
zhù jiàn
  • foundry goods;foundry;cast
铸件 [zhù jiàn]
  • [cast;casting] 用模型铸造出来的金属、石膏或玻璃制品

铸件[zhù jiàn]
  1. 本课题从全面质量管理(TQC)的角度分析了铸件生产过程质量保证体系。

    The quality assurance system of foundry manufacturing process has been analyzed from the viewpoint of Total Quality Control ( TQC ) in the paper .

  2. 涂刷工艺对热芯盒树脂砂芯铸件粘砂的影响

    The Influencing of Coating Technology to Crank Case Resin-sand Foundry Sand-burn-on

  3. 铸造CAD/夹具CAD完成零件铸件毛坯的设计和装夹设计;

    Cast CAD / Fixture CAD accomplishes the design of block and fixtures ;

  4. 基于Linux的铸件数值模拟软件系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Developing of Casting Numerical Simulation System Based on Linux

  5. 基于UG的铸件工艺CAD分模模块的开发

    Development of Parting-mold Module for Casting Process Planning Based on UG

  6. 介绍了工业CT在铸件的缺陷探伤、壁厚测量以及铸造工艺控制中的应用。

    The industrial computed tomography applications for casting flaw detection , wall thickness measurements and procedures controlling are introduced .

  7. 初步探讨高锰钢C素钢铸件产生粘砂的原因。

    The causes of burning sand in tht high manganese steel casting and the common carbon steel casting are also primarily discussed .

  8. 热等静压(HIP)&消除铸件缺陷的有效方法

    Hot isostatic pressing ( hip ) & an effective method eliminating casting defects

  9. Al2O(3(p))/Al-4%Mg复含材料铸件中颗粒分布的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Particles Distribution in Al_2O_ ( 3 ( p )) / Al-4 % Mg Composite Castings

  10. 对Ti合金立式离心铸件的充填和凝固过程进行研究。

    The filling and solidification of titanium alloy melts in the vertical centrifugal filed were investigated .

  11. 铸件在HIP处理时表面氧化。

    It is found that the surface of investment casting was oxidized during the HIP treatment .

  12. EPC-V法在钢铁铸件生产中的实际应用

    The Quality Control for the Production of the Iron and Steel Castings Produced by EPC-V Process

  13. 它是指将计算机模拟与X射线实时观察相结合,进行铸件浇注系统优化设计的新技术。

    Combining the computer simulation with X-ray real time observation , view-cast is a novel technique used for optimizing design of filling system .

  14. HM2合脂粘结剂与铸件质量

    HM-2 Synthetic Fatty Acid Derivatives Binder and the Quality of the Casting

  15. 铸件质量预测与分析子系统采用VISUALBASIC6.0软件,用户界面友好,易学易用。

    The subsystem of Casting Quality Foresee and Analysis , developed by the Visual Basic 6.0 software , has the friendly screen , you can learn and use it easily .

  16. Ti-Al合金精密铸件的疏松预测

    Prediction of Shrinkage Porosity in Ti-Al Alloy Investment Casting

  17. 同时利用OpenGL实现对铸件实体的平移、缩放和旋转等操作,便于用户观察铸件。

    Using OpenGL to realize the translation , rotation and scaling transformation , so that it would be easy for users to observe the casting .

  18. 本文用交替隐式法(即IAD法)和TRUE。BASIC语言设计了铸件凝固过程数值模拟软件。

    In this paper a numerical simulation software of the casting solidification process is designed with the implicit alternating direction method ( I , e IAD ) and the TRUE BASIC language .

  19. 研究了浇注温度、G镶/G件比例等主要因素对镶铸工艺过程的影响,并对镶铸件的热处理工艺进行了分析。

    The effect of key factors ( pouring temperature , proportion of cast-in insert to casting weight ) on the casting-in process is studied , and the heat treatment of the casting is analyzed .

  20. 热处理后,铸件下表面严重偏析区的共晶复熔相呈三角形,复熔相为Cu和Al的氧化物。

    After heat treatment , the remelted eutectic phases of serious segregation area on the lower surface of the casting are of triangle shape , which are the oxide of Cu and Al .

  21. 离心场下Ti-15-3合金异形铸件成型过程研究

    Investigation on Forming Process of Ti-15-3 Abnormity Castings in Centrifugal Field

  22. 本文介绍了4100QB缸盖在KW静压造型线的铸造生产工艺及生产装备;KW造型线已实现日产1100箱合格铸型,年产2.5万吨合格铸件;

    The produce capacity of the KW moulding line have achieved 1100 regular molds per day , and produce 25 thousand tons eligible castings per year ;

  23. 利用华铸CAE软件对大型挂舵臂铸钢件进行凝固过程的数值模拟,揭示了铸件产生缩松、缩孔的部位和形成原因。

    The origination and location of shrinkage porosity ( hole ) in the rudder horn was described by simulating the filling process of large pelagic cast-steel rudder horn using a CAE software .

  24. DAS和P都影响着铸件的UTS,但在本实验数据范围内,DAS的影响是主要的。

    Both DAS and P have effects on UTS of the casting , but that of UTS is the primary effect within the scope of data in this experiment .

  25. 孕育铸铁的强度白口比BI是反映孕育剂对铸造薄壁高性能铸件适应程度的一项重要判据。

    Ratio of strength to chill depth of inoculated cast iron ( BI ) is a key criterion of reflecting the suitability of inoculators to the high property cast iron casting with thin wall .

  26. 结论:为了减少Ti-Nb-Zr-Sn合金铸件表面反应层的厚度,应尽量降低铸模温度,同时应选择无Si的包埋材料。

    In order to reduce the surface reacted layer of Ti-Nb-Zr-Sn alloy castings , the lower mold temperature and the investment without Si should be chosen .

  27. 2003年美国铸造学会每年一次的铸件竞赛15件获奖铸件中,5件ADI铸件获得最高奖。

    Among the fifteen castings ' design earned industry-wide recognition at the 2003 AFS Casting Congress , five of the top awards were given to ADI parts .

  28. 结果表明:XUE判据能够准确预测三级动叶片铸件中缩松和缩孔缺陷出现的位置,对实际生产有一定的指导意义。

    The results showed that the XUE could precisely predict the positions of the shrinkage defects in the turbine blade casting . It is a significant tool to practice production .

  29. 研究了挤压铸造ZA27合金大高径比杯形铸件的凝固组织。

    The solidified structures in the cup - shaped castings with large ratio of height to diameter has been studied .

  30. 结果显示:灰铸铁中含钛量w为0.08%~0.1%时,能细化晶粒,提高铸件强度和品质系数,略微增加硬度;

    The results show that when Titanium content is at a level of 0.08 % ~ 0.1 % , the grain of the casting is refined greatly , quality coefficient of casting is increased , and so does hardness ;