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  1. 去年6月,订单疲软问题始终未能解决的李宁对商标进行了轻微改动,并推出了新口号:MaketheChange(让改变发生)。

    In June , confronting persistently weak order books , Li Ning gave itself a slightly different logo and a new slogan , Make the change .

  2. 在匹克的本土竞争对手中,最为成熟的当数李宁(LiNing)和安踏(Anta)。

    Peak 's most mature local competitors are Li Ning and Anta .

  3. 而对中国运动用品制造商李宁(lining)而言,这种记忆最好能停留得久一点。

    Li Ning , a Chinese sportswear maker , had better hope that they last a while longer .

  4. 另一家在奥运会营销方面投入大量资源的集团是中国运动服装零售商李宁(lining)。

    Another group throwing a lot of resources behind Olympics marketing is Li Ning , the sports clothing retailer .

  5. 匹克体育用品(PeakSportsProducts)发布了全年盈利预警,而李宁(LiNing)更换了长期执掌的首席执行官,以求找到新的业务模式。

    Peak Sports Products issued a full-year profit warning , while Li Ning dumped its long-serving chief executive in the hopes of finding a new business model .

  6. 中国市场研究(ChinaMarketResearch)的本•卡文德(BenCavender)表示,虽然中国政府的健康生活宣传有所帮助,但李宁公司做了“至少一部分优化绩效所需的必要工作”。

    Ben Cavender of China Market Research said that while Beijing 's healthy living push had helped , Li Ning had done " at least some of the necessary work needed to optimise performance . "

  7. 直到不久前,李宁(lining)还是国内品牌中的霸主它是一家由奥运会体操金牌得主李宁创建的同名连锁企业。

    Domestic brands have been dominated until recently by Li Ning , the eponymous chain founded by the gold medal-winning Olympic gymnast .

  8. 该公司还宣布,将任命公司创始人李宁担任代理行政总裁,同时仍在继续物色新的CEO。

    The company also announced the appointment of founder Li Ning as " interim CEO " while the search continues for a new leader .

  9. 李宁表示,公司签署了一项五年协议,在2016-17年前是中国篮球协会(ChineseBasketballAssociation)的设备赞助商,因此品牌营销和推广支出的费用将大幅上升。

    Li Ning said that it also faced a substantial increase in brand marketing and promotion expenses after it signed a five-year agreement to be the equipment sponsor for the Chinese Basketball Association until 2016-17 .

  10. 2004年进行首次公开发行(IPO)后,李宁公司购买了在华营销和广告中使用NBA标识及其运动员的权利。

    After its 2004 initial public offering , Li-Ning bought the rights to use the NBA logo and players in its marketing and advertising in China .

  11. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  12. 安踏还从之前的市场宠儿李宁(LiNing)的失误中吸取教训,李宁曾试图进军高端市场,结果度过了惨淡的几年。

    It has also learned from the mistakes of former market darling Li Ning , which tried to take its brand up market , resulting in several poor years .

  13. 当耐克公司(NikeInc.)、阿迪达斯和李宁在更高端市场上争得不可开交之际,安踏能在这个领域占据主导地位。

    With Nike , Adidas and Li Ning vying for a more affluent market , Anta can dominate this sector , the analysts say .

  14. 到了1990年,李宁创立了自己的运动服装企业李宁公司(Li-Ning)。

    By 1990 he had set up his own sportswear company , Li-Ning .

  15. 以李宁(LiNing)为例,这家中国体操运动员创立的运动服装品牌正进军高端市场,挑战耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司的在华业务。

    Take Li Ning , for example , the Chinese gymnast whose sportswear brand is going upmarket to challenge the likes of Nike and Adidas in China .

  16. 这种做法也损害了李宁的品牌,将中国的运动爱好者推向了耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)的怀抱。

    It tarnished Li Ning 's brand too , and helped push China 's sports fans into the arms of Nike and Adidas .

  17. 背后有私人股本集团TPGCapital和新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)出资的李宁公司曾在今年1月表示,它预期实现盈亏平衡。

    Li Ning , which is backed by private equity group TPG Capital and GIC , the Singapore wealth fund , had said in January it expected to break even .

  18. 李宁犯了一个错误:2010年,由于自信能与耐克(nike)和阿迪达斯(adidas)之类的全球大品牌竞争,该公司提高了价格。

    Li Ning tripped up when it raised prices in 2010 in the belief that it could compete with global powers such as Nike and Adidas .

  19. 11月份李宁宣布将斥资3.21亿港元(合4100万美元)收购上海红双喜冠都体育用品有限公司(ShanghaiDoubleHappinessCo.)58%的股份。红双喜主要生产乒乓球桌和相关体育用品,同时也是奥运会赞助商。

    Li Ning in November announced it would pay HK $ 321 million ( US $ 41 million ) to buy58 % of Shanghai Double Happiness Co. , a leading maker of ping-pong tables and equipment and a sponsor of the Olympics .

  20. 运动服饰制造商李宁(LiNing)就是一个警示,这家公司用卖不动的库存填充零售商的货架,却被迫回购这些商品来拯救品牌。

    Sportswear maker Li Ning was an early warning of what can happen & it stuffed its retailers with unsaleable stock , and was forced to buy heaps of the stuff back to salvage its brand .

  21. 困境中的中国运动服装集团李宁(LiNing)宣布,由于继续承担重组成本,公司第三次出现全年亏损。李宁是中国内地最知名品牌之一。

    Li Ning , the troubled Chinese sportswear company that is one of the mainland 's best known brands , announced its third full year loss as it continues to bear the costs of a restructuring .

  22. 在李宁宣布了此项收购交易之后,美林公司(MerrillLynch&Co.)分析师DeniseChai将李宁股票的目标价格上调25%,至32港元。

    After the deal 's announcement , Merrill Lynch analyst Denise Chai raised her target price for Li Ning stock by25 % to HK $ 32 .

  23. 目前,中国运动品牌李宁(Li-Ning)和皮克(Peak)都在充分利用篮球持续升温带来的机遇。耐克宣布,2010财年中国业务营收达到17亿美元。

    Already , Chinese footwear brands Li-Ning and Peak have capitalized on basketball 's growing popularity , and Nike reported a $ 1.7 billion in Chinese revenues for the2010 fiscal year .

  24. 处于亏损状态的中国运动服品牌李宁(LiNing)正向可穿戴技术发动首轮进攻。该公司正与一家小米(Xiaomi)投资的初创企业合作,试图扭转萎靡不振的业务局面。

    Lossmaking Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning is making a maiden foray into wearable technology , linking up with a Xiaomi-backed start-up in an effort to revive its flagging fortunes .

  25. 李宁公司可谓一鸣惊人,1999年,该公司在华收入达7亿元人民币,是耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)的两倍以上——这两家公司在华收入分别为3亿元人民币和1亿元人民币。

    It was an immediate hit , and in 1999 the company 's revenues in China reached Rmb700m , more than twice Nike 's Rmb300m and Adidas 's Rmb100m .

  26. 李宁在1984年洛杉矶奥运会上获得3枚金牌,他创立的李宁体育服装用品公司(liningsportinggoodscompany),是耐克(nike)和阿迪达斯(adidas)在中国市场上的一个劲敌。

    As well as winning three gold medals in the 1984 Los Angeles Games , he is the founder of the Li Ning sporting goods company , a serious rival to Nike and Adidas in the Chinese market .

  27. 过去6个月来,这位美国运动员一直在为中国鞋类零售商李宁公司(li-ning)做推广。

    For the past six months , the American athlete has also been promoting Li-Ning , the Chinese footwear retailer .

  28. 许多人对李宁(li-ning)寄予厚望,这是一家由奥运会体操项目金牌得主创办的运动鞋公司。

    Many people had high hopes for Li Ning , a sports shoe company started by an Olympic gold-medal winning gymnast .

  29. 在增长迅速的中国鞋类市场,李宁公司正陷入与耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)间的竞争。这家中国集团决心赶上那些大把花钱的跨国企业。

    Li Ning is locked in a battle with Nike and Adidas for the fast-growing Chinese footwear market and the Chinese group is determined to keep up with the heavy-spending multinationals .

  30. 此外,李宁公司还将在寻找新首席执行官的问题上面临质疑。此前的首席执行官是2012年由私募股权投资方TPG任命的,已经于去年11月离任。

    The company will face questions about its search for a new chief executive , after the one installed in 2012 by private equity backer TPG left in November .