treasury .

  20. banknote纸币钞票包里藏了几数叠钞票

    Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag .

  21. 我知道塑料常常含有有害的双酚A,但根据CNN报道,就连我们的纸币也存在双酚A污染。

    I know that BPA is often associated with plastics but even our paper money is contaminated with BPA .

  22. 第二种方法是在HSI颜色空间进行纸币彩色图像处理。

    The second arithmetic results from disposal of bills ' color images in HSI color model .

  23. 它的主要功能是识别纸币的面额、面向、新旧程度,以满足新旧纸币的清分和挑选适合ATM机纸币的需求。

    For the need of the ATM 's demand , Currency Sorter mainly classifies the new and used bills , face direction and denomination of the bills .

  24. 本文的识别系统首先通过专门的CIS传感器设备,对高速传动的纸币实时采集其图像。

    The Identification Instrument in the thesis collects the paper currency images by specific CIS Sensor while paper currencies circumgyrating with high speed .

  25. 塔布曼将取代前美国总统安德鲁•杰克逊(AndrewJackson),印在新版20美元纸币的正面,而杰克逊的头像将印在反面白宫图像旁。

    Tubman will replace former president Andrew Jackson on the new $ 20 bill while Jackson will be on the reverse alongside an image of the White House .

  26. 如今,欧洲各国的ATM机首次吐出欧元纸币十年过后,这种身份认同感的缺失成了可能拖垮统一货币体系的致命伤。

    Now , a decade after euro notes first emerged from cash machines across the continent , this lack of a common identity is the fatal flaw that may sink the common currency .

  27. 当他们吵完了,当他们都因没吃早饭而精疲力尽地蜷曲起身子,Alice打开了茶壶盖,发现里面满是20美金的纸币。

    When they finished , when both were hunched over in exhaustion from not having eaten breakfast , Alice lifted the lid to find the teapot filled with twenty dollar bills .

  28. 苏格兰纸币在伦敦广为接受,因为玛莎百货(marksandspencer)和出租车司机认识它们,把它们当作一种发行银行随时予以承兑的支票。

    Scottish banknotes are widely accepted in London , because marks and Spencer and cabbies knows what they are and can treat them as cheques , which their bank will readily accept .

  29. 该系统的特点是在采用TI公司较廉价的54x系列DSP条件下,可以实现每秒25幅号码图像的视频采集速度,为实现具有纸币号码自动识别记录功能的点钞机奠定了基础。

    Making use of the cheap DSP chip the system can collect the digital image with the speed of 25 frames per second . It is basic to achieve the functions to recognize and memorize the banknote code automatically on the banknote acceptor .

  30. Metro的分行机构正在纷纷挂起描绘百年前周边环境的怀旧大壁画,还有神奇钱币机(MagicMoneyMachines)可以在接受你的分币后吐出一张凭证,凭此到柜台换纸币。

    The Metro branches are spanking new , featuring giant , nostalgic murals depicting the neighborhood as it was a century ago , and magic money machines that take your pence and spit out a receipt you take to the counter to exchange for pound notes .