
  • 网络NUMERICAL CONTROL;cnc;numerical control technology;digital control
  1. 数控技术从NC向CNC迈进,是机械制造业的一大进步。

    The numerical control technique from NC to CNC is a vast progress of the machine manufacturing industry .

  2. 研究了开放式CNC系统软件设计中的若干关键技术:多线程技术在开放式CNC系统中的应用技术,网络数控技术,Windows操作系统的实时控制技术。

    Discusses Open CNC system software design 's several key technology : multi-thread operate technology , Network Numerical Control technology , Windows Operate System 's Real-Time control technology .

  3. 其中CAD/CAM技术与计算机数控技术是系统的核心技术。

    In these technologies , CAD / CAM and CNC are the most core technology .

  4. 数控技术,简称数控(NumericalControl),是利用数字化的信息对机床运动及加工过程进行控制的一种方法。

    The technology of numerical control , for short ( Numerical Control ), is a method of control towards machine tool 's work and workpiece process by use of digitized information .

  5. 本文的核心技术采用高频开关和数控技术,整流部分采用IGBT元件,控制部分采用DSP技术。

    The core of this design is high-frequency switch and CNC technologies . In rectify part , IGBT is used .

  6. 基于数控技术的CVT电液控制系统研究

    Study on the Electro-Hydraulic Control System for CVT Based on Digital Control Technology

  7. 本篇论文主要包括:1.分析数控技术和数控仿真的发展,采用UML技术对碰撞仿真等高级模块进行分析和设计。

    After analyzing the development of NC and Dynamic Simulation , this paper used software engineering language named UML to design the advanced models , such as collision .

  8. 按照模块化思想对CNC软件进行了功能设计,其中仿真功能作为其核心功能是现代先进数控技术发展的标志之一。

    Functions of CNC software were designed in the thought of COM and as its core function , simulation function has become the sign of modern advanced NC technology .

  9. 在我国加入WTO和对外开放进一步深化的新环境下,发展我国数控技术和装备、提高我国制造业水平和国际竞争能力。

    AT the new condition of our country accede to WTO and external more deepen , it is importance develop numerical control technology and equip , advance manufacturing level and international contend ability .

  10. 并联机床PMT(ParallelMachineTool)是上个世纪90年代中期问世的新型制造装备,它是机构学理论、机器人技术和数控技术结合的产物。

    Parallel Machine Tool ( PMT ) is a new kind of manufacture equipment came forth in the middle of 90s . It combines mechanics theory , robot technique and numerical technique .

  11. 针对远程数控技术培训的需要,利用Java技术开发了基于Web环境下的数控铣削仿真系统,对其结构及关键技术进行了分析。

    Aiming at the needs of long-distance numerical control technology training , Java is employed to exploit the numerical control milling simulation system based on the Web . The construction and the key technology are analyzed .

  12. 基于STEP-NC的数控技术

    New CNC Technology Based on STEP-NC

  13. 开放式的数控技术发展趋势必然导致智能化与网络化的要求,传统的解决方案往往是基于专用PC、采用有线网络与通信技术的方式来解决。

    The development of open NC technology will inextricably result in the requirement for intelligent and network . The traditional method based on the special PC depends on the wire communication and Network technology .

  14. 介绍了计算机辅助设计CAD及计算机辅助制造CAM的主要软件系统及其特点,同时介绍了CNC数控技术的特点及其发展前景,阐述了CAD/CAM/CNC软件系统之间的有机联系。

    This text introduced the mainly software systems and characteristics of CAD / CAM , introduced CNC characteristics and its development foregrounds as well , expatiated the CAD / CAM / CNC software systems organism contacts .

  15. 20世纪90年代以后,基于PC的数控技术发展势头强劲,引起人们的重视。其中PC+NC控制卡,作为一种嵌入式的开放数控系统,是目前研究以PC为基础的CNC控制器的主流。

    The people have attached importance to the development of CNC system base-on PC , Since 1990 . The PC + NC control card is a kind of open CNC system , the studying on it is the mainstream of CNC controller .

  16. 本文以广泛应用于数控技术中的XY平台为受控实验设备,采用C/S模式,利用Visualc++6.0.WinSockAPI技术,建立了一个基于网络的XY平台远程控制系统。

    Of XY platform widely used in CNC technology for the controlled laboratory equipment , using C / S mode using Visual C6.0 , the Winsock API technology to establish a web-based the XY platform remote control system .

  17. 论文首先简述了数控技术的发展趋势和CIM的思想,在此基础上分析了系统的上位机管理软件的功能以及下位机硬件配置,并形成系统总体框架。

    After briefly introducing the development of numerical control technique and the conception of CIM , the dissertation analyzes the functions of super-computer software and the hardware configuration of sub-computer and then forms rough system construction .

  18. 结论STEP-NC程序在统一的数据模型基础上建立产品信息,保证了数据信息的集成和共享,促进了数控技术智能化、网络化和集成化的发展。

    STEP-NC program that constitutes product information based on the data model ensures the integration and share of the data information and facilitates NC technology development for intelligence , network and integration .

  19. 通过对SCK电火花线切割机床的技术改造,把电火花加工技术和数控技术、微型计算机技术结合起来。

    This paper describes the combination of wire electric cutting discharge processing technology with microcomputer technology by means of the reformation of SCK electric spark linear cutting machine .

  20. 随着电缆地层测试技术的不断发展,一种新的电缆地层测试仪(RDT)把新型的数控技术与地层流体取样及压力测试技术结合在一起。

    With the wire-line formation-testing technology further development , a new wire-line formation tester has come into use , which incorporates new digital control technology to significantly improve formation fluid sampling and pressure testing .

  21. STEP-NC是一个用来实现CAD/CAM与CNC系统间数据交换的接口标准,基于STEP-NC的CNC系统是未来数控技术发展方向之一,该系统不但具有直线和圆弧插补功能,而且还具有样条曲线插补功能。

    STEP-NC is a new interface standard for data exchanging and sharing between CAD / CAM and CNC , and the CNC based on STEP-NC will be the next generation of CNC controller , which not only holds linear and circular interpolation but also possesses the capability of spline interpolation .

  22. 数控技术人才培养探索

    A Probe into the Training of Personnel in Numerical Control Technology

  23. 关于高职数控技术与应用专业人才培养的思考

    On Higher Vocational Talent Training in Numeral Control & Application Specialty

  24. 浅谈数控技术在木材加工机械上的应用

    Brief discussion on the application of CNC technology in woodworking machinery

  25. 数控技术的发展现状与动态初探

    On the current situation and future development of the CNC techniques

  26. 介绍数控技术在电瓷生产中的应用。

    The application of numerical control in insulator manufacturing was introduced .

  27. 面向区域经济的数控技术应用专业教学改革

    Face the Regional Economy on Teaching Reforms of in CNC

  28. 依托数控技术培养机电一体化复合型技能人才

    Cultivating Compound Talents of Mechanic and Electric by Digital Technique

  29. 数控技术在罗茨鼓风机转子型面加工上新的应用

    Application of NC Technique on Rotor Profile of Roots Blower

  30. 加强《数控技术》课程改革促进应用型人才培养

    Enhancing NC Technology Course Reform , Accelerating Fostering Application-type Experts