
  • 网络Ma weihua
  1. 马蔚华一直在利用全国人大这个平台,宣传有关限制外资银行的观点。在中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)之后,外资银行已经可以更自由地与中国本土银行进行竞争。

    Mr Ma has been using the NPC platform to push his views for restrictions on foreign banks , which can compete more freely against the locals after China 's entry into the World Trade Organisation .

  2. 独家对话内资银行薪酬最高行长马蔚华做好职业经理人最大一件事

    The most important thing for a professional manager

  3. 招行马蔚华首发公务卡金融创新遏制腐败

    The finance innovating Contain the corruption

  4. 在招商银行香港首发上市之后,中国媒体报道称,马蔚华的薪酬已升至约100万美元。

    After the Hong Kong IPO , the Chinese media reported that Mr Ma 's salary had been raised to about $ 1m .

  5. 马蔚华称,招商银行已发行了1000万张银行卡,并占中国目前已发行的双币卡总量的42%。

    The bank has 10m cards on issue , according to Mr Ma , and 42 per cent of all dual-currency cards in use in China .

  6. 马蔚华表示,他目前正全力关注于全国人大的事务,但他无意中透露,自己身兼数职可能有利于他在官员中推广公务信用卡。

    Mr Ma said he is concentrating on the business of the congress but let slip that his shared interest could see him promote his government credit cards among officials .

  7. 但马蔚华很乐于为中国银行家较高的收入辩护。他表示,如果没有较高的收入,中国本土银行业将无法与外资银行匹敌。

    But Mr Ma is happy to defend higher salaries for Chinese bankers , saying that without more pay , the local industry will not be able to match foreign banks .

  8. 身穿花格外套和翻领毛衣的马蔚华,看起来更像一个中层官员,而不是(据中国媒体透露)年薪100万美元的顶级银行家。

    Clad in a checked coat and turtleneck sweater , Mr Ma looks more like a middle-ranking official than a top banker earning – according to the Chinese media – as much as $ 1m a year .