
  • 网络mathematical statistics;mathematical statistics method
  1. 孔板流量系数k值的数理统计法

    A Mathematical Statistics Method for Flow Coefficient k of Orifice Plate

  2. 采用实验法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对3种颜色、4种不同观察状态下人体双眼的闪光融合频率(CFF)进行研究。

    Based on test , mathematical statistics and comparative analysis , the CFF of eyes in different colors and observation states are studied .

  3. 同时还运用Excel软件对所得资料进行数理统计法分析。

    Meanwhile , excel software was used to do the mathematical and statistical analysis of the acquired data .

  4. 通过文献法、比较法、数理统计法等方法对我国CBA联赛品牌市场化运作的现状进行了分析。

    By means of documentary , comparison , data analysis , the authors make a deep analysis on current market status of Chinese professional clubs .

  5. 研究方法:运用数理统计法、比较法测定太极拳锻炼时,体内血清中神经递质(5-HT、NE、DA)的含量变化及其与疗效的关系,探究太极拳对人体作用机理与临床效果。

    The paper adopts the mathematical statistic method and the comparative method to evaluate Taijiquan 's effect on the changes of content ingredients of 5-HT , NE , DA and try to explore Taijiquan 's working principle and clinical effect .

  6. 运用文献资料法和数理统计法,对世界优秀女子短跑运动员200m分段速度的特征及速度分配与成绩的关系进行了分析。

    Through literature and statistics analysis , this paper studies the speed variation in different stage and the relationship between the speed distribution and the competition results of world elite women '200m sprinters .

  7. 应用文献资料法、数理统计法和专家访谈法,对国内外400m运动员成绩进行了比较分析,揭示了我国400m跑成绩落后的原因。

    The paper , by using literature , mathematical statistics and interviews , analyzes the results of 400m between domestic and foreign athletes , and reveals the reasons why Chinese team lags behind .

  8. 5数理统计法用Micro-Excell进行统计计算。

    Statistics . The data were dwelt with in Micro-Excell to make statistical process .

  9. 并采用文献资料法、调查法、观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,以2009年全国U-17青少年足球联赛为研究对象。

    By using research methods of documents , survey , observation , mathematical statistics and Logical analysis , the research object is the 2009 National U-17 Youth Soccer League .

  10. 运用文献、调查问卷和数理统计法,对我国女子跳高成绩在1.97~1.82m之间的34名运动员8项身体素质和运动成绩的关系进行分析。

    With documents , questionnaire and statistic data , this paper analyzed the relationship between 8 fitness indices and performance of 34 Chinese elite women high jumper which range from 1.82m to 1.87m .

  11. 应用数理统计法评价污水去除率

    An Attempt to Assess Sewage Removal Rate by Mathematical Statistical Method

  12. 并运用数理统计法对调查所得到的数据进行处理。

    And the use of mathematical statistics for processing the survey data .

  13. 应用数理统计法预测土霉素发酵效价

    Application of the mathematical statistics method in the prediction of oxytetracycline fermentation potency

  14. 预测油气富集的数理统计法

    A statistical method used for predicting rich hydrocarbon zones

  15. 胆汁酸的薄层层析&数理统计法用于层析溶剂系统的选择

    Thin Layer Chromatography of Bile Acids & Selection of Solvent System by Statistics

  16. 数理统计法评标的报价策略

    Quoting tactics for bid evaluation with mathematical statistics method

  17. 笔者通过运用文献资料法、教学实验法、数理统计法等。

    Through using the method of literature , teaching experiment , mathematical statistics etc. .

  18. 采用矿井地质构造预测数理统计法对矿井断层展布进行了预测评价。

    The forecasting technique of mine geological structure was applied to forecast the fault .

  19. 方法:采用专家调查法、访谈法、数理统计法和秩和比综合评价法。

    Method s : Expert investigation , interview , the mathematical statistic and RSR .

  20. 数理统计法在歧化反应器内外部检验中的应用

    Application of Statistical Method to Examination of Inner and Outer Parts of Disproportionated Reactor

  21. 采用问卷调查、访谈、文献资料、数理统计法等研究方法,对上海市部分高校体育场馆经营现状进行调查探讨。

    An investigation was made by the methods of questionnaire , documentation and statistics .

  22. 确定齿轮试验最少子样数的数理统计法

    Mathematical Statistics Method for Determining the Minimum Number of Subsamples Required during a Gear Test

  23. 利用数理统计法进行弧长控制。

    The arc length control of the System is based on the principal of statistics .

  24. 为探讨现阶段我国大学生身体成分特征与运动能力及体质健康的关系,采用实验研究法,查阅文献资料法,数理统计法等。

    By experimental research method , looking-up literature method , mathematical and chemical statistics method , etc.

  25. 本文通过使用数理统计法,来解决上述问题。

    A mathematical statistic method is proposed in this paper , to solve such a problem .

  26. 本文章运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法、数理统计法和分析法。

    This article the use of literature , expert interviews , experiment , analysis and statistics .

  27. 运用测量法和数理统计法,对绝对性柔韧素质测量可靠性进行实验研究。

    Using measurement and mathematical statistical methods , the author has researched experimentally the absolute flexibility quality .

  28. 改进的数理统计法在勘探网密度定量研究中的应用

    Application and research of quantitative study of exploratory grid ′ s density based on improved mathematical statistics

  29. 采用的研究方法有:文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、教学实验法。

    Approach to the study : literature , expert interviews , mathematical statistics , experimental teaching method .

  30. 用数理统计法确定钢铁化学分析方法的精密度

    Determination of the Precision of the Method of Chemical Analysis of Iron and steel by Statistical Method