
  • 网络dominant values
  1. 当代青年的信仰危机及青年主导价值观的构建

    Credibility crisis of contemporary youth and the constructing of dominant values

  2. 论中国社会转型期主导价值观的构建

    Elaborates Construction of Dominant Values in a Period of Chinese Social Transition

  3. 当代青年学生社会主导价值观教育研究

    The Study of Contemporary Education of Youthful Student Social Leading Values

  4. 试论价值冲突与主导价值观的培育

    On the value confliction and the fostering of leading outlook on value

  5. 建设主导价值观构建社会主义和谐社会

    Perfecting the Dominant Ideology and Constructing Harmonious Socialist Society

  6. 任何民族、国家和社会的发展,都需要一定的社会主导价值观的强力支撑。

    Any development of country and society need the support of social dominating values .

  7. 有关非主导价值观的初步研究

    A Primary Study in the Non-dominating Value Concept

  8. 创新大学生主导价值观教育的途径和方法

    Education of Dominant Values for College Students

  9. 谈当代大学生主导价值观研究中的几个问题

    Dominant Values of Contemporary College Students

  10. 社会主义市场经济所需求的主导价值观应是新型的集体主义价值观,时代赋予了集体主义价值观新的内涵。

    The leading values of socialist market economy ought to be new types of collectivism values .

  11. 大学时期是对学生进行主导价值观教育的关键时期。

    College years are the key period to carry out the education of dominant values for young students .

  12. 主导价值观是在价值体系中居于核心、支配地位的价值目标和价值导向。

    In the value system the leading concept is the value goal and guidance which positioned in the core and controlling status .

  13. 面对多样而复杂的价值观念,必须赋予主导价值观以时代内涵,建构新型集体主义。

    Facing various and complicated value sense , the leading value sense must be endowed with epoch connotation and new-style collectivism should be constructed .

  14. 处于社会转型期的大学生,社会主导价值观对其凝聚力和文化力减弱的情形业已出现。

    In the transition period , the dominant social values held by college students have exerted weaker power of cohesion and culture upon them .

  15. 消解价值冲突,要确立反映时代和社会发展要求的主导价值观。

    The focus of clearing up the conflicts is to establish the leading value concept which reflects the request of era and social development .

  16. 部分大学生在价值观上呈现出与所在社会主导价值观以及个体应有的积极向上的价值观的偏离现象。

    An apparent show is the phenomenon of their value deviation which goes against the dominant social values or some positive attitudes they should have .

  17. 主导价值观的科学合理显示了其理论的力量,要把这种理论力量转化为现实的力量,就有一个价值观实现机制问题。

    Scientificalness and rationality of dominant values reveals its theory power , but values realization mechanism is needed to convert theory power into fact power .

  18. 其次要发挥教育本身的做用,打造健康的社会主导价值观,引导人们形成对教育的正确认识。

    Secondly , we ought to create a healthy social values-led with our education , and guide people to form a correct understanding of education .

  19. 与整个中国社会的主导价值观转型相对应,当代大学生的价值观也正在经历着一个复杂而深刻的转型。

    Corresponding to the transformation of the mainstay value systems in China , college students here are also experiencing profound changes in their own value judgments .

  20. 通过对于社会主导价值观的整合来防止社会主体价值标准的偏离,减少大规模侵权的再发生。

    Through the integration of the dominant values of society to prevent social main values from the deviation , and reduce the recurrence of mass tort .

  21. 我国社会转型期社会失范加剧,主要表现在权威失范、角色失范和社会主导价值观混乱。

    During social reconstruction period in our country , social anomy is increasing mainly represented in authority anomy , role anomy and the confusion of leading social value conception .

  22. 这种以关注人生为主导价值观的新人文精神价值体系的初步建构无疑给现代都市人带来了新的希望。

    Undoubtedly , the rebuild of the system of value of neo-humanist spirit with " concern on humanity " as its dominant value criterion brings the metropolitans new hope .

  23. 针对价值观多元化和价值冲突的现状,本文探讨的价值观建构的主要内容包括两个方面:建立主导价值观与整合价值冲突。

    The values construction in this article aims at the situation of diversity and conflicts of social values , advance two strategies : building leading values and integrating values conflicts .

  24. 任何国家的主导价值观建设必须立足于本民族文化传统,价值导向必须与现实社会的价值取向相匹配。

    For any country , the construction of main-stream value concept must based on their traditional culture , and the value concept direction must be suitable for the real social value definition .

  25. 在价值观多元化的社会现实面前,当代大学生价值观总体上是积极、健康、向上的,但部分大学生中也存在对社会主导价值观的偏离。

    In facing the social reality of the polybasic value , the modern university students are generally positive , healthy and upward , but some of them have diverged from social leading values .

  26. 应将传统的主导价值观教育同价值澄清理论结合起来,引导大学生从容应对价值冲突和混乱。

    The author believes that college students have the abilities to deal with the value involved with conflict and confusion by combining the education of traditional leading value with that of value clarification .

  27. 思想政治工作在构建社会主义和谐社会中起着倡导社会主义主导价值观、整合多元价值、协调人与社会发展的积极作用。

    Ideological and political work plays positive role in constructing the socialism harmonious society , advocating the mainly principle values of socialism , integrating poly-value , coordinating the development of human being and society .

  28. 重建新的社会主导价值观才能推动社会主导价值观的转型,促进有中国特色社会主义事业的健康发展。

    Only by reestablishing new principal views of value of our society can we push forward the transformation of the former principal views of value and thus promote the healthy development of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  29. 既导致了人们价值比较的选择和整合上的困难以及价值追求上的困惑、疑虑和迷惘,又激了人们对新的价值体系和社会主导价值观探求的热情。

    It brings difficulty of selection and integration for human value comparison and puzzle , qualm and confuse of value pursuing , it also inspires human passion of hunting new value system and society dominant values .

  30. 在宏观的社会结构层面,作者从文化目标角度,对考试机制、评价机制、诚信机制和社会主导价值观等原因进行探讨。

    At the macro level of social structure , from the perspective of cultural objectives , the author exams such causes as the examination system , evaluation system , the integrity mechanism and social dominant values .