
  • 网络workplace culture
  1. 虽然她很满意Instacart的回应,但她知道女性在许多行业面临着更糟糕的情况,并开始琢磨如何可以更广泛地改变职场文化。

    Though she was satisfied with Instacart 's response , she knew women in many industries faced much worse , and started ruminating about how she could change workplace culture more broadly .

  2. 在被问及为何会这样时,我可以有信心地说,是因为职场文化。

    When asked why this happens , I say with some confidence that it is about workplace culture .

  3. 尽管中国的科技界已经出现了不少在实力与财富上均可匹敌Facebook、谷歌(Google)和亚马逊(Amazon)的公司,但其职场文化在许多方面仍跟随以男性为主导的硅谷。

    While China 's tech scene has produced companies that rival Facebook , Google and Amazon in power and wealth , the work culture in many ways trails even bro-dominated Silicon Valley .

  4. 职场文化的变迁需要很长时间

    It takes a long time for work culture to change

  5. 然而,职场文化已经改变。

    But work culture has changed .

  6. 打造“统一的职场文化”还包括制定每名员工都为之努力奋斗的个人目标。

    Creating " one workplace culture " also extends to setting individual goals , toward which every member strives to achieve .

  7. 理事会成员认为,该法案将从整体上对员工和职场文化产生积极影响。

    Council members believe the bill would have a positive effect both on the employee and workplace culture as a whole .

  8. 高校职场文化与求职培训课程建设那么相貌在职场中又有哪些影响呢?

    Course Construction of Vocational Culture and Job-Application Training in Chinese Universities and Colleges But how much do looks matter at work ?

  9. 要建立强大的职场文化,须不断选择既能实现上述目的,又能顾及三大基本关系的方法。

    Rather , strong workplace cultures are the result of consistently choosing a means to those ends that attends to three fundamental relationships .

  10. 这位教授指出,过度加班的深层次原因在于日本的职场文化,应该从根源解决问题。

    The issue of excessive overtime is deeply rooted in the work culture and should be tackled from a more fundamental basis , he argues .

  11. 在这样一个以劳累过度,倦怠和疲惫为特征的职场文化中,我们如何才能挖掘到我们的创造力、智慧,以及我们创造奇迹的能力呢?

    In our culture of overwork , burnout , and exhaustion , how do we tap into our creativity , our wisdom , our capacity for wonder ?

  12. 实际上,随着越来越多的顶级高管承认增加家庭生活时间的必要性,并且意识到偶尔放下工作的好处,职场文化或许会变得更加灵活。

    Indeed , as more top-level executives acknowledge the need for family time and the benefit of occasionally turning off work , workplace culture may grow more flexible .

  13. 如果该行业的利润降至更普通的水平(现在似乎正是如此),那么职场文化应该有所改变,以反映这点。

    And if , as seems to be happening , profits in the industry are dropping to more ordinary levels , the workplace culture should change to reflect that .

  14. 硅谷已发展出一种轻松宽容的职场文化,它有时被援引为这个美国科技中心“不择手段”争抢人才的证据。

    It is sometimes cited as proof of Silicon Valley 's " no-holds " war for talent , but America 's technology heartland has evolved a working culture that is simultaneously relaxed and permissive .

  15. 在调查给出的15个选项中,企业的社会责任感和职场的文化多元性被排在最后两项。

    But other popular concepts like corporate citizenship and workplace diversity were at the bottom of the list of15 qualities .

  16. 职场上的文化差异组织行为学

    cultural differences in the workplace organizational behavior

  17. 随着频繁的对外经济文化交流,英语的重要性更加凸显,英语已经是职场、社交和文化交流的重要工具。

    With the frequent foreign economic and cultural exchanges , the importance of English is more prominent . English is already a necessary communication tool in workplace , social contact and cultural exchange .