
  • 网络Twain;mark twain;MarkTwain;Twain,Mark
  1. 马克·吐温就是一个显著的例子。

    Mark Twain is a conspicuous example .

  2. 他正确地称赞了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和马克·吐温无意中获得的伟大成就,在这部和其他作品里,创造了一种符合美国民族精神的散文文体。

    He has rightly praised " huckleberry finn ", and mark twain 's great incidental achievement , in it and his another work , of creating a prose-style suited to the American ethos .

  3. 据说,哈克·芬恩是马克·吐温的童年伙伴。

    It is believed that Huck Finn is based on a childhood friend of Mark Twain 's.

  4. 马克·吐温和斯蒂芬·科尔伯特都是大家庭中最小的,金·凯瑞是四个人中最小的。

    Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families , and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four .

  5. 一天,马克·吐温在报上读到一则关于他的死亡讣告。

    One day Mark Twain read an announcement of his death in a newspaper .

  6. 马克·吐温说过,不敬若不是自由唯一的捍卫者,也会是它的拥护者。

    Mark Twain said irreverence is the champion of liberty , if not its only defender .

  7. 马克·吐温翻遍了所有衣服的口袋,也没有找到车票。

    Mark Twain looked for the ticket in all his pockets , but he didn 't find it .

  8. 从马克·吐温Luck的两种译文看其隐性连接

    On Implicit Conjunction through Two Translation Versions of Luck by Mark Twain

  9. 不朽的马克·吐温&试析马克·吐温的讽刺与幽默采用类似于MarkW。

    Similar to Mark W.

  10. 所以,在作品中他对HUCK这个人物刻画,尤其是HUCK在追求自由平等的过程中很自然地表现出马克·吐温的妥协与矛盾心理。

    The process of Huck 's pursuit of freedom shows his compromising and contradictory attitude .

  11. 路灯在醉鬼的眼里是用来支撑身体而不是照明的——据说语出马克·吐温(MarkTwain),如果没有算术,政客三天两头像醉鬼利用路灯一样去利用统计数据,也不会被发现。

    Without it , politicians routinely get away with using statistics , as Mark Twain supposedly observed , the way a drunk uses a lamppost : for support rather than illumination .

  12. 在中央谷地东部丘陵地带的卡拉韦拉斯县——马克·吐温(MarkTwain)让当地的跳蛙出了名——可以看到连续多周晴朗无云的天气对新梅洛内斯湖的影响。

    You can see the result of endless weeks of cloudless skies in New Melones Lake , here in Calaveras County in the foothills east of the Central Valley , where Mark Twain made a legend of a jumping frog .

  13. 马克·吐温和海明威都是美国具有代表性的作家。

    Mark Twain & Hemingway are both representative writers in America .

  14. 这是一部模仿马克·吐温写作风格的小说。

    This is a novel after the fashion of Mark Twain .

  15. 但我很确信最开始是马克·吐温说的

    But I 'm pretty sure mark twain said it first .

  16. 马克·吐温是美国历史上伟大的小说家和幽默家之一。

    Mark Twain is one of the greatest novelists and humorists .

  17. 马克·吐温与塞林格均以夸张的手法来对待和使用土语。

    Both Twain and Salinger exaggerate in their use of vernacular language .

  18. 马克·吐温是享誉世界的美国文学大师,才华横溢的幽默作家。

    Mark Twain is a world-renowned literary giant and a gifted humorist .

  19. 从《哈克贝利·芬历险记》管窥马克·吐温的生态伦理观

    Mark Twain 's ecological ethics perceived through the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  20. 马克·吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。

    Mark Twin was famous as a children-story writer .

  21. 马克·吐温有着自己独特的思维方式,无论讲话做事都个性鲜明。

    He has his own way of thinking , saying and doing everything .

  22. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是马克·吐温的一部代表作。

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of Mark Twain 's masterpieces .

  23. 这句话出自美国作家马克·吐温。

    It was the American writer , Mark Twain , who said this .

  24. 马克·吐温在法国

    Mark Twain in France The Living Mark Twain

  25. 马克·吐温作品中的中国形象

    Images of China in Mark Twain 's Works

  26. 我最喜欢的名著是马克·吐温写的《汤姆·索亚历险记》。

    My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer b Mark Twain .

  27. 马克·吐温是文学史上最伟大的人物之一。

    Mark Twain is one of the greatest figures in our literary history . literate

  28. 马克·吐温小说的幽默艺术

    On the Humor in Novels by Mark Twain

  29. 有一次,一个朋友邀请马克·吐温去看歌剧。

    Mark Twain was once invited by a friend to go to the opera .

  30. 马克·吐温的作品是用假名写的。

    The writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous .