
  1. 公路建设的发展要求职工队伍素质建设要跟上。

    With the highway developing , the staff quality must be improved .

  2. 论医院文化建设与职工队伍素质

    On Hospital Cultural Construction and Quality of Staff

  3. 创建一流教育培训体系提高职工队伍素质

    Build up First Rate Education and Training System to Improve Quality of Staff Members

  4. 随着教育事业的发展,对教学评估的需求不仅表现在学生质量上,而且还反映在教职工队伍素质上;

    With the development of education enterprise , the teaching evaluation is required concerned with both qualities of the students and the teaching staff .

  5. 由于传统观念、社会偏见以及地位待遇等等原因,造成目前我国职工队伍素质较低,高技能人才奇缺。

    For the reasons of traditional concept , social prejudice and treatment , the quality of workers and staff in China is lower now and very lack of skilled workers .

  6. 促进煤炭安全生产持续稳定好转和推动煤炭工业技术进步和职工队伍素质的提高。

    And promoting the continuing and steady improvement of safety for coal production , the technological advancement of the coal industry and the improvement of the quality of the personnel .

  7. 通过对苏州大学图书馆转型期工作的回顾,提出了深化内部管理体制改革,加快图书馆自动化、网络化、数字化建设,提高职工队伍素质是图书馆‘转型期’的重要工作。

    Based on the author 's review , the building of automation , network , postgraduate and raising the librarians ' quality is an important work at the time of library transformation .

  8. 文章在综述企业职工队伍素质现状的基础上,分析了现状形成的原因,并提出了创建学习型企业的途径和方法。

    Based on summary of the staff quality at present , this paper gives analysis to the cause for forming the present state and puts forward the way to set up enterprise good at learning .

  9. 企业必须把职工队伍的素质建设作为企业发展的第一要务。

    Enterprise should regard building staff 's quality as its first business .

  10. 如何提高女职工队伍整体素质

    On Improving Whole Female Staff 's Quality Scientifically

  11. 随着近年来吉林省交通事业的长足发展,吉林省交通行业精神风貌有了很大的提高,具体体现在职工队伍整体素质、行业文明服务水平都有明显的提高;交通文化建设也有明显的加强。

    With the rapid development of transport services in recent years , Jilin Province overall transport sector improve mental outlook . Embodied in the overall quality workforce , the civil service sector has been greatly improved and traffic culture has been significantly strengthened .

  12. 强化教育,提高职工队伍的综合素质;

    Strengthen our education and promote the composite quality of the staff ;

  13. 提高职工队伍技术业务素质适应铁路现代化发展需要

    To raise the profession quality of staff to adapt to the railway modernization

  14. 强化安全培训工作,提高职工队伍安全技术素质;

    Strengthening safety training to enhance the safety awareness and skill of mine workers ;

  15. 浅谈如何提高职工队伍的技能素质

    Improvement of Workers ' Skills and Quality

  16. 职工队伍整体业务素质不强,造成该厂全员劳动生产率不高,经济运行质量差。

    Workers ' vocational quality is lower than needed , which leads to its lower productivity and its worse quality of economy running .

  17. 要积极应对知识经济和经济全球化的挑战,实现党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,必须高度重视和切实提高职工队伍的整体素质。

    To meet challenge of knowledge economy and economical globalisation and realise striving target set at " 16th Party Conference " to construct well - off society , we must pay high attention to and truly raise the staff quality as a whole .

  18. 要实现交通现代化的目标,就必须建立一支高素质的职工队伍,职工队伍素质的高低,往往取决于专门人才的数量和质量。

    The realization of the goal of communications modernization depended on the quantity and high quality , of the staff .

  19. 国有建筑企业由于其行业自身的特殊性,在日益激烈的建筑市场竞争中,职工队伍结构及职工素质状况决定了企业的生存与发展。

    Under condition of serious competition in construction market , the employee 's composition and quality determine survival and development of construction enterprise owing to its particularity of the industry .

  20. 开展职工培训是企业提高职工队伍素质的重要途径。

    Staff professional training is an important approach to enhance staff 's quality .

  21. 北京市各级工会组织,把实施首都职工素质教育工程作为全面提高职工队伍整体素质的重要抓手和载体。

    Trade union organizations at all levels regard quality-oriented education project of capital workers and staff members as the carrier of comprehensively bettering the quality of the work force .

  22. 分析了企业职工当前素质现状及成因,阐述了强化思想政治工作对提高职工队伍素质的具体做法。

    This paper analyzes the current situation of quality of workers and staff in enterprises and the causes of some problems , and expounds concrete methods of strengthening the ideological and political work .