
zhù bì
  • coin;mintage;coined money;specie
铸币 [zhù bì]
  • (1) [coining]∶钱币的铸造或制作

  • (2) [coin;specie]∶用金属铸成的钱币

铸币[zhù bì]
  1. 铸币或奖章的未刻有主要图案的那一面。

    The side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design .

  2. 其实,最早的洗钱并无贬义,就是把已被弄脏的金属铸币清洗干净的意思。

    Actually , ' money laundering ' means washing the dirty metal coin and no derogatory sense .

  3. 1965年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分。

    In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes .

  4. 多年后,以她的名义建造的寺庙被改造成了罗马铸币厂。

    Many years later , the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint .

  5. 英国皇家铸币局(TheRoyalMint)每年都在发行数以千万枚的硬币,而这些硬币最后却只能被藏到存钱罐里或是抽屉的深处,英国政府认为这是不划算的。

    The Royal Mint has been issuing hundreds of millions of the coins every year , only for them to disappear into jars or the back of drawers , which the government believes isn 't cost-effective .

  6. 年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分

    In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes . 1965

  7. 同时,铸币税又是一种弹性货币供给的制度形式。B供给。

    At the same time , the existence of seigniorage provides an institutional mechanism of elastic monetary supply for the society . B.instead of the other portion .

  8. 在苏格兰,唯一可用以清偿债务的法定货币是英国皇家铸币局(royalmint)发行的硬币。

    The only legal tender for the settlement of a debt in Scotland is coins from the Royal Mint .

  9. 江上替日本饮料巨头悠诗诗(UCC)进口咖啡和设备,铸币广场咖啡馆里那款价值2万美元的卤素动力虹吸机就是他卖给弗里曼的。

    Egami sold Freeman the $ 20,000 halogen-powered siphon machine that sits in the mint Plaza caf é .

  10. “拿到的人不会真的想去用它,因为每个都比面值2新元贵,而且其背后的价值还远远高出此数。”新西兰铸币厂的Chris这样说。

    " You wouldn 't want to go and spend them because they 're only worth $ 2 , but the value is much more than that ," said Chris Kirkness of the New Zealand Mint .

  11. 在中世纪,威尼斯达克特(venetianducat)和佛罗伦萨弗罗林(florentineflorin)在很远的地方流通,英镑铸币在英国周边流通。

    In the middle ages , the Venetian Ducat and the Florentine florin circulated well outside their countries of origin , with the pound sterling circulating on the periphery .

  12. 铸币税对一国经济有利有弊。

    Seigniorage has both positive and negative impacts on the economy .

  13. 论铸币税的征收资产评估增值的递延税款核算

    Discussion on the Accounting Deferred Taxation of Appreciation in Property Assessment

  14. 外汇基金则享有铸币收益。

    Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes .

  15. 拜占廷铸币研究中的某些误区

    On the Mistakes in Research on Byzantine Coins Found in China

  16. 欧元总共有七种纸币和八种铸币。

    There will be seven euro notes and eight euro coins .

  17. 财政赤字、铸币收入与通货膨胀

    On the Relationship of Financial Deficit , Seigniorage and Inflation

  18. 堀田:英格兰银行发行的纸币不是以金银铸币作为依据吗?

    H : Weren 't Bank of England notes backed by specie ?

  19. 在护卫车队内获得电子脉冲铸币机。

    Pick up the EMP chips from the trucks in the convoy .

  20. 河南登封市发现一批王莽铸币

    Coins of the Wang Mang Reign Discovered in Dengfeng City , Henan

  21. 对大多数个体来说,现金是由铸币和纸币所组成。

    To most individuals cash consists of coins and currency .

  22. 论文围绕这下列问题层层展开:铸币税是什么?

    The thesis is written around these questions : what is seigniorage ?

  23. 外国货币,包括纸币、铸币;

    Foreign currencies , including bank notes and coins ;

  24. 存差、金融控制与铸币税&兼对我国M2/GDP过高之谜的再解释

    Deposit - and - Loan Difference , Financial Government Control , and Seigniorage

  25. 我国铸币税、财政赤字与资本外逃的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of China 's Mint Tax , Fiscal Deficit and Capital Flight

  26. 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱

    The fee paid to a mint by a government . fineness of coin

  27. 美元的国际铸币税问题研究

    A Study of International Seigniorage of the US Dollar

  28. 国际金融危机的形成原因有那些?铸币税与国际金融危机的关系是什么?

    What are the reasons of the forming of the international financial crisis ?

  29. 铸币权的集中过程,也反映着中央集权的不断强化。

    This process also reflected the strengthening of centralization .

  30. 那时铜用来铸币。

    Bronze was used to made money back then .