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  • 网络reebok;pump;rbk
  1. 斯凯奇(Skechers),索康尼(Saucony)和伐柏拉姆五指鞋(VibramFiveFingers)跻身前三甲。锐步(Reebok),阿迪达斯(Adidas)和HokaOneOne紧随其后。

    Skechers , Saucony and Vibram FiveFingers took the three spots on the podium , while Reebok , Adidas and Hoka One One brought up the rear .

  2. 该公司经销耐克(nike)、锐步(reebok)及其它高档品牌,其中一些热销时髦商品售价超过100美元。

    It sells Nike , Reebok and other premium brands , with some hot fashion items costing more than $ 100 .

  3. 耐克(Nike)和锐步(Reebok)之间的争夺持续了三十多年,而且缔造了今天我们所熟知的体育明星文化。

    The battle between Nike and Reebok lasted over three decades and created celebrity athlete culture as we know it today .

  4. 2005年,阿迪达斯(Adidas)收购了锐步,但和巨无霸耐克相比,二者合并后成立的新公司虽然位居次席,但仍有一定的差距。

    In 2005 , Adidas bought Reebok , but the new , combined company is still a distant second to the Nike juggernaut .

  5. 曾经,耐克(Nike)挖空心思要打压势头生猛的锐步(Reebok),签下了一名叫做迈克尔•乔丹的大学篮球运动员。

    The day that Nike ( NKE , Fortune 500 ) , desperate for an advantage over a surging Reebok , signed a college hoops player named Michael Jordan .

  6. 出售另一个业绩表现不佳的业务部门锐步(Reebok)效果会更大,但锐步的销售和利润至少还在增长,而且跟整个集团更不可分。

    Selling Reebok , another underperformer , would have more impact , but Reebok 's sales and profits are at least growing and it is more integral to the group .

  7. shawty有这些,垮裆汗湿长裤,锐步和吊带,转身……

    Shawty had them , baggy sweat pants . Reeboks with the strap , just turned around and gave ...

  8. 此外,随着阿迪达斯逐渐放弃旗下江河日下的锐步(Reebok)品牌(特别是在美国),吞下锐步吐出的那部分市场份额的不是阿迪达斯,而是耐克。

    What is more , as Adidas moves away from its flagging Reebok brand , especially in the US , it is Nike , not Adidas , that is picking up the share .

  9. 玩摇柄需要一辆摇柄车(krankcycle),而目前纽约只有很少地方能找到,其中一个是位于哥伦布大道上的“锐步运动俱乐部”(ReebokSportsClub)。艾利·华盛顿

    To experience Kranking ® , you 'll need a Krankcycle ® , and , for the moment , one of the few places you can find one in New York is at the Reebok Sports Club / NY , on Columbus Avenue .

  10. 警方希望Leicester大学的这项研究能帮他们锁定嫌疑犯。研究人员了解到,北安普敦郡的盗贼中有52%都穿锐步。

    It is hoped the University of Leicester 's findings will help police to narrow their search while catching criminals . Researchers learned the Reebok Classic brand was worn by 52 out of 100 burglars in nearby Northamptonshire .

  11. 这两家公司都在迅速扩大自己的分销网络,带来了销售额的迅猛增长,其中,耐克上季度销售额增加了50%,而阿迪达斯集团包括锐步(reebok)和高尔夫品牌在内则上升了70%。

    Both companies are rapidly expanding their distribution networks , leading to rapid increases in sales , with Nike up 50 per cent in its last quarter . Adidas Group sales including Reebok and its golf brand were up 70 per cent .

  12. 1987年,锐步超过了耐克,后者陷入苦苦的追赶之中。

    Reebok overtook Nike in 1987 as the latter struggled to catch up .

  13. 在锐步球场赢球总是令人愉快的事。

    A victory at the Reebok always feels sweet .

  14. 美国坎顿锐步集团全球总部

    Reebok World Headquarters , Canton , USA

  15. 锐步公司将花费四亿一千一百万美元在全球营销。

    Reebok 411 million on global marketing .

  16. 你看样子好像想让锐步给你做个无袖衫?

    Q. You looking to perhaps convince Reebok to make a sleeveless shirt for you ?

  17. 锐步运动鞋:光脚身高五英尺九英寸。穿上锐步身高10英尺。

    Five feet nine inches in his socks . Ten feet tall in his shoes .

  18. 上赛季索迪里奥斯·基尔贾科斯的利物浦首演也是做客锐步球场的比赛。

    Sotirios Kyrgiakos made his Liverpool debut in this fixture at the Reebok last season .

  19. 好啊,我有个表哥是给锐步开车的。

    Yeah . I think I got a cousin that drives a truck for reebok .

  20. 1984年,法尔曼收购了锐步的母公司,又在第二年让锐步上市。

    Fireman bought out the parent company in 1984 and took Reebok public the following year .

  21. 当我们要求锐步派特里?塔特给我们时,有些人认为我们是疯了。

    When we asked Reebok to send us Terry tate , some people thought we were crazy .

  22. 我不觉得李宁鞋的质量比耐克或者锐步差。

    I do not think the quality of Lining 's product is worse than Nike or Reebok .

  23. 中国公司的产品和耐克或者锐步相比就在广告投入上更少。

    The major difference between this Chinese company from Nike or Reebok is the less expenditure on advertisement .

  24. 锐步鞋声称说这种鞋可以使臀大肌活动增加28%,小腿和腿筋活动增加11%。

    Reebok says this increases muscle activity in the glutes by28 percent and in the calves and hamstrings by11 percent .

  25. 作为一个公司,我们经营着三个知名的品牌:阿迪达斯,锐步和泰勒梅-阿迪达斯高尔夫。

    As a company , we are organized around our biggest businesses and best-known brands : adidas , Reebok and TaylorMade-adidas Golf .

  26. 1984年,每一名美国孩子的锐步跑鞋上,都有三颗帅气的尼龙搭扣,取代了原来的金银丝花边。

    In 1984 , every kid in America had a pair of Reeboks with three sweet Velcro fasteners instead of lame laces .

  27. 耐克,一个运动鞋制造商,也设立了打败敌人的目标,首先是阿迪达斯,然后是锐步。

    Nike , a sports-shoe manufacturer , also thrived on a mission to defeat the enemy , first Adidas , then Reebok .

  28. 去上班时,女人会穿上名牌毛料套装,然后踩双锐步的运动鞋。

    When preparing for work , a woman will put on a Mondi wool suit , and then slip in Reebok sneakers .

  29. 赛季初利物浦在锐步3比2取胜,在分别凯文-戴维斯和科恩先进球的情况下,利物浦两度后来居上。

    Earlier this season Liverpool won3-2 at the Reebok , twice coming from behind after conceding goals to Kevin Davies and Tamir Cohen .

  30. 在今年2月15日,她和同学所组成的队伍被命名为锐步北京高中篮球联赛最佳啦啦队。

    Xu and her schoolmates were named the best cheerleading team at the Reebok Beijing High School Basketball League final on February 15 .