
  • 网络Functional Strategy;Function Strategy
  1. 然后对XT公司所面临的内外部环境,利用相关分析工具进行了细致地分析,在此基础上,提出了XT公司的发展目标以及包括总体战略、业务战略、职能战略三个层次的企业战略规划。

    In the article , several popular strategic planning analysis tools were introduced as well . Through a detailed analysis on the internal and external environment which XT is facing , a strategic plan including objectives , overall strategy , business strategy and functional strategy was developed .

  2. 企业职能战略浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of Functional Strategy Management

  3. 在上分析研究的基础之上,为大连HD建筑公司制定了总体发展战略、业务发展战略和职能战略。

    Dalian HD construction companies in the analysis of the basis for the formulation of the overall development strategy , business development strategy and functional strategies .

  4. 基于SWOT原理,分析山东港湾公司面临的优劣势以及机会与威胁,并对其发展战略进行了定位。根据这一定位,提出了若干适应公司发展的职能战略。

    This paper analyzes the advantage and weakness , opportunity and threat of the Company based on SWOT , and orientates its development strategy , based on which , several functional strategies adapting to the development of the Company are put forward .

  5. 本文通过使用SWOT分析法对某手机会员卡企业的现实情况进行了分析和研究,制定出了某手机会员卡企业差异化产品的竞争战略、增长型的发展战略、资源保障型的职能战略。

    Analysis and research on the membership card of a cell phone business reality by using the SWOT analysis , to develop a membership card of a mobile phone enterprises competitive strategy of differentiated products , growth-oriented development strategy , resources and support-functional strategies .

  6. 全球不同国家的MBA学员可利用该课程的模拟系统经历企业经营的主要过程:总体战略的制定及实施、生产和研发职能战略、产品销售职能战略以及财务职能战略的决策和实施。

    Utilizing the simulating system , student from different countries in the world are experiencing the main management process of large enterprises : establishment and implementation of the overall strategy ; the decision-making and implement of the functional strategies for production , research and development , product sales and finance .

  7. 第五,在SWOT分析基础上,对整个战略态势的分析进行总结和比较,从而明确HYT企业集团未来的战略选择,制定出企业的中长期发展战略、业务战略、职能战略。

    Fifth , in the SWOT analysis , based on the analysis of the strategic situation summarized and compared , and clear enterprise group of future HYT strategic choice , work out the enterprise in long-term development strategy , business strategy , strategic functions .

  8. 最后,论文进行了大型建筑施工企业的职能战略分析。

    Finally , a large construction paper enterprises strategic analysis functions .

  9. 改善职能战略的内部协调;

    Improving the internal coordination of the functional strategies ;

  10. 企业战略体系,包括总体战略、业务战略和职能战略。

    Enterprise strategy system , including overall strategy , service strategy and function strategy .

  11. 为保证同心多样化战略的实施并取得满意的效果,制定了相应的职能战略,并调整公司的组织结构,使之与战略相匹配,促进战略的实施。

    For the concentric diversification strategy implementation , functional-level strategy is also maken out .

  12. 企业融资战略属于企业主要职能战略之一。

    Corporate finance strategy is one of the main functions of the corporate strategy .

  13. 在成本职能战略上,要实现由粗放型成本管理向低成本运营的转变;

    In the cost function , realize the diversion from extensive cost management to low-cost operation ;

  14. 最后分析了生产战略与其他职能战略和企业总战略间的关系。

    The relationship among the manufacturing strategy and other function strategies and corporation strategy is analyzed .

  15. 设计管理作为职能战略的一种,要服从于整个企业的总体战略。

    As a strategic function , Design management should be subordinated to the the enterprise overall strategy .

  16. 根据总体发展战略,制定国有大型建筑企业各阶段配套的职能战略。

    According to the strategies system , the strategic measures are established for state-owned key construction enterprises .

  17. 并对其职能战略实施提出切实可行的保障及实施过程中的控制。

    Implementation of the control in the protection and implementation process to put forward practical and functional strategies .

  18. 其中包括公司总体战略整合、公司经营战略整合和公司职能战略整合三个方面。

    Include the company total strategy combine , company 's management strategy combine and company 's function strategy combines .

  19. 为了更好的支撑总战略的实施,本文进一步提出了职能战略。

    To prop up the implementation of the overall strategy , functional strategy is also proposed in this paper .

  20. 一个人力资源管理策略可分为,一般分为两个方面-人民的战略和人力资源职能战略。

    An HRM strategy can be divided , in general , into two facets-the people strategy and the HR functional strategy .

  21. 然后,文章从核心竞争力的角度出发讨论了施工企业的发展战略和相应职能战略的定位和选择,最终采用AHP-层次分析法对S公司进行实证研究,并给出了S公司的发展战略。

    The paper next discussed the positioning and chooses of the development strategy and the corresponding function strategy of construction enterprise .

  22. 研究确定了大陆桥集团各项职能战略:确定了总部和分部两种不同的组织管理战略;

    The thesis sets up functions ' strategy of Continent Bridge Group : to determine the different management strategy with headquarters and branch ;

  23. 在此基础上,设计了公司的基本竞争战略、职能战略、人力资源战略和营销战略。

    On this basis , this paper designed basic competitive strategy , and functional strategies , also human resources strategy as well as marketing strategy .

  24. 其中对于企业战略整合,按照战略如何制定的思路分别探讨企业使命和目标整合、企业总体战略整合、企业经营战略整合和企业职能战略整合;

    In the illustration of strategy integration , we will discuss the conformity of company target , whole strategy target , operational strategy and functional strategy ;

  25. 为了实现企业发展战略,企业当细化其职能战略,提出通航运营企业的风险管理战略、市场战略、人才资源战略和财务经营战略,并营造良好的企业文化。

    The strategy contains risk management strategy , market strategy , talent resource strategy and financial management strategy after refining the function of the enterprise strategy .

  26. 营销战略具有引导企业其它职能战略的意义。相应的,营销战略就成为企业战略体系的核心。

    So marketing strategy is acting as a leading role to guide the other strategies and no doubt it 's the core of the enterprise strategic system .

  27. 各个职能战略和行动计划的制定要围绕总战略和竞争战略展开,具体的计划应当随着环境的变化而做相应的调整。

    All the relevant function strategies and action plans should be circled around the general and competition strategies and the detailed plans should change according to the environment .

  28. 财务战略是企业战略中的一个核心职能战略,对企业战略的实现起着促进和制衡作用。

    Financial strategy is the key function strategy of business strategy , and play a promoting and checking and balancing role to the realization of the business strategy .

  29. 为了因应这些变化,企业相应地应该作出一定的战略选择,包括发展战略、职能战略、协作战略和竞争战略等。

    In order to adapt to these changes , enterprises have to select corresponding strategies , including development strategy , functional strategy , cooperation strategy and competitive strategy .

  30. 在销售职能战略上,要实现由航空产品销售向航空产品营销的转变;

    In the sale function , product-oriented philosophy of sale should be replaced by customer-oriented philosophy , and realize the diversion from the aviation product sell to product marketing ;