
  • 网络Prime Standard;main market;main-board market;Main board
  1. 11月10日,我所投资的黄金矿商Avocet宣布,预计将在12月8日左右从伦敦另类投资市场(AIM)转到主板市场。

    On November 10 , gold miner Avocet , in which I have an investment , announced that it expected to move its share listing from the Alternative Investment Market ( Aim ) to the London main market on or around December 8 .

  2. 一谈到上市,许多小企业觉得主板市场已将其拒之门外。

    Many smaller firms felt prohibited from seeking a Main Market listing .

  3. 其他人则警告称,上述计划仍取决于投资者对于中国主板市场IPO重启的反应。

    Others caution that the plans are still dependant on investor reception of the resumption of IPOs on China 's main exchanges .

  4. 我国创业板的IPO平均抑价率要比主板市场大,且波动性更强,波动范围更广。

    The average IPO under-pricing rate of the GEM is higher than that of the Main Board , and the wave amplitude of the GEM is greater .

  5. 近年来我国的学者对上市公司IPO盈余管理的研究也有很多,但大多集中于主板市场。而我国中小企业板自2004年5月在深交所正式启动到目前已有六七年的时间。

    In recent years , scholars of China IPO earnings management of listed companies also have a lot of research , but mostly concentrated on the Main Board .

  6. 由于运行政策及上市公司自身的特点不同,中小企业板与主板市场的IPO公司股票在价格变动及长期走势上都有不同特点。

    Due to the difference of operation policies and listed companies ' characteristics , the price fluctuation and long run performance of IPOs have disparate features on the SMES Board and mainboard .

  7. 相对比美国的NASDAQ和英国的AIM,我国创业板从主板市场吸收的经验较少,投资者盲目投资现象比较严重。

    Compare to the NASDAQ in United States and AIM in the United Kingdom , our GEM absorbed from the motherboard market with less experience , the phenomenon of blind investment and more serious investors .

  8. 创业板IPO平均七十几倍市盈率,而上海A股目前平均只有二十倍市盈率,其投资风险将显著高于主板市场。

    GEM is seventy times than the average IPO price-earnings ratio , while the Shanghai A shares is only two times than the current average price-earnings ratio . The investment risk will be significantly higher than the motherboard market .

  9. 出于对管理研究要理论结合实际的认识,在整个研究过程中还查阅了大量关于我国民营企业融资的研究成果,并参考来自Nasdaq、香港创业板和国内主板市场的实际资料。

    Because of the importance of combining theories and practice in the research of management , during the course of the research I have referred a lot of productions of financing of private-owned corporations in China as well as data from Nasdaq and GEM of Hong Kong .

  10. 上市公司信息造假和中小企业融资困难是现实经济中的两大突出问题,其根本原因则在于缺少一个与主板市场相匹配的OTC市场。

    There are two crucial problems in Chinese economy , that is the scandal in information disclosure of listed companies and the difficulty in raising funds of the small and middle firms , and which main reason is lack of OTC market matching the main board of capital market .

  11. 由于政策的限制,现在中小企业板上市规则与现行的主板市场之间有明显的区别。

    But it 's obviously different with the main board market in rules .

  12. 而创业板市场也会给主板市场和广大的投资者造成一定的影响。

    GEM will also have some influences on the main market and investors .

  13. 创业板市场与主板市场相辅相成。

    Creative board market and main board market supplement and complement each other .

  14. 最后,分析了主板市场和创业板市场之间的关系。

    Last , it analyse the connection between mainboard and carve out board market .

  15. 中小企业板市场的建立对主板市场影响的一种理论预测&不确定性理论分析方法

    Effects of mid-and mini-sized Board on Main Board & Application of Theoretical Analysis of Uncertainty

  16. 而中国创业板与上海和深圳的主板市场一样,都缺乏这类投资者。

    And ChiNext is as short of those as its seniors in Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  17. 其次,深圳主板市场停滞发展,浪费行政资源。

    Secondly , the stagnation of the development of Shenzhen motherboard market results in waste of administrative resources .

  18. 二板市场的高收益、高风险特性,决定了它与主板市场在信息披露方面存在着较大的差异。

    There is some sharp difference between the Second Board Market and the Main Board Market in information disclosure .

  19. 规范和发展主板市场,为其提供更广阔的融资空间。

    To regulate and develop the main board of the stock market , providing it with a broad financing space .

  20. 从创业板公司信息披露的特点不难看出,主板市场由于信息披露不够,直接影响上市公司的成长。

    The main board market has not sufficient information announcement , which makes direct influence on the development of corporation .

  21. 华沙证交所的主板市场现有439家上市公司,日均交易规模为2.75亿美元。

    There are 439 companies listed on the main market , with an average daily trading volume of $ 275m .

  22. 二板市场与主板市场对经济增长作用的差异&基于美国的经验分析

    Difference of the Influence Imposed on Economic Growth by Second-board and Main-board Market : An Empirical Research on American Market

  23. 二板市场主要服务于具有高新技术含量和高成长性的中小企业,表现在上市标准上也较主板市场宽松得多。

    Second board aims at those companies , which have the prospect of developing and high scientific and technological content .

  24. 保险资金或可投资境外主板市场的绩优蓝筹股。

    Insurance funds are likely to be allowed to invest in qualified blue chip stocks on the overseas main board markets .

  25. 目前,学者们对这些现象的研究大多集中在主板市场,对创业板市场的研究还比较少。

    Most scholars ' research focus on the main board market , the study of the growth enterprise market is relatively less .

  26. 创业板市场,或谓二板市场,系相对于主板市场而言,证券市场架构中的重要组成部分。

    Growth enterprise market ( GEM ), also called " second board market ", is an important part of the securities market .

  27. 人们还担心,没有主板市场严格的监管规定可能会增加发生财务丑闻的风险。

    There are also concerns that less stringent rules than those governing main board companies could raise the risk of financial scandals .

  28. 与主板市场相比,创业板市场具有高风险性,这在国际范围内已是不争的事实。

    Compared with the First Stock Market , GEM is the market with high risk and it is the fact in the worldwide .

  29. 鉴于对于主板市场股利政策的研究目前尚未达成共识,这意味着在对创业板上市公司的股利分配现状进行分析时不能将思维局限在某一理论框架中。

    This means that , in the listed companies of dividend distribution situation analysis could not limited of thinking in a theoretical framework .

  30. 创业板市场是对主板市场的有效补充,对资本市场的完善起着重要的作用。

    The GEM is an effective supplement for main board market . It plays an important role for the perfection of capital market .