
  • 网络Kai-Fu Lee;Kaifu Lee;Lee Kai-fu;Lee Kaifu
  1. Google马上意识到,李开复能又快又准的将谷歌中国的计划在中国推行开来。

    Google immediately recognized how Kai-Fu Lee could accelerate its plans to make a mark in China .

  2. 李开复,Google大中华区总裁,数本畅销书的作者。

    Kai-Fu Lee is the president of Google Greater China , and the author of several best-selling books in Chinese .

  3. 李开复在致中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。

    In his email to China Real Time , Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career .

  4. 李开复在致“中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。

    In his email to China Real Time , Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career . '

  5. 微软曾起诉李开复,以便阻止他加盟谷歌。2009年,李开复离开谷歌,成立了风投基金创新工场(InnovationWorks)。

    Microsoft sued him in an effort to keep him from moving to Google , which he left in 2009 to launch venture-capital fund Innovation Works .

  6. 创新工场(InnovationWorks)首席执行长李开复今年4月在一个会议上说,年轻创业者很难找到投资。

    It is difficult for young entrepreneurs to find investment , said Li Kaifu , chief executive of Innovation Works , at a conference in April .

  7. 李开复希望在中国建立与Google总部相同的研发体制和文化

    Kaifu Li hopes to build a R & D system and culture in China similar to the ones in Google

  8. Microsoft找到了领导合资事业的最佳人选&李开复,他成为「关系」中的重要角色之一。

    Microsoft found the perfect person to head the venture-Kai-Fu Lee , who became one of the key characters in Guanxi .

  9. 因此,2005年5月27日的时候,李开复飞往加州山景城与Google创始人谢尔盖·布林和拉里·佩奇做了会面。

    So Lee flew to meet with Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page in Mountain View , Calif. , on May27,2005 .

  10. 但创新工场CEO李开复认为:即便再简单的工作也会是一段有意义的经验。

    But Li Kaifu , CEO of Innovation Works , believes that even working on easy tasks is a beneficial experience .

  11. 背后的意思:吹牛,随便什么人都能贯上“guru”两字。Guru=专家、大牛。造句:ThisisMr.Kai-FuLee,Weiboguru.这位是微博专家李开复先生。

    Guru = An overly flattering title added to words like " social media " 。

  12. 曾在苹果工作过的前谷歌总裁李开复最近写博说这款平板电脑会附带3D制图,售价在1000美元以下。

    Kai-Fu Lee , a former Apple employee and previously the president of Google in China , recently blogged that the tablet would come with 3D graphics and a price tag below US $ 1,000 .

  13. 当我拜访李开复的时候,Google的奇迹正在北京的商业区的办公室里被进行着。

    When I visited with Lee , that miracle was being conducted out of a collection of bland offices in downtown Beijing that looked as if they had been hastily rented and occupied .

  14. Google的工程部主管艾伦·尤斯塔斯(AlanEustace)曾随同李开复体验过一次,对于人们蜂拥而来包围他的情形心有余悸。

    Google 's head of engineering , Alan Eustace , accompanied Lee on one trip and couldn 't get over how people mobbed him .

  15. 与此同时,据《新京报》(BeijingNews)报道,李开复已决定在亚马逊(Amazon)上免费提供其自传的英文版,让读者自己去判断是非曲直。

    In the mean time , Beijing news reports that Kai-fu Lee has decided to provide the English version of his biography for free on Amazon ( AMZN ) to allow people to decide for themselves .

  16. 当李开复回到微软所在的西雅图时,他收到Google寄来的一巨大箱子的问候礼,里面有一个篮球,一把椅子和一个印有Google商标的投币口香糖机。

    When Lee returned to Seattle , he was greeted by a huge box of Google swag , including a basketball , a chair , and a coin-operated gumball machine with a Google logo .

  17. 中国互联网上最知名的微博作者之一、前谷歌公司(Google)中国区总裁李开复周一上午开了中国最尖锐的愚人节玩笑之一。

    One of the Chinese Internet 's most popular microbloggers , former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee , became the perpetrator of one of the country 's most pointed April Fool 's jokes on Monday morning .

  18. 李开复是新浪微博上所谓的大V评论人士中的一位主要人物。大V指的是那些账户有V字认证、颇具影响力的用户。

    The executive is a leading member of the so-called ' Big V ' class of commentators on Weibo , influential users whose accounts are stamped with the letter ' V ' to indicate their verified status .

  19. 李开复是台湾人,他是中国科技圈中最知名的高管之一,这主要是因为他曾担任微软(Microsoft)中国业务负责人,之后还曾担任谷歌大中华区总裁。

    Mr. Lee , who is Taiwanese , is one of the most celebrated executives in the Chinese tech world , thanks largely to his work heading up the China operations of Microsoft and later Google .

  20. 李开复上周结束了谷歌大中华区总裁的四年任期。在这之前,他还曾为微软(Microsoft)效力。他是中国互联网行业最著名的人物之一。

    Mr Lee , who last week ended a four-year tenure as president of Google 's operations in China and has also worked at Microsoft , is one of the most prominent figures in the Chinese internet sector .

  21. 李开复表示,百度、腾讯(Tencent)和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等中国互联网公司很可能保持各自在中国市场的压倒地位,而它们的美国竞争对手则被有关中国的种种疑虑所牵制。

    Mr Lee said Chinese internet companies such as Baidu , Tencent and Alibaba were likely to retain their stranglehold on the Chinese market as misgivings about China held their American rivals back .

  22. 至于盖茨与微软(Microsoft)2005年加盟谷歌之前,他曾为微软效力李开复曾写道,他曾是就产品开发和战略向盖茨提供建议的七人高层智囊之一。

    Regarding gates and Microsoft ( MSFT ) , where he worked before moving to Google ( GOOG ) in 2005 , Lee wrote that while there was on a committee of seven executives who advised the CEO about product development and strategy .

  23. 前谷歌(Google)大中华区总裁李开复(LeeKai-fu)上周四晚间在其新浪认证微博账户中发布了一篇隐晦的微博,最先暗示自己罹患癌症。

    Lee Kai-fu , former head of China operations for Google , first suggested that he had been hit with the disease in a somewhat cryptic post on his verified Sina Weibo microblog feed late Thursday night .

  24. “张亚勤去北京‘PK’李开复”中国商业新闻在一标题中描述了新巨头微软与谷歌在中国经营的竞争。

    " Zhang Yaqin goes to Beijing to'PK'Lee Kai-fu ," the China Business News said in a headline referring to competition between the new heads of Microsoft Corp. 's and Google Inc. 's China operations .

  25. 李开复或许是所有海龟中最知名的一位。

    Lee was perhaps the most famous of all sea turtles .

  26. 李开复在邮件末尾再次为自己的行为道歉。

    Mr. Lee concluded his email apologizing again for his actions .

  27. 李开复说,在创意工场,风险投资会注入工程师们自己的创业项目中。

    Lee said engineers will get stakes in their own start-ups .

  28. 52岁的李开复在一封电子邮件中证实了自己被诊断罹患癌症。

    Mr. Lee , 52 , confirmed the diagnosis in an email .

  29. 在中国,很多年轻人都把李开复当作名人。

    For many young people in China , Kai-Fu Lee is a celebrity .

  30. 论商业秘密保护中的不可避免披露原则&以李开复事件为例

    Viewing the Doctrine of the Inevitable Trade Secrets Disclosure from the Kai-Fu Lee Event