
  • 网络Independent operation;self-management;Self-employed;Their own decisions
  1. 自由即限制:对企业自主经营的一点诠释论自主的学习者

    " Freedom Is Restriction ": Certain Discussions on Self-management of Enterprises On Autonomous Learner

  2. 调整电力经济政策建立电力企业自主经营机制;

    Enterprises economic policies towards electric power development should be streamlined and the self-management system established ;

  3. --建立自主经营的卫星广播通信系统。

    To set up an independently operated satellite broadcasting and telecommunications system .

  4. 公司拥有独立的自主经营进出口权。

    With many years experience for Import and Export business .

  5. 保障开发区内的企业依法自主经营;

    To ensure the enterprises'operational autonomy in the ETDZ .

  6. 企业组织变革的方向是自主经营团队建设

    The Direction of Organization change is autonomous team-building

  7. 自主经营、自负盈亏、独立的物业管理公司发展模式;

    Independent management , profit-and-loss responsibility , independent development model of infrastructure management company ;

  8. 企业是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的经济主体。

    Enterprises are a economic Subject in independent management self-sufficiency , self development , and self-discipline .

  9. 市场经济使企业逐步成为自主经营、自负盈亏的经济主体。

    The market economy force enterprise to become their own decisions , self-financing of business entities .

  10. 合营公司作为独立的经济实体开展业务,自主经营。

    The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously .

  11. 该店是私人的,自主经营,自负盈亏。

    This shop is privately owned , independently managed and responsible for its own profits and losses .

  12. 为具有不确定性的自主经营牺牲稳定的薪水,对你来说值得吗?

    Is the sacrifice of a safe salary for the uncertainty of self-employment worth it for you ?

  13. 不管是自主经营还是成立合资企业,中国的金融中间机构都将越来越活跃。

    Chinese intermediaries will also be increasingly active , whether operating on their own or in joint ventures .

  14. 在蒙塔奇诺办公室召开的一次会议上,他建议公司自主经营酒店。

    During a meeting in the Montalcino office they share , he suggestedthe company could run the hotel themselves .

  15. 早期改革于是着重于修改现有改革方案,允许企业保留更多的资金,扩大企业的自主经营小。

    Early reforms thus concentrated on devising schemes that allowed enterprises to retain more profits and expanded enterprises'operational autonomy .

  16. 西安市公共体育场馆的经营方式主要包括自主经营、承包经营和租赁经营。

    Xi ' an mode of operation of public sports facilities including self-management , contract management and leasing business .

  17. 在市场经济环境下,企业作为市场主体的地位逐步确立,并且自主经营,自负盈亏。

    Under the situation of market economy , enterprise step by step establishes its status as principal part of market .

  18. 营销策划是现代企业进入市场自主经营不或忽视的重要举措。

    Marketing plan is that modern enterprises do not enter independent management of the market or important action that ignore .

  19. 自主权一个机构自主经营、立自主、受其他机构任何干涉的权利。

    Autonomy The right for an organization to govern itself with total independence and without any interference from any other organization .

  20. 节食需有自我约束力.自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,自我约束

    Dieting demands self-discipline . " Operate independently , assume sole responsibility for its profits and losses , seek self-development and self-reliance "

  21. 民办学校是指由公益法人或自然法人自筹经费、自主经营与管理的面向社会专门提供选择性教育服务的学校或教育机构。

    Schools run by the local people refer to the schools or the educational institutions which provide optional education to the society .

  22. 商业银行作为企业,它实行自主经营,自担风险,自负盈亏,自我约束,它以利润为最终目标,按商品经济的经营原则从事经营活动。

    As a enterprise , the aim of the bank is obtaining the maximum profit by carrying on its business , controlling risks .

  23. 在市场经济中,企业和银行都是具有独立经济利益并自主经营的经济主体。

    In the market economy , banks and enterprises are both economic entities with independent economic interests and full power of managerial decision-making .

  24. 秘鲁塔拉拉油田是中国石油天然气总公司在国外自主经营的第一个油田,现已钻井23口。

    Talala Oil Field is the first overseas independently managed oil field of CNPC . A number of23 wells were drilled over there .

  25. 使企业自主经营,自负盈亏,实现国有资产保值增值。

    Enterprises can operate independently , assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses and preserve and increase the value of state property .

  26. 自主经营,自负盈亏,是承包经营责任制的实质。

    To Be independent in management and responsible for one 's own profits and losses is the essence of managerial responsiBility system of contracting .

  27. 水源公司、供水公司有充分的自主权,自主经营、自负盈亏。

    Waterhead companies and water supply companies have full autonomy to make their own managerial decisions and take responsibilities for their profits and losses .

  28. 1874年,王韬在香港创办了我国最早的国人自主经营的报纸&《循环日报》,开创了近代国人自主办报的先河。

    In 1874 , Wang Tao established the newspaper Circulation Daily in Hong Kong , which is the earliest daily paper conducted by Chinese .

  29. 本公司主要通过早教社区网络自主经营,线上广告以及提供网站衍生服务来取得收益。

    The company mainly through the development of community networks operates independently , online advertising , and providing web site to get income derived services .

  30. 其中,源于自我主义的自治感是引导中国人偏爱以自主经营的方式参与市场实践的主观力量;

    The sense of autonomy arising from the Self is the subjective force directing the Chinese to favor self-management as a way of market participation ;